Saturday, September 6, 2014

Energy bars - Look out for these ingredients!

I know that sometimes meal bars or energy protein bars could be useful during emergency meals or when food is not available at certain times or when travelling. Me myself, although wouldn't really recommend energy, protein nor meal bars to my clients or people I know, unless they can get high quality organic raw bars products. 

Although not many brands sell these types of bars, I would still advocate people to prepare their own meals at all times, if not, most of the meals which they possibly could. Unless you are on some form of survival trip or going on long days of camping event, not being able to well prepare your meals is just another lame excuse of not eating organic whole foods. 

Personally, I have seen too many fitness enthusiasts and  so called 'bodybuilders' overdosing on these bars, claiming that they need additional energy or protein from these bars. First off, most of these commercially sold bars are highly processed and loaded with preservatives, sugars, soy and artificial chemicals. Even for some of these 'organic' bars products, claim to have certain organic ingredients or 50% organically grown ingredients. For most consumers, it will be perceived as healthy and safe to eat. 

As I've blogged before in previous posts about protein bars, I will point out on couple of ingredients to avoid when choosing your energy bars. You may be shocked to find out what's in your favorite protein or meal bars you have been eating for years. And to be honest, these bars are not cheap too, some of the brands may cost you more then a small meal of whole foods. I've known some people who swear by these protein and energy bars daily, making these so called foods as their daily staple and an excuse not to consume real foods. Meanwhile, I would like to thank my buddy for giving me these extra bars to write this review and for whoever loves munching on these bars, be aware of toxic hidden ingredients which may do more harm then good to your body and health. 

P/S: These bars are for small kids! 

On the front of this product, it is printed as "Superfood", "Omega 3", "Berries" and "Real Fruit". Pretty good marketing endorsement. 

Now, let's look at the back of the ingredients. Brown rice syrup as 1st ingredient? That's refined sugar! Dried sweetened cranberries and blueberries? Any fruit which is dried and sweetened is high glycemic and high in sugar content. This bar contain 36g of whopping carbs! Your blood sugar will go rocket sky high and insulin levels will make you go hypoglycemic after ingestion of this bar. Another ingredient is oat flour, more refined carbs! Finally, arguably the worst ingredient in any food products, SOY! Soy butter, soy oil in superfood bar? Sounds more like Estrogenic Infertility bar.

Next, this bar looks like a healthier form of energy bar product, from the first look. "Made with Organic Rolled Oats", how bad can it be right? Printed "Oatmeal, Raisin Walnut", it's all whole food ingredients right? 

Moment of truth. 1st ingredient, Brown Rice Syrup, it's refined sugar. Next ingredients will blow you away if you are concern about fertility, erectile dsyfunction and estrogen levels in the body. Soy Protein Isolate is one of the worst form of processed soy based ingedient. Rice flour, rice starch, cane syrup, will further increase glycemic index of the food product with more sugar content.  An insane 43g of carbs in a serving! Your immune system will be suppressed for the entire day and night. If you look carefully, there are additional soybean ingredients (soy flour & soy butter and oil). Apart from sugar loaded and soy madness in this bar, it doesnt matter if it taste delicious or contain 10g of protein. This is a highly estrogenic yet refined carbs laden food product. Wonder why high body fat and suffering from man boobs and ED problems? 

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