Sunday, October 27, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

AFC 2013: Updates (Part 1)

AFC2013, yet another awesome fitness convention in Thailand. It was an awesome event, yet a tiring one. Great presenters, great workout sessions, great lectures, an event where so many world class fitness professionals are gathered all in one single event. More then 1000 delegates this year, some of the workshops are not as organized as last year, but it was double thumbs up, all in all, a very good convention in general.

Check out the snapshots and videos below. 

Jonathan Ross workout session. 

Dr. Evan Osar workshop

Opening ceremony - Day 1

Convention hall 

Dynamax Med Ball workshop

Dynamax training - Alot of fun

Vipr high intensity workout session

AFC kettlebells competition

Shannon Fable workshop

Shannon Fable workshop

TRX Fraser Quelch's workout session

Diane Vives plyometrics workshop - awesome


AFC kettlebells competition