Today, I would like to share my opinion about the 'conventional modern medicine' paradigm. I've told and shared my views with tons of my friends, relatives, colleagues as well as clients about how modern conventional medicine paradigm works. Some seemed to agree with me, but most of them, seem clueless and surprised.
Let me ask you. What is the first thing you did, whenever you feel sick, or having 'high' fever, or maybe bad cough or catch a cold? Yes, you are right. Go see a doctor. Question, does any of you realize that what conventional doctors study? Well, go ask any of your friends or relatives who completed his or her med school degree. Let me give you a hint. Pharmaceutical drugs + diagnosis and treatment of symptoms? Wonder why everytime you are sick, you take a pill. Fever? No problem, take panadol. Cough? Sure, take cough syrup. How about sorethroat and flu? Oh yeah, antibiotics!
Another question. Wonder why everytime you go inside the clinic's room, you only get approximately few minutes with the doctor? I bet most of you don't realize and even care less why is that so. Imagine, you go into the clinic room, doctors ask "What's wrong?". You said, "I have fever, bad sorethroat and cough". Doctor replied " Sure. I'll give you panadol, antibiotics and cough syrup". Then you walked out of the clinic, paid the lady in the pharmacist counter, walked out of the clinic, and thought you will recover in few days time after completion of these so called 'medicine'. But, do you know in fact if your temperature is below 39.9 degrees celcius, you are highly recommended NOT to take panadol or any other drugs which go against your immune system trying to fight and kill off the pathogens? Do you even know why you have a fever? Well, I wrote before about how to treat fever without using any drugs given by doctor or over the counter meds. Go read it.
Meanwhile, does any of you realize that a lot of doctors hate their job? Being a doctor is supposed to be righteous, honorable and proud right? Saving people's lives and improving people's health and treating root cause of the illness right? Well, I doubt it. Conventional doctors, never treat underlying root cause. It's primarily all about pharmaceutical drugs and symptoms. Think about it, they are in a model that does not work, as they never treat the cause. They are unknowing pawns of the drug companies and make relatively little money. Then, they have to deal all day long with complaining patients, who are all failing to get better because of the doctors' ignorant recommendations.
The system is set up to sell the quick fix, what they label the so-called "cure". Only in many cases, the "cure" merely adds new problems to a patient's list of complaints. The business of being a doctor in this country has been reduced to being the front man for a multi-billion dollar drug business whose primary mission seems to be enriching their bottom line by keeping you sick!
These days, the initial assault to your health comes from all around you: The water delivered to your doorstep is filled with harmful chemicals, our food chain has been hijacked by Monsanto's pesticide saturated GMO agriculture "foods" that also dominates what we feed to our livestock. Sugar and artificial sweeteners, found in almost everything these days, are other health destroyers that are pervasive in our food supply. And when you're finally sick enough to see your doctor, after years of this daily abuse, what does he or she tell you?
Oh yeah, the doctor wants you to take a pill! That's practically the only advice left for doctors to give, between the pressure put on them by the insurance companies to keep office visits brief and inexpensive, and the pressure put on them by the drug companies to push their pills. And the pills the doctors recommend to you are backed up by 'studies' that are funded by the drug industry. And the FDA uses these drug industry-funded 'studies' to put their rubber stamp of approval on just about anything sent down the pike.
With the vast majority of physicians using the drug model described above, an enormous level of frustration is inevitable, as virtually none of their recommendations ever solve the problem. It merely treats the symptoms and causes other side effects. So, it doesn't surprise me to hear that one third of doctors are unhappy about some aspect of their profession.
They are on the front lines of the largest sustained assault on public health in the history of civilization, and rather than advise patients about the true underlying conditions that lead to health, they are left putting toxic band-aids on gaping wounds. The doctors as well as patients are frustrated when the wounds don't heal, because the entire apparatus has been rigged to produce continually diminishing health. Finally, the doctors must continue to work within this model because if they deny a patient any drug that the drug industry-supported 'studies' are touting as the "solution", they might be sued for malpractice! I know that sound insane, but it's the painful truth.
Then, there is the peer pressure they receive if they start to adopt natural therapies and are viewed as weird or strange by their professional colleagues. But the system is rigged against them, putting constraints on their time, their medical options and their livelihood if they try to practice medicine outside of the accepted conventions of the current system.
Finally, how can you protect yourself from being sick? I know I know, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat healthy foods and exercise right? Well, that's right, I couldn't agree more. But, question is, why someone like you, who think that you have been eating healthy and exercise regularly, but still not feeling that healthy and often falls sick? How about people who develop chronic degenerative diseases or illnesses? How about infertility? Unable to conceive or erectile dysfunction? I know Viagra or Cialis is considered magic 'performance' pill for most men, but it doesn't treat the underlying cause of your reproductive system ongoing problems. Ever wonder why you often feel bloated or having digestion problems or maybe becomes overweight/obese? Perhaps, the diet/foods you have been eating, might not be healthy after all. How about exercise? Jogging does help on body transformation or lose body fat effectively? Well, sit down quietly, have an open mind and think.