Friday, March 28, 2014

E-Motion Documentary - A powerful movie

A must-watch documentary, a powerful reminder of how mental trauma or trapped emotions affect our mind, body and soul. You will learn and be reminded of the gap which is missing and overlooked, in conventional western medicine, in terms of how the sub-concious mind and our emotions affect our nervous system and health, a holistic approach which makes so much sense. 

I remember the phrase said by Neale Donald Walsch "What I discovered was 98% of the world's people are spending 98% of their time, on things that don't matter. The average person has no idea what they are doing here, who they are, the real fundamental and sacred purpose of their whole life." Does our lives primarily based on slaving our own self working on jobs even by sacrificing our own core values? " Does the obsession of making money defeat the quality and purpose of life?" "How many people ever asked themselves why are they are born in this world?"

Watch this documentary, rent it, or buy it. If you love the documentary The Cure, you will equally appreciate this movie. 

"The subconcious mind defines everything about us"

"The subconcious mind is 1000 times more powerful then your concious mind - Tor Norretranders"

Official Website:

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Would you be deficient in Vitamin D if you are exposed to sun regularly?

The sun, used to be our friend since humans evolved more then 2.5 million years ago. The sun was regarded as our essential source of Vitamin D, apart from animal based foods. All living things on the planet, depend on the sun in order to survive and thrive optimally. Plants, animals, and our ancestors who lived for countless generations. Sun was believed to be our friend, our main source of Vitamin D, which is a critically important hormone needed for bodily functions, development, combat diseases and so many other benefits. 

Fast forward to present day, particularly since sunblock products were made commercial, and majority of us have been hardwired to believe that sun is harmful to our body, and we need protection from this life sustaining source, and sunblock is the way to go, to ensure we do not develop skin cancer or somewhere along that line. We were told that the sun is stronger now, compared to thousands or hundreds or years ago. 

That may be true, due to ozone depletion (thanks to humans killing our own planet earth), but the question which all of us should be asking, "How much sun exposure do you get weekly?" We all have been told that sun is bad and it causes skin cancer, and we should avoid it as much as we should. Put on sunblock lotion whenever we are outside under the sun, and avoid being exposed during midday as it gets stronger. How much truth is that? The truth is, not even a fraction. I think the question we should be asking ourselves, "How does our ancestors few generations ago (80-100 years or longer), lived?" Did they cover up the whole body and put on sunblock lotions? Did they suffer from sun phobia just like most of us? Do they even know how important Vitamin D is for their health when they really living their lives? The answer is NO. Same thing with counting calories or joining a gym membership. None of our older ancestors know about calories nor the need for so called 'exercising' in a gym. But guess what, they were a lot more healthier then our current generation, extremely low rates of diseases, and diabetes and obesity is virtually none existent. Heart disease and cancer barely even exist in most countries during those period, not to mention skin cancer which most of us are so afraid to be expose to the sun. 

As I wrote about deficiency of Vitamin D in my previous posts, I would like to clear up some of the confusion by some people I met recently. I will reveal in this post how exposure to sun regularly could cause deficiency in Vitamin D. How is that so? You must be asking, how could that possibly be, if one often spend time under the sun? Well, let's talk about UVa and UVb. As long as I could remember, we have been told that UVa is good for us, and we should send minimal time under the sun only in the early morning. I promise you, you will not witness many people spend time under strong sun around midday (12-3pm). But, you could see tons of people holding on to their umbrellas while outdoor during lunch time. I've personally seen guys doing it, and i could not believe my own eyes. Seriously? 

Let me get this straight. The morning sun, is primarily UVa, which gives you the tan. It does not provide you the actual D3 which your body needs. Now, if you spend most of your time in the morning under the sun, you are not getting Vitamin D3 which most people are suffering from low level of this hormone. Don't believe? It's easy. Try spend 2 weeks straight every morning under the sun for maybe 20 mins each day (with minimal clothing and no exposure during midday) and perform a 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D3 test. Do the tests before and after the 'sun-exposure period'. Do not change any other lifestyle nor diet patterns. You may be surprise your Vitamin D3 level reduced after that 2 weeks stint. 

What about miday sun exposure? What about UVb? Isn't it bad and harmful to our skin? I know it is hot in certain places or cities during summer or dry season in asian countries. Would I get sun burn if exposed to such hot weather during midday? The answer is YES. But, the key here is to assess yourself, and find out the duration of time where your skin turn 'pinkish' while under the sun during midday. For instant, if you spend 40 mins under the strong sun with minimal clothing and your skin turn 'pinkish', that is your body telling you that it is the threshold of Vitamin D absoption. Now, studies have shown that our body may need as little as half of the dosage of what our skin is telling us. The 'pinkish-skin' test would be a good indicator. In this case, half dose of Vitamin D3 from the sun would be 20 minutes with minimal clothing. If your maximum threshold is 60 minutes, then your body needs around 30 minutes. The darker your skin is, the more sun exposure you need, as the layer of tan on your skin protects you from getting sunburn. It's in fact the best natural sunblock one can get for your own skin. 

How can you confirm the midday Vitamin D absorption? It's simple. Same thing apply with how you perform the UVa early morning 2 weeks test. Do he same thing, but this time, spend your time daily expose to the sun from around 11am-3pm. Anytime within this hours, and depending on your skin tone color, do a retest of your Vitamin D3 level, you will be suprised by what the blood test tells you (if your diet have adequate cholesterol and fats, will talk about that shortly). 

For the folks who stay far away from the equator, luck is not so much on your side. Unless your diet is loaded in Vitamin D3, which primarily consists of animal based foods including meats, seafoods and eggs. If you are a vegan, your risk of Vitamin D3 defficiency is extremely high, especially very minimal midday sun exposure. I've seen myself most vegans spending more time indoors looked pale and sick. But of course, there may be a minority of vegans who could be healthier then their counterparts. 

Now, let's talk about diet role in Vitamin D3 absoprtion and conversion. What's the relationship between diet and Vitamin D3? Does anyone realize the your body can only absorb and convert UVb from the sun and make it into a usable form of Vitamin D3, if your body has adequate amount of healthy fats and dietary cholesterol? 

Some people may know that getting Vitamin D from the sun is enough as long as they spend some time outdoor. The raw material to utilise and convert the UV from the sun to usable Vitamin D3, is cholesterol, and also significant amount of fats. All of these, are from dietary diet, the foods we eat. Cholesterol has been
wrongly demonized by the medical and food industries, this life sustaining molecule is so crucial, that without it, we will vanish and died off. 

I want to talk a little bit about infant, breastfeding and the role of Vitamin D3 deficency. We are facing more and more breastfed infants suffering from Vitamin D defficiency. Why is that so? Studies (journals below) have shown that more and more infants including breastfed babies are deficient in Vitamin D. About 50-60% of European American women are deficient in Vitamin D during later stage of pregnancy. Approximately 90% of African American women are deficient in Vitamin D during the same stage of pregnancy too. At birth, those infants retain that deficiency from the mothers as shown in these studies. If the deficiency continue in following months after birth, the infants Vitamin D level will be low even if breasfed from the mothers. To tackle this issue in a smarter way, enhance the mother's Vitamin D level optimally, thus breast milk contains higher level of Vitamin D and the infant will benefit at the same time. Bear in mind, feeding your infant so called "Fortified Vitamin D" infant milk formula WILL NOT enable the baby to have improved level of this crucial hormone. In fact, infants who were fed infant milk formula, is severely deficient in Vitamin D level. A more important question, "Is milk a good source of Vitamin D?" the answer is YES and NO. If the infant is from birth until maybe 2 years old, mother's milk is an ideal source. But, for kids or adults, it would be ridiculous to drink any commercial milk products of somewhere between maybe 5-20 glasses daily to meet recommended daily allowance (RDA). 

Finally, the question everyone would be asking, "What is the best source of Vitamin D?". "Is diet and foods adquate for our Vitamin D requirement?".  Below are some of the frequently asked questions by the folks I met, and my honest answers to you.

What is the best source of Vitamin D?
The sun, but certain foods from diet could help optimize the level of Vitamin D in the body. Population staying away from the equator and minimal sun exposure, depends primarily on foods high in Vitamin D such as organ meats and seafoods.

Is diet and foods adequate for our Vitamin D requirement?
In most cases no, unless you diet is somewhat similiar to Eskimos (Inuit), eating wild caught seafoods, seals, fish livers, etc.

Would too much of sun exposure (even during midday) causing Vitamin D toxicity?
NO. Our body is intelligent enough to auto-regulate the absorption of this hormone from the sun, shutting off the mechanism but you may get sunburn from long hours of exposure. Do observe the 'pinkish' color on your skin when you spend long hours under a hot sun.

Does everyone requires the same amount of sun exposure? 
No. Different people with different skin color requires more or less amount of sun exposure.

Can I supplement with Vitamin D from over the counter products?
Yes you can, but it would be a poor choice as most of these products are synthetically made, and you may wasting your money, instead of getting it free from the sun.

Does sun exposure causes skin cancer?
NO. Vitamin D from the sun protects us from skin cancer, and other form of cancer too.

Can you be Vitamin D deficient even if regularly exposed to morning sun?
YES. The goal is getting UVb exposure during midday (11am-3pm), but depending on the area where you stay. As the sun gets closer the the surface of the earth during midday, the UVb level increases, but it diminish as evening approaches from 4-5pm onwards. 

Vitamin D defficiency Journals (Pregnancy, Breasfed & Infants)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Almost everyone is deficient in these 2 nutrients - Magnesium & Vitamin D

Today, I want to write about 2 very important nutrients, magnesium and Vitamin D. Magnesium, a critical mineral, and Vitamin D, arguably the most important vitamin and also a steroidal hormone. Why these 2 nutrients? Reason why is because almost everyone is deficient in both these important nutrients, and most health screening and typical blood work do not show in test results. In a nutshell, conventional blood tests or health screening either does not include or involve functional lab tests for measuring both these nutrients. As a result, there is a high chance doctors miss these deficiencies or misdiagnose if the patients are deficient in both these nutrients. 

Now, let's talk about Vitamin D. I had previously wrote about this powerful hormone in previous post, but I will discuss a little bit more in this time. All of other popular vitamins, my favorite is Vitamin D. Why? Firstly, it is one of the most powerful anti-cancer hormone which has been protecting us from this deadly disease for years. Secondly, it is actually a hormone and not a vitamin, as the ability of this hormone to regulate anti-bactericidal proteins, enables the body to produce more then 200 anti-microbial peptides, and regulates more genes in the body then any other hormones. It is just amazingly powerful! 

When we talk about Vitamin D, we tend to associate sun exposure and perhaps over the counter supplements. Some of us talk about certain foods in diet which is part of our vitamin D source. But how much of this vital hormone absorption are we all getting from foods, sun exposure and even supplements? We may hear about people investing on multi-vitamins, fish oils and vitamin C supplements, but how about Vitamin D? How much does the public know about this critical hormone? 

There are so many books written about the importance of Vitamin D and our health, especially the association with cancer. Tons of studies have shown the importance of vitamin D (journals listed below) for optimal health and important bodily functions. But guess what? Most of us (especially women), are still afraid of getting sun exposure. From my point of view, the most cheapest (it's FREE) available Vitamin D source, is the sun. Why would anyone spend money on supplements? It just doesn't make sense. By the way, most Vitamin D supplements are non bio-available and derived from synthetic sources. 

People who are lack of sun exposure and efficient in Vitamin D levels, are at high risk of developing cancer and other health illnesses such as osteoporosis, respiratory disorders, migraines, depression, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, etc. Pale, white skin girls who is afraid of sunlight typically suffers from mood swings (neurotransmitter imbalance) and in some cases, depression. Dark skin folks who are lack of sun exposure and Vitamin D levels, in most cases develop similiar symptoms. Typically, dark skin people requires 3 times more sun exposure then fair skin people. For instance, if a fair skin female adult requires 15 mins a day of sun exposure, then dark skin adult will need approximately 45 mins of vitamin D absorption. The problem is, almost everyone is avoiding sun exposure, having the phobia of developing skin cancer, no thanks to industry which manufacture sun block products. For desk jockeys, it is even worst, as they hardly have time to be exposed under the sun during weekdays, and how many amongst us do go outdoor to spend 30-45 mins on both Saturday and Sunday to enjoy the sun wearing minimal clothing?  

How about people who is consuming primarily vegetarians or vegans? That would almost reduce their levels of Vitamin D tremendously. Foods that contains Vitamin D, are mainly from seafoods, eggs, milk, and meats. In a nutshell, animal based foods. We were never evolved to consume solely plants based foods, as we are hunter gatherers and animal based foods are supposed to be part of our diet. Diet plays a very important role too in Vitamin D source, and it is almost impossible to be overdose or having excess amount of Vitamin D from consuming foods containing this nutrient. Toxicity of Vitamin D is extremely rare, unless you spent hours daily under strong sun, consume high amount of foods with contain this nutrient and at the same time, overdose yourself with high amount of Vitamin D supplement. For most people, deficiency of Vitamin D is so common and it is linked to so many health problems and diseases. 

The big question is, how do I know if I'm deficient in Vitamin D? Which test should I run with my doctor? is it available in all clinical labs and hospitals? Well, in most typical health screening package, it does not include ad-hoc test for Vitamin D levels. The functional lab test you should be doing is 25-hydroxyvitamin D. If the result comes back below 50 ng/ml, you are deficient in this nutrient/hormone. Meanwhile, not all clinical labs or hospitals capable of running this test, depending on which country you are staying and your location too. 

Now, let's talk about magnesium. Most of us have heard about sodium, calcium and potassium. What about magnesium and it's importance to our bodily functions and health? Do you know that as much as 50-60% of total amount of magnesium in the body is stored in the bones? What does that tells you? It is so important, that this mineral is needed for more then 300 biochemical reactions in the body. From teeth and bone functions to calming down the nervous system and energy production to heart health, this mineral is crucial to our health, and it is also very commonly overlooked by many health professionals. Every cell in the body, requires adequate magnesium to function properly. 

How would I know if I'm deficient in magnesium? First of all, let talk about your diet. What did you eat during breakfast and lunch today? How about your dinner? Can you list down the foods you consume for the last few days? If you have been eating mostly processed, junk or fast foods, you are definitely deficient in magnesium. As for alcoholics, frequent urinary loss of magnesium will just make things go from bad to worst. Diabetic patients will also suffer and aggravate the depletion of magnesium in the body due to long term use of diuretics and other combined use of prescription drugs. There is no way you can get any health from eating crap or garbage. No rocket science, just plain common sense. And for whoever regularly suffer from prolong periods of diarheaa, wasting of magnesium will also occur from these chronic episodes of poor bowel movement. Imagine someone who often suffer weekly diarheaa for years and years. 

In conventional health screening and lab tests, magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests, due to only 1% is found in the blood itself. Let me ask you, how many doctors actually run regular blood test measuring magnesium levels? The answer is virtually zero. 

Why Does Your Body Loses Magnesium? 

- Agriculture, modern conventional farming, typically uses fertilizers which consist of only nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Poor quality soil in non organic farming depletes the minerals, that is why it is so important to eat organic whole foods. 
- Fluoride, binds to magnesium and making it insoluble, end up depositing in the bones.
- Sugars, your magnesium levels will deplete faster then you can even blink. It takes high amount of molecules of magnesium to metabolize a single glucose molecule!
- Alcohol consumption (kidneys excretes up to 260% more of magnesium every time you drink that booze!)
- Consumption of foods high in phytic acids. It binds to certain minerals including magnesium in the intestines and inhibit absorption, causing it unused and excreted out from the body. 
- Consumption of processed/junk foods, loaded with sugars and anti-nutrient binding substances.
- Mercury, blocks the immune functions of magnesium. Sources such as amalgam fillings, certain fishes and vaccines,
-  Excessive sweating causes depletion of magnesium. 
- Diuretics, anti-hypertensive drugs, asthma medications, insulin, certain antibiotics, birth control pills
- Chronic Stress, causing minerals (including magnesium), anti-oxidants and vitamins depletion. 

Symptoms of high possibility of magnesium deficiency: 

  1. Inability to have quality sleep
  2. Dry, itchy skin
  3. Often feels thirsty 
  4. Often feels hungry, cravings for sugars/carbs 
  5. Frequent urination 
  6. Tingling or numbness in the hands or feet
  7. Sores, wound or bruises that heal slowly
  8. Unexplained weight loss
  9. Blurry vision that changes from day to day
  10. Fatigue, unexplained tiredness, low energy levels
  11. Frequent or recurring skin, gum, bladder or vaginal yeast infections
  12. Muscles spasm or cramps
  13. Irritability 
  14. Menstrual Cramps ( couple days before or during, varies on individual female)
  15. Insulin Resistance
  16. Infertility
  17. Thyroid Dsyfunctions
  18. Kidney stones
  19. Poor short term memory
  20. Constipation

Foods Rich in Magnesium

- Cacao/Chocolate (preferably raw and organic)
- Dark leafy green vegetables/ Spinach(preferably organic)
- Fish
- Coffee (preferably organic and high quality)
- Artichokes
- Organs meat
- Rock salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Celtic Sea Salt (use it in your water or cooking)
- Kelp & Nettle (as herbs form, ensure it is organic)
- Magnesium Oil (as supplement form)

Journals (Magnesium)

Journals (Vitamin D)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Statin & Your Eyes : Impaired vision?

Cataracts are known to be age-related eye condition amongst general population. Most people think that cataracts is common as we age, especially after 55-60 years old. There are several known causes of cataracts which includes aging, nutritional deficiency and environmental stressors. Well, at least these causes are what most medical practitioners and even general population have thought to believe which contribute to cataracts. 

First of all, I'm not an eye expert nor ophthalmologist. But, reading journals and doing investigative work on health, nutrition, diseases and fitness are my passion and skills. I recently consulted an ophthalmologist/eye surgeon, and asked for opinions on dry eyes. As expected, the eye specialist refuse to discuss about why one developed dry eyes, but he was very interested in selling a 'supplement' eye drops to me. He claimed that this eye drop product is SAFE to use long term and there is no chemical and supposedly very high quality. Guess what, when i got the eye drop product from the pharmacy counter, first ingredient "Propylene Glycol". There are other chemicals in the product as well. I was speechless and disappointed with this doctor. Not only he was clueless about what's actually in the product he was promoting and selling to patients, yet, he did not do his homework to ensure the products recommendation is safe to use. This is a real life situation and what I have personally experienced.

Recently, my relative member had to undergo multiple surgery on his eye, due to vision impairment and other eye disorders. The first question I asked him " Are you on statins?" The answer is YES. Now, what does cholesterol lowering drugs have to do with our eyes and its health? When one suffers from diplopia (double vision), cataracts or even ophthalmoplegia (weakness or paralysis of the muscles controlling one or both eyes), there is a high chance that most ophthalmologist did not even bother asking the patient if he or she is on statins. Most doctors think that eye condition such as cataracts are part of the aging process. 

After reviewing journals from Fraunfelder and Richards(Journal of Ophthalmology 115(12) April 2008) and the Waterloo Eye Study, I no longer convince that some of the eye disorders are due to normal aging process. In today's post, I hereby present to you some of the studies which linked statin drugs and certain eye disorders such as cataracts and diplopia. As reduction of cholesterol by statin drugs causes the formation of cataract to increase, 256 cases have been reported as of 2008. It is assumed that many other cases are unreported and more likely to suffer from the adverse effects of statin use. Bear in mind, every muscle in the body requires cholesterol to function properly. That is why muscle weakness is one of the many side effects of statin therapy. Meanwhile, diabetic patients also have high risk (86%) of developing cataracts compared to normal person. 

Both mentioned studies have linked both statin drugs with eye conditions as these dangerous drugs increased the risk of respective disorders. I do agree that aging is one of the factors but it is very important to realize and learn from these medical journals the impact of statins on our eyes. Are we doing this to ourselves without knowing it? If you have anyone in your family or loved ones who is on statin drugs, please do share these information to them. 

Fraunfelder FW, Fraunfelder FT. Drug related adverse effects of clinical importance to the ophthalmologist. Course presented at the American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting, Chicago. November 10-13, 2012.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Overseas diet : Sample meals and foods

Trying to plan meals and eat as clean as possible while away, could sometimes be a headache. Most people tend to dine outside and very few do their own groceries while away on holidays or travelling overseas. Majority of people don't even bother planning their meals, thus, end up eating very poorly and unhealthy. Could this be avoided? Could one plan and eat better while on holiday? Certainly YES. Again, it's all about attitude, whether you want it or not, the decision is yours to make in the end. 

Today, I will share a quick post about some of the meals and foods which one could plan, buy, and prepare while on holidays. It's simple, nutritious and cleaner then most typical meals people dine outside while they travel.Question is, is it expensive? The answer is most likely NO. Do one need cooking skills? Answer is virtually no, in fact, very minimal cooking skills required.

The goal here, is to prepare and eat a meal which does not involve commercial vegetable oils and gluten based foods. Also, elimination of refined sugars and carbs is very important. You do not want a huge carbs-loaded meal which could spike your blood sugar levels and causing tremendous amount of insulin release. The only carbohydrate source in each meal is primarily organic vegetables and perhaps smaller portion of fruits. The key here, is fat-dominant meals, preferably from high quality sources such as free range eggs, seafoods, organic butter, avocados, grass-fed meats and organ meats. Incorporate these foods with organic low glycemic vegetables, it should keep you full for hours before your leptin and ghrelin hormones start to knock on your 'appetite-chamber' again.

Clean, nutritious, gluten-free and low glycemic meals. Try it out while you travel overseas, you may enjoy doing groceries and meal preparation. There is no reason to feast on 'garbage' while one go on holidays, but 'cheat' meals occasionally would be acceptable during the trip.

Groceries/Foods: (while on holidays)

Organic carrots

Organic basil

Look for high quality butter, preferably organic 

Organic kale

grass fed lamb liver (organs meat are awesomely nutritious)

Add some strawberries or any similar berries into your diet, preferably organic

One of the mandatory foods while travel overseas, avocados

Kale is a superstar, arguably the most nutrient-packed vegetable of all time. 

Crayfish lobster (wild catch)

Organic figs

Free range bacon

An important addition for daily cleansing of the GI tract, lemon

Grass-fed organic raw butter, a rare nutritious food

Grass-fed organic raw milk, creamy delicious

Organic raw coconut kefir (probiotics on the go)

Alternative organic kefir product

organic free range eggs

Organic unpasteurised yogurt

High quality nutritious free range organic eggs

Drink clean high quality fluoride-free water. Adequate water consumption is highly recommended, as hours of travelling will dehydrate the body

Organic grass-fed meats (lamb & beef)

Grass-fed free range lamb cutlets

Organic raw kefir

Sample meals: (If your hotel room has equipped kitchen)

- Certified Gluten-Free-

Grass-fed free range lamb chops & beef, with rosemary & parsley herbs, cooked with non-toxic pan, stirred with barbecued sauce and organic butter.

Grass-fed free range meats with a bowl of organic carrots & kale

Delicious combination of grass-fed lamb chops with organic raw butter

Free range bacon with organic carrots and zucchini, organic baby spinach, prawn broth with parsley

Organic free range chicken liver. Avoid using vegetable oils to cook, and try to cook it with non-toxic pan.

grass-fed free range lamb chops

Free range bacon & lamb liver, with organic kale

A fruitarian meal, I decided to try it for one meal. Mangoes, cherries, figs, avocados, strawberries

I know it's not easy to find lobsters while on holidays. Well, just in case if you are lucky while at farmer's market, try wild catch crayfish lobster, or any lobsters of your choice.

Foods to choose while dining out : (Cheat meals)

When dining out while travelling overseas, it would be ideal to look for restaurants which have gluten-free menu. 

If you have craving for burgers, instead of McDonalds or commercial fast food burgers, go for grass-fed burgers and gluten free bread. Real meat, real taste.

If you must eat cakes or bakeries products, try gluten free.

Instead of popcorn or twisties, you could choose organic gluten free, soy free, non-GMO product. 

A local delicacy, honey figs with mascarpone