Leaky gut? What on earth is that? The question being thrown at me many times over the last year or so, and a condition more people beginning to realize they may be suffering from it. Before we proceed further, please take note that up to 80% of our immune system comes from the gut. What does that tells us? Our gut is extremely crucial for optimal health and prevention of most diseases.
We have heard many times "You Are What You Eat". That may sound right in some way, but in fact, "You Are What Your Body Can Break Down". Seeing undigested foods in your poop, or unable to digest fats or protein from the foods you eat, there is no way your body can achieve optimum nutrients assimilation. You could be suffering from atrophy of the villi or chronic inflammation of the mucosal lining of the gut and in most cases, patients end up misdiagnosed by their doctors.
Unless you undergo functional lab testing, endoscopy procedure may be your only best bet to find out what is wrong with your gut. Most commercial standard health screening DO NOT include testing to investigate what is going on with your GI tract, especially your gut. There are couple of functional lab test companies (BIOHEALTH & CYREX) which are available in many countries, but you have to locate the practitioners or functional medical doctors to work with you on the test kits, results and protocols.
But, what else can we do if we can't get hold of these functional test kits and want to find out if we suffer from leaky gut? If there any assessment of other home test available? As I always tell all my clients and friends, no one will know better then yourself in regards to your own body. Not even your doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer or any health expert. All you need, is really listen and in-sync with your own body. It is signalling to you all the time, the symptoms and how you feel. From bloating to brain fog and constant fatigue and insomnia, the brain-gut axis is regulating each other all the time.
If you research in pubmed, you will not find studies/journals associate with leaky gut. Use the keyword 'intestinal permeability', and there you go, a whole list of studies related to this condition. Triggers which damage and cause gut permeability include wheat, sugar, toxins, most grains, chronic stress and primarily anything which raises cortisol stress hormone in an extended period of time.
We have heard many times "You Are What You Eat". That may sound right in some way, but in fact, "You Are What Your Body Can Break Down". Seeing undigested foods in your poop, or unable to digest fats or protein from the foods you eat, there is no way your body can achieve optimum nutrients assimilation. You could be suffering from atrophy of the villi or chronic inflammation of the mucosal lining of the gut and in most cases, patients end up misdiagnosed by their doctors.
Unless you undergo functional lab testing, endoscopy procedure may be your only best bet to find out what is wrong with your gut. Most commercial standard health screening DO NOT include testing to investigate what is going on with your GI tract, especially your gut. There are couple of functional lab test companies (BIOHEALTH & CYREX) which are available in many countries, but you have to locate the practitioners or functional medical doctors to work with you on the test kits, results and protocols.
But, what else can we do if we can't get hold of these functional test kits and want to find out if we suffer from leaky gut? If there any assessment of other home test available? As I always tell all my clients and friends, no one will know better then yourself in regards to your own body. Not even your doctor, nutritionist, personal trainer or any health expert. All you need, is really listen and in-sync with your own body. It is signalling to you all the time, the symptoms and how you feel. From bloating to brain fog and constant fatigue and insomnia, the brain-gut axis is regulating each other all the time.
If you research in pubmed, you will not find studies/journals associate with leaky gut. Use the keyword 'intestinal permeability', and there you go, a whole list of studies related to this condition. Triggers which damage and cause gut permeability include wheat, sugar, toxins, most grains, chronic stress and primarily anything which raises cortisol stress hormone in an extended period of time.
Some of you readers might be wondering, why is this assessment important? Isn't the conventional health screening sufficient? Most health screening tests are just the 'tip of the iceberg' overview of what is really going on with your body. The below assessment is a manual, more detailed symptoms and lifestyle based data retriever, if functional lab testing is not possible. But, if you are able to run the functional lab for intestinal musocal screening and cross match with below questionnaire results, that would even further determining the severity of the intestinal permeability.
Remember, if your body can't break down the foods you eat, the assimilation capacity will be impaired, and that translate into poor digestion and malnutrition. Doesn't matter if you are eating organic whole foods or the healthiest diet on the planet. If you have leaky gut, the risk of autoimmune disease is almost inevitable, as every autoimmunity condition has a leaky gut component. It is now the third leading cause of death globally, behind heart disease and cancer. Your gut, is the most important pillar of health and the foundation of optimal health and disease prevention.
Remember, if your body can't break down the foods you eat, the assimilation capacity will be impaired, and that translate into poor digestion and malnutrition. Doesn't matter if you are eating organic whole foods or the healthiest diet on the planet. If you have leaky gut, the risk of autoimmune disease is almost inevitable, as every autoimmunity condition has a leaky gut component. It is now the third leading cause of death globally, behind heart disease and cancer. Your gut, is the most important pillar of health and the foundation of optimal health and disease prevention.
Questionnaire assessment:
- Did you get less then 8 hours of sleep most night?
- Do you crave for sugar, sweets or breads?
- Do you ever go more then 1 day without a bowel movement?
- Do you have eczema, rashes or acne?
- Do you have autoimmune condition/disease such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto's, Psoriasis, MS, etc?
- Do you struggle with depression, anxiety or lack of mental clarity and focus?
- Do you have low energy level or frequent fatigue?
- Are you currently taking any medications or aspirin/ibuprofen?
- Do you have multiple foods sensitivities or food allergies? Example, gluten and dairy
- Are your stress levels moderate to high?
- Have you ever struggled with any type of candida, yeast or fungal infections?
- Do you have thyroid condition or sluggish metabolism?
- Do you have frequent diarheaa or loose stools?
- Do you have gas, bloating or other digestive issues once or more per week?
- Do you struggle with seasonal allergies?
- Do you have a very busy life?
- Do you have IBS, Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's disease?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease?
- Do you suffer from any type of pain including joint pain or headaches?
- Do you get sick often (more then 2 times per year) or feel like you need an immune system boost?
Now, if you scored 1-2 from the list of questionnaire, there is a high chance you have leaky gut. And if you scored 3 or more, you definitely have a intestinal permeability. In modern society, it would be rare for someone to get score zero in this leaky gut assessment. Unless you are very healthy and have been eliminating prescription drugs, stimulants such as sugars, wheat, alcohol and symptom free, you may be at low risk of suffering from leaky gut.