Friday, April 27, 2012

Mercury: (Part 3)

When was the last time you visit your dentist? My next appointment coming up probably next couple months time, and I always had a good chat with my dentist, usually end up in awkward brief conversation before the real 'oral screening' session starts. Not a good idea to piss off your dentist prior to treating your teeth and gums I would say. It used to be a nightmare for me, when comes to scheduling a dental appointment. Not anymore, when I start to learn more and more about oral health, which closely tied to overall health including bacteria growth within gums, mercury fillings, etc.

Today's post, will most likely makes you anger at your dentist, or any other dentist in general. What I would say, is have an open mind, and keep reading, do some research, and connect the dots. What if I tell you that your dentist have been lied to, just as we have? Their union, the ADA, has done all they can to cover up information, not only about mercury toxicity but also about the dangers of fluoride and to give false assurances to their members that rumors of toxicity are nothing more than baseess scare tactics by health fanatics.

Dentists should be out in the forefront fighting this battle. This is opportunity not only to redeem themselves, but also to help in battle to prevent others from being harmed by the dangerous practice of using amalgam fillings. In all actuality, the dentist and his or her assistants are at highest risk of mercury toxicity. The female asisstant can forget about conceiving babies, and the likelyhood of sucidal thought are much higher then ever.

The first lie perpetuated by the ADA leadership, as well as professors in dental schools, and among practicing dentists was that mercury vapor does not escape from amalgams because it is bound to other metals in the amalgam that render it. As you have seen in the video demonstrated by Dr. Kennedy (last post), this is not true, and they knew it. Big bunch of lies! Knowing that they had no defense scientifically, then then resorted to making removal of dental amalgams a violation of ethical standards, and finally they influenced licensing boards to pull the licenses of dentists who refused to maintain the lie. 

Now, while a patient will be exposed to dangerously high levels of mercury vapor only while undergoing treatment, the dentist will suffer the effects of prolonged and cumulative exposure. One study conducted in Singapore compared dentists who use amalgams with those who did not, and found that dentists exposed to dental mercury restoratives had higher aggresive mood scores when tested with a battery of psychological tests. Similiar results were found among American dentists who use dental amalgams in their practices. 

It is interesting to note that in several European countries, Germany, Austria, Denmark and Sweden, the use of dental amalgams had either banned or is in process of a scheduled phase out. The largest producer of demtal amalgams in Germany announced that it would no longer provide the substance to dentists because of pending and future lawsuits.

Does any of you realize or know how mercury could harm you? Mercury harms biological systems in many ways. Like its cousins, cadmium and lead, mercury greatly increases free radical production within the cell and lipid perodixation in the cell membrane. In fact, much of the damage done by mercury results from free radical injury, which involves all of a cell's components.

Once absorbed, mercury is distributed to all parts of a cell with a set distribution, which almost half of the amount resides in the mitochindria, almost 40% in the nucleus and remaining in the cytoplasm and microsomes. In the cell's nucleus, mercury binds tightly to all of the mucleic bases of DNA and as a result, causing the cell to mutate. Mercury has also been shown to damage the membrane lining the mitochondria, thereby impairing its ability to regulate calcium levels in the cell, which can trigger cell death. Once mercury triggers lipid peroxidation within the cell membrane, additional destructive chemicals such as peroxyl ions are produced, greatly magnifying the original damage. 

Mercury inhibits the fucntions of several antioxidant enzymes, which puts cells at great risk and, as we have already seen, many diseases are associated with impaired antioxidant protection, including diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, strokes and neurodegenerative diseases as well. Mercury also inhibits two other enzymes, called glutathione reductase and glutathione sunthase, which are responsible for free radical protection. Another way mercury can damage cells is by interering with protein synthesis, the building of proteins for the cell. In addition, mercury also poses special risks to brain. In the nervous system, a loss of energy production, which accompanies mercury toxicity, increases the brain's release of glutamate, leading to even further damage. Brain cells deprived of energy are up to one hundred times more sensitive to glutamate excitotoxicity injury and death than cells with normal energy supplies. This damage by glutamate further increases free radical production, leading to a vicious cycle that ends in the death of the surrounding brain cells in large numbers, a mechanism that may be responsible for many neurodegenerative diseases.

In its metallic form, mercury is poorly absorbed from the GI tract but constantly releases highly absorbable mercury vapor, especially through the mucous membrane lining the mouth, nasal passages and lungs too. Once absorbed, it can exist as the mercury ions, which has difficulty entering most of the brain due to poor penetration through the protective blood brain barrier, but can enter certain parts of the brain, such as the hypothalamus, that do not have a barrier system.

The organic form of mercury, called methylmercury, on the other hand, easily penetrates the brain, yet at a slower rate than other tissues of the body. Dental amalgam releases mercury that can exist in all three forms, as a vapor, as the ion and methylmercury. Yes i know, you must be asking, "Seafoods also contains mercury right?". Well, major source of seafoods in fact contain methylmercury.

We know that certain forms of mercury, such as methylmercury are highly lipid soluble, which makes the brain especially susceptible to mercury accumulation. These forms of mercury are found in vaccines as the preservative thimerosal. Once in the brain, it tends to attach itself to protein structures, especially the cell membrane, mercury changes the membrane's fluid like quality, making it stiffer and causing the cell to age faster. 

By now, you must be asking, there are tons of damage mercury can cause to our body and brain. Are there more destructions? The answer is YES. Bear in mind, mercury can also affect neurotransmitters in the brain. For example, mercury has been shown to inhibit the uptake of the neurotransmitters dopamine, seratonin and norepinephrine into their synaptic storage depots. When a neuron secretes a neurotransmitter to convey a message to its neighboring neurons, the chemical messenger must be quickly remove or the message will become scrambled, and in some cases, the nuerotransmitter itself acts like a toxin. If levels get too high, similiar to glutamate, neuron death can occur very quickly. For future mums and dads, this is especially important in newborns and people with neurological diseases, since they are much more vulnerable than mature or healthier individuals. 

Also important is the fact that the brain tends to retain more mercury than other organs, such as the kidney. It is also very important for children who suffer from seizures. Mercury exposure during development, damaged the brain system that normally suppresses the spread of seizures, in addition to causing widespread neuron loss.

This could help to explain why some children develop difficulty to control seizures early in life. If the mother has amalgams, consumes large amounts of mercury containing seafoods, is occupationally exposed to mercury, or is exposed to any combination of these conditions during pregnancy, her baby's brain could be damaged in such a way as to encourage seizures.
Vigorous cleaning or scalling of the amalgam surfaces generates a large amount of mercury vapor that quickly enters the baby's system. 

Meanwhile, does any of you suffer chronic fatigue or muscle weakness? Chronic exposure to mercury may explain chronic fatigue syndrome. It may not be the root cause, but it contributes to the problem. Chronic fatigue and weakness would certainly be compatible with mercury selectively damaging muscle cells energy enzymes.

In summary, we have seen that mercury, even in concentrations too low to cause cell death, can affect multiple neuron cell functions, such as membrane transport, calcium regulation, energy production, neurotransmitter control, free radical production, excitotoxicity, enzyme fucntion, DNA stability and repair and antioxidant defenses as well. Nutrition can protect the nervous system on many levels by strengtening cell membranes, protecting DNA, chelating mercury, enhancing mercury removal, improving cellualr energy production, reducing inflammation and others. 

In my next post, I will discuss about the effects of mercury on soon- to-be-mums and babies. Stay tuned. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mercury: (Part 2)

Today, I would like to discuss about dental amalgam fillings (silver filling), ADA as well as abit about dentists. I just recently met a dentist who told me that mercury in amalgam is safe and doesn't cause any harm to the body. I just looked at her and smile, hinting to her, "Please do your job dentist".

Now, dentists began using mercury amalgams to fill cavities over 150 years ago. Amalgams are, in fact, mixtures of various substances used to fill cavities, and include approximately 50% mercury, 30% silver and small amounts of zinc, tin and copper. Bear in mind, that profits from using amalgams were just too great to resist. Today, ADA is one of the best funded dental organizations in the world, with over $27 millions in annual dues and $10 million more from grants and support from dental product manufacturers and advertisers.

As Dr.David Kennedy, a dentist opposed to the use of dental amalgams, states in his book, How To Save Your Teeth, the ADA makes the official claim that "Amalgam restorations continue to be shown safe for the vast majority of patients". As you continue to read this post and the next following post, you shall see, there is considerable evidence that mercury from dental amalgams is extremently hazardous to human health.

Mercury has already been known to be a danger to human health when amalgams were first introduced in the United States over 150 years ago. So, how can the ADA justify their stand on safety? They simply tell the unwary public. as well as their own members, that "Mercury is made virtually harmless when it combines with other metals used to produce amalgam". Dr. Kennedy states in his book, "This is an out-and-out lie". From my honest point of view, based on years of heavy metals toxicity knowledge, I would say, he is right on target, spot on. I agree with Dr. Kennedy and other health experts who oppose to dental amalgams.

Well, another distortion of the truth is that mercury in human comes primarily from the diet, especially from seafood. In truth, we get almost seven times more mercury from dental amalgams as from fish and other seafoods. In an attempt to stem the rising tide of dentists publicly expressing concerns about using amalgam, the ADA then tried to make it unethical for dentists to remove the toxic substance from their patients. They added in their code of ethics from the following language. "The removal of amalgam restorations from the non-allergic patient for the alleged purpose of removing toxic substances from the body, when such treatment is perform solely at the recommendation or suggestion of the dentist, is improper and unethical".

Now, you might conclude from the wording that the ADA has a legitimate point, since an unscrupulous dentist could frighten his patients into paying for a very expensive procedure, whether or not it was based on good science. The real problem is that the ADA leadership knew that the medical doctors were generally unaware of the issue of amalgam toxicity, and so would not be inclined to send their patients to a dentist for removal of amalgam fillings.

Guess what. as a further safeguard against dental rogues breaking ranks, many local and state dental boards will revoke dentists licences for removing dental amalgams. Many dentists have already had their licenses revoked for even REFUSING to use dental amalgams in their practice! In other words, ADA forces dentists to harm patients so the organization can continue to charade that amalgam fillings are safe.

Here comes the pivotal question, and of course, the most often denied by the ADA. Is mercury absorbed from dental amalgam fillings? Mercury does indeed leak from dental amalgam was first discovered in 1926 by the German scientist, Dr. Alfred Stock. His findings were confirmed in 1979 by Dr.Gay and again in 1981 by Dr. Carl Svare. Dr. Svare conducted experiments in volunteers among his dental students to see if the amalgams in their mouth released mercury. One student, left during long wait to be tested and returned eating a slice of pizza. When she was tested, the doctor was shocked to see that she has enormously high mercury levels in her readings. Thinking that it might be the pizza that contained the mercury, he had it tested. When the results came back negative, he had her repeat the breath test, but this time, but this time had her chew on a piece of rubber tubing. Once again, her mercury vapor levels were sky high.

Based on this 'chewing gum study', other researchers repeated the experiment under better controlled conditions and found similiar results, which chewing dramatically increases release of mercury from dental amalgams. Check this out. The EPA sets the maximum acceptable dose of mercury, other than from air, at 10ug. The average dental amalgam filling contains around 750,000 ug of mercury!

A large number of people, especially the ones who often chew on chewing gums, not just for five minutes, but for hours in a single day. Also, when rinsed with hot water, it further increase in mercury vapor release. Well, nearly everyone consumes hot food and liquids on a daily basis. People who do not have the highest mercury vapor levels and hence the highest blood and tissue levels.

Another consideration is manipulation of your fillings by a dentist. A high speed dental drill can release mercury levels as high as 4,000 ug, 18 inches from the drill. Remember, 50 ug is the limit set by the EPA for safe occupational exposure. This high concentration of mercury is absorbed by the tissues of your mouth and distributed throughout your body. The dentist and his asisstant share in this mercury cloud too. In fact, even unaware patients sitting in the wating room are exposed to high mercury vapor levels.

It is also important to realize that approximately 80% of mercury released by your fillings is being constantly absorbed and stored in your body. For example, if your fillings release 12ug of mercury a day, in a week you will have absorbed 84ug, and in a month 360ug. A small portion of that dose will be excreted, but most of it will be stored in your body. It also known that absorbed mercury accumulates in the nervous system. In fact, studies have shown that brain levels of mercury increase about three to four folds in those with dental amalgams compared to those without. Mercury from amalgams was also found to saturate gum tissues as well as the jawbone itself.

Everyday, we do many things that increase the release of mercury vapor from amalgam fillings, chew gum, brush our teeth, have dental work done our our teeth cleaned and consume hot foods and drinks. Even undergoing general anesthesia poses a risk due to oral manipulation by the anesthesiologist during intubation and mechanical stimulation to the teeth by the endotrachial tube.

Removing amalgams without taking special precautions dramatically increases mercury blood levels for over a month. Concentrated release of mercury vapor can severely exacerbate pre-existing neurological conditions. But, once amalgam fillings are removed, mercury levels will slowly decline. Before I sign off this post, I would like to share with you a youtube video posted by Dr. David Kennedy (dentist), who revealed that mercury vapor is released from an extracted tooth. Watch it folks.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Mercury: (Part 1)

Well well. Heavy metals toxicity. How much do you know and realize about it? Do you have heavy metals toxicity in your body? Has any of you did heavy metals detox before? Today, I will write about one of the most poisonous naturally occurring substances on the earth. 

Because of its tremendous toxicity, it is carefully regulated by the EPA, OSHA as well as other regulatory bodies. Many of us are being exposed to levels of mercury that have been demonstrated to significantly affect the nervous and immune systems and other biological structures. For instance, children and adults are being exposed to mercury in a multitude of ways, through vaccines, medications, broken thermometers, antiseptics, industrial usage, contaminated fish and dental amalgams.  

Mercury use is so widespread in certain industries that many workers are occupationally exposed every day to this toxic metal. Although mercury exposure can damage many bodily systems, the nervous, immune, and cardiovascular systems suffer the most adverse effects of such chronic exposure, and there is growing evidence that mercury toxicity plays a vital role in significant number of cases of Alzheimer's disease as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. 

Now, let us explore the history of mercury toxicity. First of all, we have to find out and realize, where does mercury comes from? Mercury occurs naturally across the earth due to degassing of the earth's crust. This constant release of of the earth's supply of mercury into lakes, streams, and oceans releases thousands and thousands of tons per year. However, most human contact with this deadly toxin comes from man-made sources such as dental amalgam, beauty creams, mirrors, medications, vaccinations, coal-burning, and other industrial uses. Fossil fuels such as coal may contain as much 1ppm of mercury. It has been estimated that as much as 5000 tons of mercury are released into the atmosphere every year from burning coal and natural gas and refining petroleum products.

A very dense element with many unusual physical properties, mercury is the only common metal that exists as a liquid at ordinary temperatures. Due to its high surface tension, it beads easily when spilled and its high density led to its use in barometers.

Mercury can occur in three forms, in its elemental form as pure metal, or combined with other elements to form organic and inorganic compounds. Rarely found uncombined in nature, mercury is usually encountered as mercuric sulfide ore. For commercial use, the metal is seperated by roasting the ore in air. It is then purified by repeated vacuum distillation, and combined with other metals to form compounds and organic salts that are applied in a wide range of industrial uses. Mercury, when combined with other metals, also forms a special kind of alloy called amalgam, which is widely used in dentistry for filling teeth.

Human methylmetal mercury exposure mainly comes from eating contaminated fish, unlike metal mercury. The methylmercury compound is highly absorbable from the gastrointestinal tract. Consumption of toxic fish and of mammals that feed on fish is main risk to humans.

Large sea animals, such as sharks, swordfish, and large tuna have some of the highest mercury levels of any edible seafood. And, the highest levels of all are found in whales. Canned tuna is taken from smaller species and has considerably less mercury than larger tuna. Periodically, high mercury levels are also found in various fresh water species.

Now, let's talk abit about the STD syphilis. Does any of you heard of this disease before? For whoever is familiar with this sexually transmitted disease, it is most widespread use of mercury in medications to treat this disease. These medications were combined in creative ways and used in both children and adults. Mercury was combined with chalk and honey of rose and made into plasters and ointments. Intravenous injections of mercury, as well as specially designed inhalations of mercury vapor, were given for syphilis treatment. Other compound called 'blue ointment' was rubbed along the inner thighs, chest, back or abdomen as a daily treatment of syphilis.

The use of mercurial medications to treat syphilis became so common throughout the industrialized world that millions of people already tormented by the debilitating effects of syphilis were also forced to endure acute mercury poisoning. The use of mercury to treat syphilis was one of the greatest medical disasters of all time, since it had done little effect on syphilis itself.

Next, dentists have been using a special mixture or amalgam, consisting of mercury, tin, zinc and other metals for filing teeth for over approximately 150 years. This so called 'silver filling' composed of approximately 50% mercury, constantly releases vapor that is highly absorbed by the tissues of the mouth and nose.

Acute poisoning with with massive doses of mercury is clinical obvious, with such symptoms as abdominal cramps, kidney failure, tremor, hallucinations, muscular weakness, and numbness in the hands and feet. Lower mercury levels frequently cause unusual irritability, timidity and suicidal tendecies. Even lower levels may produce symptoms that most physicians would not even connect to mercury toxicity. Symptoms such as frequent colds, joint pains, autoimmune disorders, and subtle neurological dsyfunctions such as inability to think clearly, poor memory, headaches, and emotional disorders.

So, we see that mercury poisoning has been a problem throughout the history of industrialized nations. Unfortunately, the problem is not getting better, only worse. I will discuss about American Dental Association cover up of mercury in amalgam, and dentistry world as well in next post. Stay tuned.

Friday, April 13, 2012

My many more people can I help?

To all my clients and people who join my program...thanks for the testimonials. Appreciate it from the bottom of my heart. My quote for everyone,  "You can't exercise your way out of a poor diet. We humans, have evolved from a 'fat burning machine' to a carbohydrates craving estrogen driven species! Why would caveman go jogging during famine? Thats stupid! A miligram of gluten a day, keeps the villi from healing away. Nature has the best and only medicine we need. "Drugs do not restore, but destroy."

"All disease begins in the gut" - Hippocrates


"My wife and I have joined this program almost 1 year, and we have totally changed our life style, including diet, sleeping cycle and the way of exercise. I lost almost 10 kg as well as my wife. For us this is the best fitness program ever, it has its own uniqueness that we can feel more energetic after the work out session, which we never ever experienced before. It’s just not about sweating after work it’s about how to improve your valuable lifestyle. Thanks to Mr. Trainer, he has been helping us with his priceless knowledge."


"Your program change me and my husband life style a lot. Since joining, we was lost so much weight and transform us from fat to quite lean body. Not just physically muscle up body, we also learn a lot about food, nutrition, and how to live healthy. You help us a lot to transform our self and motivate us to be a better healthy person. Fitness plus nutrition program was awesome. We are enjoy our daily workout with other colleagues end of the day after work."


"I contacted my trainer to help me to break my mindset about exercise & live healthier. But really I just wanted to get healthier, gain more energy and get in overall better shape. Before training with this trainer I had no experience and was intimidated by gym equipment , casual jogging etc . He is very patient and given me great instructions with details explanations. At first sticking with the diet and holding myself accountable was challenging. But when I started seeing results ( for now my energy level increasing after the first month) I started feel motivated and enjoying his session . I had excellent time training with him & bonding with friends. I'm seeing things differently now. I had an amazing experience!"


"His method and approach towards training is personalized according to respective individual strength and abilities. He has various exercise routines making daily workout more exciting. He has plenty of advice to offer from our daily diet, lifestyle apart from workout. He has vast knowledge on dietary and workout routines. He also ensure everyone is serious and committed at what they are doing and motivates them accordingly. I would highly recommend my trainer's style and approach to anyone."


"I felt so lean and fit after joining my trainer's program. His not only train/focus on our body but also our life style cycle which most of the personal trainer outside there won't or probably they don't know. Good motivators.
Nothing we learn from this program is ever wasted except FAT.
There are really only two requirements when it comes to exercise.  One is that you do it.  The other is that you continue to do it!"


"This program combines fitness, and nutrition to enhance my faith and transform my health. It lead a proper way toward a healthy life style."


"Before joining this programme, the only game I play is just paintball. Thinking as a form of exercise, which I am wrong. Has always played as support fire / creating diversions from the back @ last bunker.

After I have joined this programme, not only I get to play paintball @ front base… , most importantly, my health conditions has improved tremendously.

Basically, this programme emphasizes trainings on functional movements, which is mimicking how our primal ancestors used to hunt for food & carry them back to the cave. In the modern days, this would come in handy where correct posture and movements would get maximum impact on the actions we are performing, as well as, keeping our body from getting injuries. Day to day activities becomes a walk in the park.

Lastly, I fully support the idea, and would be interested to enroll, if my trainer is appointed as the instructor for my company Corporate Fitness programme under the purview of Sports & Social Club."


"Only 15 minutes of workout, but results proven are many times fold! With a combination of a professional qualified trainer, excellent proven international recognized workouts combined with the trainer’s own hybrid workouts bring even more positive result in a short period of time.

Workout is not about running your life out on a treadmill, and cycling the daylights out of you on a stationary bike. With a good guidance and training methods from my trainer, one does not need to spend more than 15mins during training, to achieve what other people achieve not even half when spending hours in the gym every week.

I could see not only physical results, but internally my stamina, my own body strength, my anaerobic power have all improved dramatically. All the pains and aches which I had before starting the workout, have all gone. It is like a miracle. Not only he provides physical qualified trainings and yoga, he also does nutrition planning, all into one package. Good advice and professional inputs on types of food, drinks etc. All the misconception about food and supplements and all the dark hidden secrets and myths about all these will be very clear, explained with reasons and grounds and myth busted!

Getting to know my trainer and his program was a real life changing event in my life. As my trainer will always say, “Are You Too Lazy To Live?”

Thank you!"


"The thing that interested me from this program is that the program involves exercises that takes up a very short time and is effective in delivering the intended results. During the program, I was able to reduce my body fat % by 3-5%. Not only did the trainer focused in creating exercise that are suitable for our fitness levels, he also monitored our daily food intake and advised us on items that we should refrain from. The overall workout is much different compared to the other conventional gymnasium workouts because the concept is to target not only the aerobic energy systems but the other energy systems that control bursts of energy. I find the exercises challenging as well as fun."


"My goal when I joined this program, my goal was simply to lose weight. My way of thinking is that if one exercises constantly, one can easily shed all those extra baggage J not to mention (which is true enough) the less you eat (or in my case: not eating) the faster you can get rid of the extra kilos and boy… am I wrong :p
I learned the smart way to lose weight (apart from workout) is the right choice of food we take.
My trainer gave all of us a list of food items that we should eat for metabolisms, core strength whatnots.
I learn to slowly eat healthy and in time my body and mental health changes. I become less lethargic and less sleeeeepy J during working hours. On top of that, more energy during workout.
My trainer always gives nutrition advice. What should we eat, what is healthy food, promote healthy living.
What still etched in my brain to this day is this equation: Gr8 skin = nutrition+ sleep cycle+ exercise.
I used to get excited when I go to supermarket for restock of my daily junk. I got twinkle in my eyes seeing isle of foods. However, what’s not fun nowadays all I do is look. No desire to buy cos not all are healthy J even it says “NO SUGAR ADDED”.
So long story short, I owed it one to you…."
---THE END J-----


"Before I join this program, I have a totally different approach towards health. Different understanding on what would be a good exercise regime, what food is good beneficial to my health.
I work out in the gym at least an hour each session, play sports continuously, jogging @ joining marathon to shave the unwanted pounds.

After joining this program, it’s a total turnaround of my previous understanding of health.

New information and sharing from my trainer had change my approach to health, the way I work out, eat, sleep, handle stress & work. And this is an ongoing life process for me.

I can seriously say that joining this programme was my life saver, and I look forward to have a full transformation to health. Thanks to you"


"Personally I really satisfied with this program because you always encourage the participants to always stay healthy and keep fit. Not just by doing exercise regularly (in a correct way),  it also about the importance and awareness of taking a good food for your body."


"I personally feel this is a very good program.
I feel more energetic n healthy now. I lose almost 5 kg now within 3 months."


"Getting in shape, toning and losing some weight has been a challenge ever since I stopped running after university. With proper nutrition advice and personalized workout to suit my current fitness ability , this workout programme has helped regain my strength and body's flexibility as well as lose those extra weight gained. The workout, although difficult at times, was fun and challenging and kept my attention. I hate routine - my trainer's training was anything but. I looked forward to every session with my trainer and still do! Now I feel much healthier and more energetic going through my daily routine.

Small time sacrifice, big strength/flexibility results. Decreased guilt for years of exercise avoidance."


"I have joined the program since Jun last year and the result is remarkable.
Before I was joining the session, my weight is 95kg. Everyday I run 3km and after 2,3 months, my weight is the same and it wouldn’t going down.
Besides that I’m also practicing diet by taking the diet juice and skipping my meal but the still the result is disappointed.
Feeling a low energy in my daily life and sometime easy to get sick.
But,after I join the session, my weight going down tremendously without skipping my meal. I ate 4 to 5 times a day but my weight still going down. I feel energetic in my daily life and seldom to get sick.
Plus, joining the session cans really releasing you from work stress."


"Before this, all I know about diet and workout were:

- FAT makes you fat
- Eat less, lose more weight
- Eat less meat, aim for low fat product
- Drink protein shakes
- Take liquid diet

- The longer you jog, the healthier you are
- Go gym, always

I did swimming, badminton and golfing in a regular basis (jog sometimes), but still, I am OVERWEIGHT.

Then I get to know this program from my trainer, I learned that EVERYTHING I know about diet and workout are wrong.

I lost 8KG of fat in just 2 weeks after joining the program. I felt great during the day, no dozing off during work, felt alert and fresh all the time.

This is by far the best and most effective program that I joined.

Thanks to you."


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Probiotics : Which one to choose?

Today, I would like to share with all of you, my views and opinions about probiotics supplements. A lot of people asked me "Is Vitagen and Yakult good?". Some of my friends also not sure if single strain probiotic is an ideal choice for our gut flora. Bear in mind, today's post, is NOT about promoting any specific brands as I'm not paid to do any form of advertising for any supplement companies.

First of all, do take note that our gut flora, does not consists of only one or two strains of beneficial (good) bacteria. Our gut flora, has alot of different strains of this little microorganisms. There are tons of probiotic supplements which sells one or two strains. What really ticks me off, are beverage manufacturers, such as Yakult and Vitagen, claiming that their beverage products has good bacteria and beneficial for our gut health. What a joke! Does any of you realize how much of sugar is in those beverages? Sugar feeds 'bad' bacteria, as well as fungal and parasite. Not to mention sugar accelerate growth of cancer cells. If a beverage so called has a single strain of beneficial bacteria, and at the same time contains high amount of sugar which feeds bad bacteria, how does this even sounds? I let you folks do the math here. 

I know tons of parents encourage and bought Yakult and Vitagen for their kids at home overdose with these so called probiotic drinks. Thinking that it healthy and can benefit their kids GI health? You got to be kidding me! I'm not going to write a long post today about gut flora, as I may find time to write about it some other day. Attached picture is a sample of one of the probiotic supplements I personally use it for my daily supplementation of 'good' bacteria. There are tons of other good ones out there, but sadly in Malaysia, only very few limited brands are available and sold. Remember, always look for the most strains in any probiotic supplements, ideally 16 strains and above. Daily consumption should not more then 15 billions (adults) and taking 30 or 50 billions per day of probiotics will not make you a healthy homo sapien. Well, the best way to get your good bacteria and maintain a healthy gut flora, is from fermented foods, different types of fermented foods, as often as you could, preferably few times per week or daily, and avoid any foods or drinks which are contaminated with antibiotics, prescription drugs, stress and toxins. All these substances and factors kill your good bacteria, and that causes dysbiosis of the intestinal health. 

Stay away from commercial eggs, milk, and meats which are the primary sources of antibiotics. If you must eat these animals products, ensure they are organic, free range and antibiotic free. Of course, antibiotics prescribed by doctors will definitely damage severely your GI and immune health, thus imbalance of gut flora. Manage your stress better and reduce your toxins load. Your gut flora is your key to stronger immunity and better health.

- 18 strains probiotics -

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Organic it that expensive?

Today, I decided to write a short post about organic fruits, as many friends and colleagues telling me, "I can't eat organic fruits, it's super expensive". Well, it is partially true, depending on how smart you plan your groceries and shopping list, deciding what to eat on a controlled budget. I've also blogged previously about which fruits is higher and lower in pesticides and chemicals contamination, and which fruits are 'slightly safer' to consume non-organic, thus not breaking the bank.

When each and every people I know, who told me that eating organic foods is expensive and they can't afford it, I told them back "When your medical bill comes as you get old and developed chronic diseases, that's expensive!". Bear in mind, there are tons of filthy rich people, died prematurely due to chronic degenerative diseases, and money can't save them. What does that tells you? We spent our health making wealth, and when we get old, we spent our wealth trying to get back into health. For most people, it is far too late, and tons of people in the last couple years or so, died even younger, compared to a 20-30 years ago. 

There are alot of people I met, told me the same thing over and over again. "I got health insurance, I'm covered and I don't have to worry about my health when I get old". Is that right? If it's true, why do we have wealthy people such as Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze, Farah Fawcett, and many other millionaires whose money and insurance can't save them? It's like thinking that marriage can ensure both husband and wife eternity relationship. Well, divorce rates are higher then ever compared for to decades ago. In a nutshell, we tend to take things for granted, failing to identify the real root cause of the problem which takes it's toll when the time comes. In my honest opinion, eating as much organic whole foods as one can, and leading a healthy lifestyle with proper stress management, sleep wake cycles, detoxification and proper exercise routines, is a package of solid concrete 'health insurance'. You may call it 'bulletproof' health insurance, whatever it is, you outlive most people you know, and you live a quality life, feeling great most of the time. 

It sound absurd and silly if you could spent $USD500(RM1500) on a phone, or own a Honda Accord or BMW, and you can't spend on organic whole foods? Majority of people spent part of their money on fast foods, junk foods, processed foods and expensive supplements. Why not spend the money on organic whole foods? Well, that's just my point of view, and the point is, avoiding as much toxins and chemicals as you possibly could in your daily life. 

Meanwhile, I've taken a sample photo of the organic fruits I bought, which I think personally, is not expensive. Below are also some of the fruits I listed which is fairly resonable price sold in most organic food outlets and supermarkets. Also, the best way to spend on organic whole foods is vegetables, way much cheaper then fruits. Besides, the demand for organic foods in Malaysia is increasing and becoming a trend now, and more and more people are aware of the benefits of eating organic. 

Cost of organic fruits:   (shop for locally grown organic fruits)
- Apple (less them RM3 each)
- Grapes
- Coconut (around RM5-6 each)
- Blueberries (around RM15-17 each pax)
- Banana (RM3-6 per bundle)
- Kiwi (RM3-4 each)
- Papaya (medium) (RM5-7 each)