Eggs, have always a topic of discussion when it comes to health, diet, fitness and even bodybuilding. It has been eaten by humans and animals by as long as we all have step foot on this planet earth. In this post, I will mainly discuss about chicken eggs, one of my favorite foods, and arguably one of the healthiest cheapest foods one can consume and incorporate them in their daily diet.
This nutritional food, has been unfairly labeled and gotten a bad reputation from the media not long ago. To be exact, the newsplash came directly from a group of Canadian researchers. As always, there are bad science and good science, like what Gary Taubes mentioned. I won't discuss about the lipid hypothesis in this post, but I will share with you a few methods you could use to determine the quality of the chicken eggs you invested from supermarket, organic health store or fresh market. I call them eggs purity test.
Now, some of us may have been tricked into buying organic free range eggs. A recent local newspaper has published that chemical is used to make the chickens look 'yellow skinned', scamming the buyers to think it is free range 'kampung' breed. Again, it's all about the money. Me myself, was scammed a couple of times into buying so called free range chicken eggs by the market sellers, but I did not go back to these sellers, after these eggs failed the purity test badly multiple times.
Before you invest your money on so called free range eggs, try to 'interview' and get to know the seller in the fresh market, asking questions like "Where does the eggs come from?", or "How many chickens are breed in that farm/kampung?" or "Which does these chickens eat?". These questions will help you identify if the chickens are healthy and eating their natural diet, instead of soy, corn, wheat and other garbage which is not meant for these poor little birds. A healthy chicken lay a healthy egg. No rocket science here.
We have been told to avoid eating egg yolks, since statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) is endorsed and commercially prescribed? Cholesterol has been labeled as a villain since Ancel Keys made a terrible biased study on saturated fats and cholesterol. "Don't eat that yolk, your cholesterol will go off the roof!". Everyone knows cholesterol is bad, and consuming eggs to it's minimum would be ideal. How come cardiovascular disease rates is increasing yearly? Why are we dropping like flies from heart attacks? How can an old food cause a new disease? That totally does not make any sense at all. I mean seriously folks, a little common sense here? Does anyone even know why an egg has so much cholesterol? Yes, it is because in order to grow and develop a healthy chicken, that much amount of cholesterol is required, same apply with humans. So, eat your eggs, eat the yolk, half boil it, or scramble it with coconut oil, it is one of the best foods one can consume. And it will not give you heart attack, but it may help you to lose weight, boost your libido and provide you tons of valuable nutrition.
1) When preparing for half boil egg, ensure the egg DOES NOT tilt in any direction once it is in the boiling water. If you notice the tip of the egg tilt upward, or the whole egg floats, there is a very high chance that the egg is no longer fresh and partially rotten or contaminated.
2) Once the egg is ready (half boiled), ensure the egg does not smell awkward, funny or nasty. A clean quality egg should not have any unpleasant nor nasty smell.
3) When the egg is cracked open to a small bowl or cup, the egg yolk and egg should be attached together (at least most of it), and not splattered into the bowl like fluid or watery form. Also, the egg shell should be fairly hard and strong, instead of flimsy and soft.
4) Lastly, the egg yolk should look dark strong orange or mild orange, and not pale yellow. That will determine how much carotene the chicken has ingested from clean pesticide-free grass.
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One of the few free range eggs sold locally, and they are sold in small bulk, unlike hundreds of pile up eggs available for sale in fresh markets and supermarkets. |
I always thought that free range labeled eggs are all high quality and clean. Thank you for sharing this info.
ReplyDeleteWhy I feel indigestion when everytime i eat protein foods? Laxatives doesnt seem to help and my family doctor cant help much too. Pls advise.
ReplyDeleteBodybuilding is my ultimate passion. Will eating more then 5 eggs a day increase my risk of high cholesterol and heart disease? Doctors have tell me to avoid egg yolks. help pls.
ReplyDeletehi Sahin pls refer to this post
For 2nd anonymous reader, I'm going to provide in a summarized answer.
ReplyDeleteThe reason why you experienced poor digestion of protein based foods, are likely due to low stomach acid, possibly high pH levels and probably gut dsyfunction too. Digestive enzymes such as protease, pepsin, trypsin are produced by your stomach, pancreas and gut (villi).
Now, imagine you eat eggs, and the initial phase of digestion to break down protein into amino acids happens in the stomach, pepsin is secreted based upon the amount of stomach acid is produced and the level of pH too. If the stomach acid is defficient, and the pH level is 4-7, the digestion efficiency is only approximately 25%, out of possibly 75% if pH level is 1-3.
And, if the acidity of the HCI (stomach acid) is low, chyme (liquified foods) that passed to the doudenum will not be sufficient to trigger the 'ON' switch for the pancreas and liver to produce enough pancreatic enzymes and bile to digest and break down fats and protein.
So, in a nutshell, with only low stomach acid and high pH level, it has impact your digestion efficiency tremendously. That domino affect of non ideal chyme going in to small intestine unable to trigger the 'ON' switch for the next phase of digestion from the liver/gallbladder and pancreas. Meanwhile, if you do have some sort of gut dsyfunction (which most ppl suffer), it will further impair your digestion as villi secretes tons of digestive enzymes. Hope this explanation helps.
For Yuri,
ReplyDeleteHere are your simplified answer. In fact, here is a little homework you could bring back and dig some answers for yourself. Firstly, ask your grandparents what do they eat for most of their lifespan. Ask them about their parents (your great grandparents) about their diet. Ask them how much of animal based foods do they consume, how much whole eggs per day, etc.
Once done, do a little bit of investigation on primitive tribes (the living and healthy ones), how much saturated fats, cholesterol do these population consumed for generations. And one final question for you, "How caveman (our ancestors) thrive, evolved and survived which particular foods and diet?" Compile these findings, cross match your research and answers, you will find out what you are looking for, probably the truth which you may not like to hear or know.