Sunday, December 14, 2014

Maintaining fitness of a lifetime, and better health - Overtraining & Adrenal Fatigue (Part 6)

When we eat certain foods or a meal, most of us rarely think about nutrition, digestive enzymes, antioxidants, vital minerals and also beneficial bacteria. What do most of us think prior to gulping down that beverage or eating a meal? Since the last decade or so, most people from young to old age, tend to be emotional eaters, driven by cravings for sugars and gluten, as mindful eating has been long forgotten amongst most of us.

Relationship with foods is no longer acknowledged and established amongst the modern society, the fast paced digital world has derailed us from how we should prepare and eat traditional nourishing foods, a tradition which kept our older ancestors healthy, functional and reproductive for countless generations.

In today's post, I will talk about just that, the vital nutrients which feed our brain and adrenals, and the entire mechanism chain which regulates our stress pathway. How important food can be, when it comes to providing the needed fuel and feeding the cells of these organs and glands? Let's discuss some of the vital nutrients which most of us are depleted and also other genetic factors which could play a role too.

First nutrient, Vitamin B12. A vital nutrient which majority of us suffer from low levels due to various factors. Bear in mind, even a moderate low level of this vitamin, can lead to depression, anemia, fatigue, and other health conditions. If one suffer from a prolonged deficiency of Vitamin B12, the damage of the brain and nervous system can varies from moderate to permanent. This is bad, if the brain is not functional and damage, the rest of the body will suffer too.

As anyone can Google the list of foods which is high in Vitamin B12, the best source of this vitamin nutrient is animal based foods, primarily seafood, organ meats (liver), beef, fatty fish, etc. How about vegan or vegetarian? What are the sources of foods which could still bio-available for people who can't eat animal based foods? Well, the choice is scarce, but if one could still consume dairy products and eggs, those would be an alternative source of Vitamin B12. If one consume a higher amount of this vitamin, it would primarily stored in the liver, for future use, and the rest will be excreted from the body.

While food sources is important, it would be wise to know what factors could deplete this nutrient in the body. Of of the most common factor is birth control pills. For women using this contraceptive method, it is important to take note and weigh the consequences. The other factor is hormone replacement therapy (synthetic), as this may apply to only a specific category of population but this therapy protocol is increasingly popular amongst older women. Besides that, the most widely used drugs of all the three, is acid blocking medication. It is now so common amongst the population who suffer from digestive issues ranging from acid reflux, GERD, indigestion, bloating, etc. The medical treatment has become a 'standard' practice and a regular 'ritual', prescribing acid blocking drugs to patients all over the world. Bear in mind, a powerful drug called proton pump inhibitor (PPI) can block stomach acid to a minimum zero production, depleting this nutrient involving in the intrinsic factor in the stomach.

Next, a genetic defects of MTHFR plays a role in producing MTHFR enzymes needed for healthy methylation and also involvement in any chemical reaction form of B Vitamins. This process is critical in converting amino acids homocysteine to methionine. The body uses methionine to make proteins and other important compounds. Also, without healthy, functional MTHFR, homocysteine cannot be converted to methionine. As a result, homocysteine builds up in the bloodstream, and the amount of essential methionine is reduced. Also, elevated homocysteine has been highly correlated with active neurodegeneration, impaired hepatic function, and compromised cardiovascular health.

When foods is concern, take a wild guess which source score the highest amongst the whole list? Yes, it's animal's liver, especially beef. In a person with truly impaired MTHFR function, obtaining your folate from exclusively methylated sources becomes especially critical.

Some of the supplements or sources to support the chonically stressed out brain is folic acid, preferably in liposomal liquid form, for better absorption. Another awesome nutrient would be choline, found abundance in egg yolk, needed for making acetylcholine. For eggs lovers, this is another reason why we should eat the whole egg, and not just the white, as most nutrition is in the striking orange yolk which we have been told is going to give you a heart attack and bad for the heart. A total nonsense, cholesterol is our friend, not enemy.

Meanwhile, other important nutrients such as Omega 3 fatty acids and arachidonic acid are also critical for brain health, and arguably the most important nutrient of all, is cholesterol! A diet rich in cholesterol is decidedly brain healthy. An estimated of 25% of cholesterol in the body is in the brain. Anything which interfere with the body production of cholesterol needed for physiological functions is definitely not a good idea. In this case, statins or also known as cholesterol lowering drugs, is the best way to inhibit cholesterol production by the liver. When you go against your body of producing cholesterol needed for so many vital functions, you are setting up a whole list of health conditions such as memory dysfunction, depression, endocrine issues, neurological instability, cognitive disorder, anxiety, and susceptibility to seizures and migraines too. Love cholesterol, embrace it, it is not the villain.

Next on the list is Vitamin D. This hormone is not only protective of cancer, but also anti-inflammatory which protects the delicate Omega 3 fatty acid. What is the best source of Vitamin D? For countless generations, the sun provide what our body need for optimum health, and it's free. It is listed a one of the most deficient nutrient of the general population, Vitamin D. Barely any time spent outdoor under strong sun, almost all of us spend easily 99% of our time indoor, away from sun exposure. I'm addition, most of us medicate ourselves with refined carbs and sugars and going on a low cholesterol diet, no thanks to dietary recommendation and so called nutrition and health experts.

Last but not least, I regard it as king of all minerals, magnesium. It is involved in more then 300 biochemical activities, one will realize how important this mineral is to the body. It displace excess aluminum, aids in detoxification, and is essential for a calm, functioning parasympathetic state. Increased levels of magnesium in the brain promote synaptic density and plasticity in the hippocampus. As I've blogged about this vital mineral in previous post, I will not deep dive into this discussion, but it is important to avoid as much exposure to chlorine and fluoride in water, refined sugars and stress.

In the next post, we will learn more about the role and importance of hippocampus, which relates to stress and adrenal regulation. Stay tuned.

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