Thursday, May 9, 2013

No one seemed to ask WHY? Chasing da symptoms! (Part 2)

Political stress is almost gone, election had passed and most people in my country get on with their daily lives as usual. I had to admit there are quite a lot of people who were tension high and stressed out with the big event and results of the election. As if our daily stressors are not bad enough, some of us brought themselves another layer of stressor, politically related this time around. I wish more people can let go of what happened, and get on with their lives and focus on much more important priorities such as diet, health, lifestyle, family and perhaps work too. 

Now, drop politics, let's discuss about what health really is. Everyone heard of the word health, and in order to be healthy  we need to eat balanced meals, exercise, sleep well, etc. Question is, is that what health is all about? Today, I'm going to reset your thinking of what health really is, as I will explain how the human body and mind are connected and how diseases and symptoms developed in each and every one of us. 

Let me start off telling you guys one thing. Throughout my previous years, I've asked a few conventional doctors about health, what is health, and listen to what they have to say and understand. Because, I believe that in order to be able to diagnose and treat any patient, a health professional MUST know and understand how the body works, and how disease and symptoms came about, and health really is. But, diagnosing and treating symptoms based on drugs and even surgery, is definitely flawed medical paradigm. No matter how many pills or prescription drugs consumed or even surgeries which happened, the root cause,  hidden stressors and malfunctions will never be identified, and the ability to help the body heal and bring it back to homeostasis or in the state of ease, look very slim, close to impossible. 

Some of the conventional doctors whom i spoken to, don't look to be any healthier then most of my friends or relatives. The answers or explanation given to me about health, is barely any different then most people I know, normal average people. Health professionals @ doctors, doesn't even know how the body works, and hardwired into the paradigm of chasing/treating symptoms until the body stop responding or unable to cope any further. Are conventional doctors bad? Of course not. It's not entirely fair to accuse doctors for treating symptoms most of the time, and failed to identify the root cause and malfunctions in the body, but it is just the way how medical science are being taught to medical students in their faculty, primarily funded by pharmaceutical industries. You don't expect the grain industry owners to educate and endorse people to consume dairy products right? 

Before I proceed further to discuss about how our body works and the perspective about health, diseases and symptoms, I'm providing you some of the questions you should be asking yourself, basically wisdom from our ancestors.

1) How did our ancestors generations ago, live longer, better quality of life and health, virtually drug free?
2) What our ancestors eat and  how well do they sleep? What much stressors they had to cope, compared to the 21st century population?
3) How much do our ancestors move physically compared to most couch potatoes or sedentary people?
4) Did our ancestors generations ago, use prescription drugs or natural alternatives such as herbs, plants and foods to heal the body and cure illnesses suffered during those times? 

All these questions, each and every one of us, should be asking ourselves to trigger more sense into our brains. We have been hardwired to a hugely flawed health and medical paradigm, for a long time, ever since possibly processed foods were introduced? Or maybe since pharmaceutical drugs were slowly blooming into our so called 'medication world' in most industrialized nations. 

Now, let's have a look at the brain - body diagram below. I apologize for a poorly designed graphical diagram, but I will try my best to explain how our body actually works and a different way to look at health. First of all, our brain and body, which includes all our organs, glands, systems, tissues and cells communicate with each other every single second. Remember, our body doesn't work independently and in order for the body and all its primary organs and glands to work properly, certain components such as blood which consists of hormones and nutrients are vital. Energy, which is CHI as well as nervous systems like autonomic and somatic.

I will try not to get too technical to allow you to understand how disease and symptoms actually occurred amongst us,  and how allopathic medicine such as drugs @ medication comes into the picture to so called aid or help certain conditions. As you can see down below the body component, there is function, which means, with brain and body communication and working together as a unit, function is expected in order to keep us alive and do what we do in our daily lives. From breathing to sleeping, physical movements to digestion and detoxification, everything our body perform, it doesn't matter what you think mentally or do physically, our body, strive to function 100%. In this case, it is considered normal function. To regard our body as function normally, it must be 100%. Make sense?

When our body in function normally, it will be in the state of ease. We can also call it homeostasis. I'm sure some of you might have heard this word before, it basically refers the body in a balance functional state. So, with the body functioning 100% and in the state of ease, there will be no symptom at all. What is symptoms? As you can see at the bottom of the page, there are a list of symptoms which most of them seem familiar to  you. Of course there are much more other symptoms, but I'm just giving a random list of what most people are suffering from time to time, if not daily or regularly. I know, some of you might be asking, cancer and heart disease are also considered symptoms? As you can see in the diagram below, when the body function is no longer 100% and normal, malfunction will occur. What happen to the initial state of ease? Yes, it will become DIS-EASE. So, for whoever doesn't know how the word disease is derived? Now you know! And when the body is in dis-ease,  symptoms will occur. So, whichever health conditions or so called diseases you are suffering or developed, it is your body telling you that it is no longer in the state of ease and function normally. Treating the particular disease itself, will mostly not fix what had broken or malfunctioned inside of your own body. We have to investigate and find out the root cause and hidden stressors which prevent the body from healing and responding to cure itself.

It is silly to take SSRI if you develop depression or mental disorders, or angiotensin inhibitors/ antihypertensive drugs for high blood pressure. And worst case ever, taking cholesterol lowering drug to prevent heart disease? In more common cases, taking antibiotics whenever we have sorethroat, cough and flu, is totally ridiculous. Antibiotics are meant only for vast majority of bacterial infections, that is if the doctor can truly confirm it is in fact bacteria infection. Else, taking that dose of antibiotics will wipe out the whole gut flora including beneficial bacterias, which is so important to our immune system. As I've mentioned before, our gut flora is close to 75-80% of our body immune system. When you often falls sick or ill, or develop various symptoms, your gut is the first place to investigate.

Always remember, allopathic medicine, primarily practiced by conventional doctors, are used to treat the symptoms and never meant to heal anything at all, nor address any root cause. Drugs @ medication, is meant  to destroy, and not heal. That is why it has to be patented, because it is altered from nature and regard as poison. But, it is sometimes useful when it is needed to relief certain discomfort of symptoms, if you can ignore the side effects. Let's just consider prescription or over the counter drugs as last resort, which includes antibiotics.

Bottom line, in order to be healthy, we should be symptom, disease, pain and drug free, feeling happy and good and energetic most, if not all the time, and ensuring all our systems are functioning properly and achieving homeostasis.

Brain-Body Diagram

What are symptoms?

  • Migraines
  • Headaches
  • Sorethroat
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Skin disorders (rashes, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, dry skin, etc)
  • dry hair
  • Brain fog (inability to think and concentrate, poor cognitive performance)
  • Excess of body fat (overweight & obese)
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Fatigue
  • High estrogens levels
  • Joints pains and aches
  • Constipation & diarheaa
  • Bloating & Flatulence 
  • Digestive issues/GI tract (heartburn, acid reflux, GERD, defficiency in digesting foods, etc)
  • Insomnia or sleeping difficulties
  • PMS
  • GOUT
  • Fungal & parasite infections
  • Memory loss / Poor memory
  • Low energy levels
  • Low sexual drive/libido
  • Bad breath
  • Mood swings / Depression
  • Asthma
  • High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Autoimmunity
  • Gallstones, kidney stones
  • Palpitation

1 comment:

  1. Makes a whole lot more sense..thanks for the explanation. I will share it with my family.
