Sunday, April 20, 2014

Iron : Friend or foe?

We have all heard of the mineral iron, and we know it's crucial for our body, as we need it daily, primary for servicing oxygen to the tissues. Of course it has a lot of other functions, but without iron, we will be dead. Most people know about the importance of iron requirement in the body, but how about excess of iron storage? Today, we are going to talk about iron deficiency and overload.   

Thinking back, I recalled some of my relatives are taking daily multivitamins as well as iron supplements. But does one realize that these typical supplements contain a toxic inorganic iron compound which could harm the body? First of all, let's talk about the role of iron in the body and how does it work. This mineral, is crucial, as the body cannot produce it, just the same with other minerals and Vitamin C. It is an essential element to virtually every living species on earth. Plants requires iron to make chlorophyll and humans requires iron to make haemoglobin and myoglobin. 

It binds with haemoglobin, and required for the production of red blood cells. We need a significant amount of iron for proper respiratory function, and without oxygen, we would drop dead. Apart from that, we need iron to convert blood sugar to energy. Iron is also vital for production of neurotransmitters and healthy immune functions. How do we obtain iron for daily requirement? Well, apart from foods, iron is also found in rock and sea salts. We can also lose iron from sweating and urination. 

The question is, how do I know if I'm iron deficient? What are the symptoms? Some of you might suffer from iron-deficiency anemia, but not many people know about diseases/symptoms related to iron overload. Iron, can your your friend, but it can also be your foe and cause serious problems to the body. When one is iron deficient, he or she would likely to experience symptoms such as poor stamina, fatigue, shortness of breath, and immune system will not function properly. Iron deficiency has affected up to 2 billion people around the world. Patients suffering from different forms of anemias, especially children and pre-menopausal women. Meanwhile, low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) can also result in deficiency  in iron, due to lowered production of stomach acid, leading to malabsorption in iron. Most common cause of iron deficiency is due to poor diet and nutrition. Frequent diarheaa, urination and also excessive sweating could also cause loss of minerals including iron.   

Now, how about too much of iron? Although iron is important for vital functions in the body, excess of iron storage can actually lead to health symptoms, diseases and even death. In fact, most conventional doctors often overlooked and ignored mild iron elevated levels in blood panel test. As of today, we have learned that some of the medical conditions could cause iron overload. Some of them includes hereditary hemochromatosis, beta-thalessemia, sickle-cell anemia, viral hepatitis and also alcohol abuse. Apart from that, other factors includes processed foods fortified with iron and iron supplements can contribute to iron overload in prolonged period of time. One main worry about iron, it is a powerful catalyst for oxidation, meaning it could cause oxidative stress damaging the tissues. Thus, free radicals can form more then it should be, and the risk of heart disease and even cancer may be elevated. 

Bear in mind, most of the iron in the body are bind to ferritin. This iron-storage protein is found in spleen, liver, muscles, bone marrow, etc. High levels of ferritin can cause tissue damage such as Type 1 Diabetes. If high levels of iron is stored in the body, one of the solution is to donate blood, to clear out some of the excess iron. Also, in most cases, patients who developed Hepatitis C (one of liver diseases) have iron overload and is often misdiagnosed by conventional doctors. Iron overload is also known to cause glucose intolerance and reduces insulin production and increases insulin sensitivity. Study (below) has shown that higher levels of ferritin increases the blood glucose level and higher risk of developing diabetes. 

Iron can also cause neuronal damage in the central nervous system and excessive levels have been found in the brain's of Parkinson's patients and plaques in patients with Alzheimer's. Meanwhile, for whoever thought that taking iron supplements such as Ferrous sulfate, it is a toxic inorganic compound which can cause more problems then doing any good to the body. Stay away from this so called iron supplement. A safe form of iron supplement would be carbonyl iron. My takeaway, DO NOT take any multivitamins or iron supplements before you perform the complete iron profile test (as below). Consult a naturopathic doctors, naturopaths or even clinical nutritionist to review the results with you, as you might get different lab range reviews with most conventional doctors (if the lab or hospital able to run those tests). It is one of the most important lab tests which is worth your investment, even though if they are not covered by your insurance. 

Symptoms of iron overload:

- Fatigue (most common)
- Loss of libido / Impotence
- Palpitations 
- Abdominal Pains
- Depression
- Joints Pain

What tests to run: (Do a complete iron panel test)

- Ferritin blood test (ideally 40-100)
- Serum iron
- Total Iron Binding Capacity 
- Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity (should not be below 150)
- % Saturation (or transferrin saturation) (ideally below 50%)

What if you have iron overload? 

- Get prescription from doctor for therapeutic phlebotomy
- Blood donation
- Lactoferrin 

For people with iron-deficient, what are the best source of foods?

- Animal Liver (especially beef)
- Venison
- Mussels
- Lamb (ideally grass-fed free range)
- Beef (ideally grass-fed free range)
- Shrimp
- Pork


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Top 6 exercises/trainings to avoid - Seriously!

Exercise is good, no doubt. But is it ALL healthy and beneficial to the body's biomechanics and health? Well, from my point of view, NO. Most exercises do benefit the body in terms of health, primarily improving strength, energy levels, boosting hormones and neurotransmitters, stimulating metabolism, improving cardiovascular fitness, expressing genes, burning body fat, etc.

Exercise is just like food or people. There are healthy foods, and there are also toxic foods. Good people and also toxic people (remember the ones who often stress you out?). In terms of exercise, there is not much different, or at the very least, there are certain exercises which I think could harm the physical or physiological health. 

We have been told that doing steady-state slow cardio on the treadmill or stationary bike is the way to go, in order to lose weight and be healthy. We are seeing more people participating in marathon training and competitions ever then before. Trialthon participants and enthusiasts have increased to record high in many countries including ASIA. Of course, Crossfit is huge, and the current trend of crossfit training is becoming arguably the most popular exercise regime globally. The question is, are these exercise or training regime healthy and ideal for human's biomechanics? How about certain specific exercises which almost everyone is doing at home or in the gym? Let's say conventional push up and sit up. 

Let's talk about one of the most popular exercise in present day. "Cardio", particularly steady-state walking or jogging on a treadmill. I remember talking to some of my clients recently about wondering what on earth these folks are thinking, "Drive your car all the way to the gym to jog on the treadmill?". Seriously, this is totally silly and 'uncommon-sense'. I mean how much of brain damage or brain fog that can't let one think straight? 

Imagine, you work all day stressed out in office, feeling exhausted and low in energy, had your 4th cup of coffee or tea of the day, and you are ready to hit the gym. Your body is telling you that it's tired and your adrenals are totally cranked up and fatigue by the amount of stress level initiated by the job your hate, and the late night sleep you suffered (the night before). The caffeine and sugars you consumed just made your adrenals hit rock bottom. You then thought that in order to lose weight and be healthy, you need to go to a gym and do "Cardio". You can't help but yawn while driving, your melatonin hormones start to secrete when the light exposure is decreased from sundown, and one would be lucky if the traffic is smooth before the treadmill session even starts. Before you step on that cardio machine, the time is 8pm, but for some people, they only get to the gym close to 9pm. 

You press the START button, set the speed to slow, possibly walking or slow jog pace. You can't sprint nor fast run, because you are so darn exhausted and afraid the possibility of falling off from the machine and injured yourself. Conventional wisdom teaches all of us to do more long steady-state cardio, and using the stationary bike or treadmill is the way to go, remember? 

Every single gym I entered, the treadmills are filled with members, the occupancy of stationary bikes are not far behind too. Now, let's see what happens to your body when you hop on that treadmill for a good 60 mins. First of all, you are barely even moving your lower body, and most people don't even realize it. Step away from the operating treadmill, and you will know what I meant. Are you really using your lower body to move, or being helped by the machine 'moving your lower extremity'? You barely even stimulate any fast twitch muscle fibers, and your adrenals release even more stress hormone cortisol, further exhausting the already fatigue hormones producing glands. With high amount of cortisol poured out into the bloodstream, insulin is triggered, and both of these are FAT-STORING hormones. Yes, read my sentence again carefully. Not only you lose muscle mass which further dampen your metabolism, if this vicious cycle is going on for months or years, sluggish metabolism is inevitable, and you are setting yourself up for a much more serious health problems, primarily hormonal dsyregulation, adrenal fatigue, impaired sleep quality, leaky gut, etc. 

How about jogging outdoor at night after office hours? Or using eliptical machine or biking? Would it be any better? The answer is similiar to what I explained. Common sense tells you that you need to wind down at night as it approach your sleeping time, as your sleeping hormones melatonin is steadily releasing into your bloodstream and your para-sympathetic nervous system is trying to make you relax, digest and go to bed. Your cortisol level needs to be at its lowest, so you could enjoy quality sleep, giving chance for your adrenals to rest and recover and body to repair itself. 

I remember when I did my American Council in Exercise certification, none of the trainers explain this to me, nor taught in its textbook. The question is, how many fitness certified professionals are aware of this vital piece of information? Wonder why some of you just can't lose body fat nor weight, after weeks and months of torturing yourself with long boring "Cardio"? You may lose a few pounds initially, but gained back those pounds after months later. Some of you may even look fatter then before you start the so called "Weight loss program", cutting out calories and exercise more. 

In today's post, I would like to focus on 5 types of exercises or trainings, which may not be as good as what most people think. Although different people will have different opinions, do what you have to do, but don't allow your ego to destroy your health and biomechanics. 

'Elbow Flared-Out' Push Up

This exercise is one of the basic bodyweight movement, which virtually everyone is doing it. We have been told that the conventional push up builds upper body strength and helps to shape up our triceps, shoulders, chest, and maybe abdominals too. This may be true, but how many people are doing the right form of push up exercise? Well, in my experience, not many. 

With 'elbow-flared-out' positioning, the arm is out of the safely packed shoulder socket, risking shoulder impingement, and injuring tendons and muscles of the shoulders is very likely, if performed regularly for long period of time. Remember, shoulder is a very complex joint, and injuries as such is becoming more common amongst general population. You see tons of youtube videos demonstrating poor form of push up, bootcamp folks (mostly, but not all) destroying their shoulders performing high amount of repetitions  doing poor form of this pushing exercise. 

Conventional Sit Up

Oh yeah, six pack abs right? How many of us realize that all of us already have that six pack rectus abdominis muscles in your mid section area? Why most of us can't have that visible abdominal muscles seen by naked eyes? If you can think right, and if you don't have neurological disorder of some sort, common sense will tell you that it's that thick layer of fat covering your so called ' six pack abs'. 

These group of muscles are primarily slow twitch muscle fibers, enabling us to stand up straight, holding our posture long enough, and it is the 'superstar' of all muscle groups. We have been told by so called fitness professionals and almost anyone you know, by doing conventional sit ups, is the way to build a 'six pack abs'. 

As I've blogged about sit ups exercise previously, I explained why it is dangerous to the lower back, and causing further muscle imbalances to their core muscles. In fact, this exercise is ranked one of the least most effective in burning belly fat and building so called 'six pack abs'. Remember, your core muscles do not only move in flexion position, but all different planes of motion, including external rotation. Thus, crunching and flexing your anterior abdominal muscles high amount of reps day in day out (long period), will only make the entire core muscles out of balance, setting up lower back injury and hip dysfunction too. 

Limited variety of exercises

Anyone been to commercial bootcamp or perhaps military training before? Or perhaps doing the same repeated exercises over and over again weeeks after weeks, months after months? There are certain benefits performing a specific group of exercises for a long period of time, one may be more efficient at those movements, being able to perform with improved endurance, particularly muscular endurance, at high rep range. One may also hit plateau and suffer from slow results and growth, but the main concern is RSI (repetitive strain injury). Imagine doing pushups, squats, burpees or any selected exercises for months and even years, almost everyday or your training regime. Besides, your training may get boring easily and higher risk of halting your training program

I know many male friends who are obsessed with doing chronic repetitive movements on selected muscle groups only. Remember the same faces in the gym who always reserved the bench performing crazy amount of repetitions doing bench press? Abs, chest, arms, the same exercise routines day in day out, for long period of time, what's going to happen to the biomechanics? Injuries and muscular imbalances. 

'All-out' sagittal plane movements

This is going to be controversial. Many fitness enthusiasts will not be happy reading this, especially crossfitters. I am a huge fan of functional training, but, not to the extend of destroying or against human biomechanics, how we evolved to move, which is transverse plane, contra-lateral movements. Try walk slowly or naturally, and observe how your T-Spine movement, unless you walk like a robot, you will realize why chronic sagittal plane based exercises or training may not be ideal for human's biomechanics. In fact, these types of training drills will destroy our biomechanics, going against how we move, whether it is walking, running, throwing a ball, hitting a shot (tennis), kicking, throwing a punch, and almost every martial arts movements. 

I'm not against sagittal plane exercises, but it is important to incorporate transverse plane drills to your training routine, else, injuries and compromised biomechanics is inevitable. 

Muscle-Isolation training

This whole concept of single-muscle isolated training was commercialized since bodybuilding is becoming popular. It is a huge industry, a very profitable billion dollars business, brain-washing the fitness industry and all of us to believe in single muscle group exercises. Apart from 'aesthetics' display, there is nothing functional about it, and there is barely any real life situations or movements which we can apply from these sorts of exercises. Imagine doing bicep curls, tricep extension or hamstring seated curls. None of these will help in daily regular activities. In fact, it increased the risk of muscular imbalances and injuries. Besides, many fitness enthusiasts or bodybuilders wannabe invest a lot of money on these commercial bodybuilding supplements, making themselves more toxic and elevating health problems. 

Chronic Endurance Training

Marathon and trialthon are becoming 'hot-cakes' training regime or sports in recent years, especially in developed countries. The sales of running shoes are higher then ever, and more people are competing in these events trying to achieve certain goals, be it losing weight, improve health or personal satisfaction in accomplishing such challenges. 

From plantar faciitis to knee injuries, physical injury is the last thing one should worry. In my previous posts, I have wrote about the impact on cardiovascular health, how these chronic endurance type of training damage the heart, causing sluggish metabolism and even hormonal dsyregulation. Heart failure is becoming more prevalence amongst younger runners, and studies have shown the increased risks of heart disease from years of involving such trainings. Any participant collapsed and died of heart failure during marathon event?

Last but not least, I want to spare a moment and mention about the group classes such as RPM. Most people would think that these type of 'loud-music-banging' high intensity session is good and effective for fat burning and health. From my honest point of view, if one has a very low stress job, relationship and lifestyle combined with good diet, RPM training might be passable and acceptable if done maybe once a week. That is if it's done during daytime and at least 3 hours before bedtime (10pm).

It is very similar to my earlier explanation about evening cortisol secretion doing "Cardio" for long duration of time. In this case, 50-60 mins or continuous exercise drill is enough to further fatigue your adrenals. Remember, cortisol has a 'half-life' affect in the blood stream and autonomic nervous system. Meaning, if you are stressed out at work during lunch time, or maybe your last cup of coffee was 3pm, the secretion of cortisol stress hormones will pour out in your blood stream and circulate for approximately 4-6 hours, depending on the strength of the caffeine. If you do the math, by 9pm, the 'half-life' of cortisol will still affect your stress pathway, suppressing your 'rest and digest' night cycle, and it will take clear off most of the caffeine close to 12am midnight. Wonder why more and more people unable to have quality sleep? Less then 1% of population unable to sleep naturally (without help of medication or supplements) by 10pm.

So, let's connect the dots here. By 8pm you hit the strenuous Body Pump or RPM class. By 9pm, your blood is flooded with cortisol and glucocorticoids hormones. Let's assume you did not consume any caffeinated beverage during that day, and your stress levels is low, the evening group class you participated not only disrupt your crucial circadian rhythm, but it also triggers insulin (fat-storing hormone) and stimulate more catabolic response, meaning, loss of muscle mass, due to higher constant secretion of this primary stress hormone. 

As light exposure decreases, sundown is a common sense indicator that we are suppose to wind down and not perform any strenuous or long period exercises close to our 10pm bedtime. There is nothing healthy about going against your autonomic nervous system regulation, and there are much more damage done to the body's physiology then reaping any benefits. Instead, you could meditate, perform simple relaxing yoga stretches, or myofascial release to fine tune your biomechanics in the evening, prior to bedtime. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Coconut Flour vs Commercial flour products

One of the most commonly asked questions, "Which flour is safe to use for cooking?". "Is organic wheat flour ideal for cooking or baking? "Is organic unbleached wheat flour better then normal wheat flour products?". These are the 3 most popular questions in terms of flour related topic. Everyone can't seemed to live without foods baked or cooked with flour. It's like an addiction, and they do not even know why the constant cravings for flour-coated foods, especially wheat flour.

Large majority of flour products, is made of wheat, easily more then 90% available for consumers purchase and used in many food products sold on the planet. From bakery products to processed foods, there are countless packaged food products which contain wheat flour in the ingredient list. Let's just say that almost every household in the family use 'commercial flour' for cooking. It could varies from wheat flour to corn flour, and also rice flour. 

The question is, is non-wheat flour any better then the plain wheat flour? The answer is barely YES, but I would say non-wheat flour is less damaging then the popular wheat flour. Unless the rice flour you use is certified organic and gluten free, the damage may reduce significantly, but the high glycemic index and grain-based properties still pose undesirable effect for the body. Almost all commercial flour products spike blood sugar sky high and trigger high amount of insulin, as well as causing inflammation and suppress the immune system, apart from storing body fat. But, wheat flour is more devastating then other non-wheat products due to the nature of the hybridized grain since it was commercialized about 50-60 years ago. 

Now, what about coconut flour? How is it different? Unlike wheat, corn or even rice, coconut itself, is a superfood. As I've wrote about this food before, coconut is one of the top of the list superfood mother nature brought to this planet. The benefits of this food itself, is world-class, in terms of nutrition and medicinal properties.

I know the availability of organic coconut flour is low in most countries, you may need to search for these products overseas, perhaps buying online and get it shipped to your destination. It is an ideal ingredient to be added in some of your 'cheat meals', which taste far more delicious then the commercial flour products. Although, I could not argue and it is a fact that wheat flour has plant morphins properties which stimulate and trick your brain, making your crave for wheat-coated foods over and over again. Most people are wheat addict, and they don't even realize it.

Anyway, below are some of the benefits of organic coconut flour, compared to commercial flour products. Two tablespoons of coconut flour contain almost 4g of protein, 6g of fiber, and only 1g of sugar. Try it out, you may love replacing them with my all time favourite coconut flour. 

Benefits of raw coconut flour vs commercial wheat/non wheat flour:

- not grain-based, higher in protein and better assimilation. 
- Gluten-free (ensure the product is certified GF)
- Good source of fiber and healthy fats, compared to grain based flour. 
- As a fruit itself, it contain lauric acid, supports immune system and thyroid function
- It's saturated fat primarily is MCT, does not trigger as much insulin fat storing hormone and better utilise as energy requirement.
- Contain anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-yeast and other immune boosting properties. 
- Enable a better blood sugar regulation, low carb low sugar, as it does not causes high burst of insulin secretion from the pancreas ( from ingesting commercial flour ). Thus, it improve insulin-sensitivity and reduces inflammation.
- Improve bones and dental health, coconut is loaded with minerals, especially magnesium. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

I AM SEXY, because...

A girl walks to me, "My thigh is huge!". Another girl comes to me and say "I wan't to be thin". The male client repeatedly said to me "I want six pack abs this year". Almost everyone is self-bombarding themselves with this obsessive physical outlook, which they feel, "UNSEXY" and unhappy. What is going on folks? 

With all the hype and obsession about how you look from the outside, your body, your abs, your butt, your legs, your chest, your arms and your face too, how many people realize what sexy really is? Is sexy all about hourglass figure? Is sexy all about having six pack abs and ripped body? Is it about dress size or even how much you weigh? Is it how much you measure or how thin you look? Or is it having the body of one of the Victoria Secret or catwalk models who are tall and skinny?

Let's be realistic here. Everyone, or at least almost everyone, wants to be sexy, or at least feels sexy. Disagree? Imagine, when you reach 40's or maybe even early 50's, you lost your libido, sex is virtually non existent to you and you lost your confidence in how you look and how you feel. You no longer feels sexy, and almost everything which evolves sex or mental and physical intimacy, diminished and dried up. You no longer have that same feeling when you were young in your 20's.  Vibrant, full of confidence, feeling sexy, and enjoying the toes-curling orgasms you always wanted. Fast forward to 15 or 20 years later. Everything feels different, and your libido hit rock bottom, you no longer feels sexy. 

Most women in their 40's or even late 30's, think that it's normal if they have low libido and not feeling sexy. As I've spoken to women in their 30's, sex life is almost non-existent to most of them. It's shocking! Some of the women I know, confessed that they no longer feels sexy, and they lost the desire or appetite in making love to their partners. They barely reach mid-life, and at that age, they should still feels super sexy, and enjoying the best sex of their lives. 

Everyone wants to look good and sexy. But, the question is, how an individual define sexy? Is it all about the body? Is it how slim or skinny you look in that pants? Or is it the huge muscular arms and ripped abs that you have? Today, I will share with you my own personal thoughts on being and feeling sexy. I can tell you, to be sexy, it's not only regard of how one look from the outside, but it is also how you think personally about yourself, not comparing to others, having your own raw confidence and be happy of what you have accomplished for you, yourself. Sexy is not about skinny. It's a whole lot more then what most people think. 

For most males out there, you may not experienced the mental and psychological barriers which many women are going through, but it is very important you learn and understand how your opposite partners think and what they really want. For those who has to go through years and decades of marriage or sustaining a long term relationship and trying to feel sexy and enjoy those 'mind-blowing sessions' with your partners, it is a tough task to achieve. Unless, consistent 'dialogues' are established and you have different perception and thinking of how to feel and be sexy, involving a relationship. 

For women, some of you might be wondering when you flip through the pages of beauty magazine, "Wow, I want to look like those tall skinny models". First of all, you have to realize, due to individual genes in the body, we will never be the exact same build or height or even body composition. For a typical endomorph body type adult female who is 5"3 tall, she will never be a 5"10 super skinny 'bird-leg' individual. My point is, DO NOT compare yourself with how others look. To feel and be sexy, I hereby present to you (below), a list of 'perception' of what SEXY truly is, but again, it depends on each individual's thinking. 

I AM SEXY, because...

- I don't weigh myself every morning and worry about how overweight I become
- I wake up and tell myself, I am worthwhile and I'm sexy!
- I'm don't always remind myself of not having a ripped six pack abs nor a physical stature of fitness models.
- I have failed myself recently, let it be anything in life, but I do not hate myself, but I acknowledge the context I was into, and move forward with acceptance and forgive myself. I know I'm human.
- I realized my own passion and core values, and I have the excitement for living life meaningfully, and I will share it with others.
- I have a good heart, I am a good person, and I do not need to compare with others
- No matter how I look from the outside, no matter what people say how I look physically, as long as I tried my best to improve my progress, I am happy. It's my own journey and no one can take it away from me. I am who I become, and I'm sexy!
- I feel empowered myself, with courage and love, I will try my best to fully live more into them everyday, for the rest of my life. 
- I'm not at war with my body. I embrace and respect my own body. I listen to my body, and realize that health is the priceless gift from mother nature. 
- I dance as if no one is looking.
- I think sexy is about fitness, having strong shapely figure particular to my own genes and nature. It's about being at home to my own body, having a great relationship with my body, that no one nor any magazine advertisements taunting me, putting me at war with my body again. I am whole, and being healthy is sexy.