Sunday, November 4, 2012

Do We Really Need Doctors? (Part 1)

Friends, colleagues, family members and to all the people that know me, this topic is especially for you. To those who really know me well, you will realize that I'm all about primal living, drug-less minded,  hollistic approach, and eating real foods. Some people hate me, some people loves me. Most conventional doctors hate me, a number of personal trainers hate what I'm doing to help people for such a dirt cheap fee and even free, occasionally. Most people I've helped throughout the previous years, deeply appreciate and thanked me, and they followed my program for a long time. Question is, the ones who hate or envy me, do i care? Answer is NO. To those who have great results and improved their health and fitness tremendously, I sincerely feel happy for you.

I'm been thinking for a long time, on and off, tons of people came to me, telling me about what their doctors said to them, giving them advises which cast doubts over their heads. Health screening results came out, "My doctor said my total cholesterol serum levels is 6.0 and its high. Will my doctor put me on statins?". How about "My doctor tell me not to go off my hypertension meds, else my arteries are going to explode!". Well, my advise to you, "Fire you doc!". Dump your doctor until you can get a decent knowledgeable health practitioner.

Today, I'm going to write all about your overall health, and the truth about whether you really need doctor or any prescription drugs. I will write about some of the major causes of illness and diseases and how do we deal with it. Have an open mind, connect the dots, and continue reading.

What if I tell you, that you are you own doctor? What if I tell you that you don't need any conventional doctor to help you with your health conditions? What if I tell you that you don't need any drugs or pills whenever you are sick or even suffering from chronic diseases or illness? Sounds to good to be true?

Before we move on, let me give you a list of common symptoms, illnesses or what you might considered it as 'pain'. Chronic neck or back pain, digestion problems such as gas or indigestion, general fatigue, depression and mood swings or even anxiety, weight gain, flu and colds, decreased sex drive, constipation, etc. I can go on and on and on, but I'm shortlisting a few common health symptoms and illnesses.

Modern western medicine has really thrown in the towel when it comes to dealing with the causes of chronic symptoms, let alone finding a connection amongst them. It’s much easier for a doctor to prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug, a laxative and the blue pill Viagra. The problem, of course, is that while these drugs may take care of their immediate symptoms, the person taking them is forever chained to their medicine. Until we learn to address the causes underlying these problems, we’re simply masking our symptoms.

Most of the people I know, who faced the challenges I’ve listed above were really under the thumb of one root cause, Stress. Stress is a powerful buzzword in our culture. We’ve all heard about stress and how harmful it is. As our awareness of the potential dangers of stress grows, we are also discovering there are many different kinds and sources of stress that we experience most every day. After all, as busy modern humans, we take on many different roles in our daily lives and each one of them presents us with their own set of challenges.

The key to genuine, long-lasting vibrant health is learning how to manage daily stress. For example, in my own life, I have a very busy daily schedule that has the potential to cause me stress, if I allow it. Life stressors, whether they’re physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, regardless of their origin, work much the same way. We simply need to learn how to manage them properly, and when we do, they provide us with opportunities to become more healthy human beings.

The main stumbling block to genuine health and happiness that most of us face in our lives is that we have no one to help us understand how to manage the different sources and kinds of stress that we increasingly experience. Inside of us, we have within ourselves, integrated 'doctors' which most of us don't even realize it. We just need to learn how to listen to the advice that they’re continuously offering us. These 'integrated doctors' are telling you about the challenges to your wellbeing that you’re facing and how to use that information to guide you to a happier, healthier life.

The human body is amazing! At any given point you have many biological processes going on, such as circulatory, digestive, brain & central nervous systems and more. In order for you to experience vibrant radiant health, these systems must be supported and maintained, and that’s where your 'integrated doctors' will help you. Before I introduce you to your integrated doctors, I want to talk more specifically about the different sources of stress common to our lives. In essence, we are all really spiritual beings that are having a human experience as physical beings here on planet earth. And, just like the Earth isn’t simply a big dead rock flying through space, the miracle of who we are is that we are not merely a physical body.

We are also emotional beings, sensitive to the wants and needs of others and ourselves. And beyond that, we are mental beings. We think. We process information in very complex ways, and this allows us to experience the richness of life in tremendous depth and complexity. For example, when astronauts go into outer space, there isn’t enough gravitational stress on their bones and muscles. Without the proper exercises, they begin to lose muscle and bone mass, which is damaging to their bodies. In other words, sometimes we can be damaged by a lack of necessary stress. In this case, the required stress is gravity, a stress we are actually built to experience!

Stress of any type crosses social, cultural and economic barriers. Stressful challenges are necessary for our developmental growth and overall health as human beings. If there was never any stress in our relationships, would we ever learn to communicate with each other effectively? Would we ever learn to understand what we feel, or manage those emotions? If we had never faced mental challenges that forced our minds to grow and mature, would we have computers, cars, the Internet, or the means to travel into space? If there were no such thing as spiritual stress, would we ever learn what it means to love others or ourselves? Would we have any grasp on the value of life? The answer to each of these questions is a big NO!

Your body has no way of differentiating a physical stress from an emotional, mental or a spiritual stress. To the nervous system and hormonal system, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve just had a car accident, are going through a divorce, are under the pressure of too many deadlines at work, or even just won a million dollar in the lottery! Your hormonal and nervous systems react the same way, its just stress.

Ancient survival mechanism, 'fight or flight' situation, it's part of our sympathetic nervous system response. These common symptoms are the result of our body’s general reaction to stress. To the degree that your body-mind as a whole interprets that it’s under stress, your body triggers its fight or flight hormones. In the short term, this reaction is healthy, necessary even. But when chronically triggered, the fight or flight reaction can be extremely harmful to your health.

In the next post, I will explain about fight or flight response, also introducing and explaining more about our 'integrated doctors' within our inner body. Stay tuned.

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