Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Organic Protein Shake? - Quick Review

As year 2015 has begun, many of us set ourselves a list of new year resolutions, be it losing weight, getting fit or making more money, but as usual, less then 10% of people succeeded. Today, let's look at one very simple and common 'resolution' which many people, especially fitness enthusiasts and gym addicts are very much into, 'protein shakes' or so called 'post workout meal'. 

The reason why I blog this post, from a courtesy of a friend who requested for an honest review. It will be a quick review, and below are some of my summary of why most protein shakes products are not recommended. In most cases, gulping down these so called protein shakes or beverages will cause more health problems then doing any good to the body. I know some of you readers may disagree (expected), i have personally known many of fitness buffs and trainers who are toxic and suffer from digestive disorders which includes consistent bloating, chronic constipation and inflammation of the gut. 

Protein Shakes products (including Organic) : Why it may not be ideal for consumption?

Commercial products  (a toxic, inflammatory, diabetic beverage)
- Primarily loaded with toxic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, hexane (found mostly in soy extraction), antibiotics, synthetic growth hormones, steroids (injected to fedlot cows)
- Loaded with preservatives and food dyes (in certain products)
- Many of these shakes contain wheat and soy as ingredients
- Most so called protein shakes are low fat, loaded with sugars and more harmful sweeteners

Organic products  ( a better choice, but not recommended)
- Even though most consumers think that it's healthy to buy and consume organic beverage or protein shakes, most of these products are loaded with sugars too. 
- Almost all protein shake products contain pasteurized or homogenized milk. Almost all of the nutrients in the milk is wiped out, practically dead.
-  Some of the organic protein beverages may contain soy and wheat too

Other reasons 
- Many gym addicts, fitness enthusiasts and even regular sports person, tend to be 'dependant' on these beverages, especially after a workout or game session. An excuse of 'MUST' drink a protein shake or beverage after an exercise session or similar routine, was made commercially primarily from bodybuilding supplement industry, it was then spread throughout the sports and fitness industry, as a ploy to regain more profits globally. Bear in mind, the bodybuilding and fitness supplements industry is huge, and it is slowly gaining the market of even normal population. With the mindset of depending on drinking protein shakes to replace actual meals, This could lead to poor ownership of preparing healthy whole foods meals, and in the end, it become a 'product-replacement' foods, rather then eating real foods. 
- Most people don't realize that the body can handle a significant amount of amino acids assimilation at one time, even for a bodybuilder or professional athlete. A lot of gym goers or bodybuilder wannabes, gulp down those protein powder drinks several times a day, stressing out the kidneys and in some cases, it convert to sugars, then body fat storage. Increased blood sugar equals to bad news, feeding pathogenic bacteria and yeast.
- Next, excessive protein intake, may lead to over stimulation of mTOR pathways. When mTOR is inhibited, the risk of cancer growth in the body is minimize. 
- As most people do realize that over consumption of protein will damage and stress out the kidneys, it is in fact true. When you consume too much protein, your body must remove more nitrogen waste products from your blood, that equals to burdened kidneys. 

Skimmed milk and cane sugar? Not so ideal

Wonder why lactase enzyme is needed to be added in this product? Bcoz the enzymes are wiped out during pasteurization process, and 23g of sugars is just a recipe for diabetes and fueling cancer cells.

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