Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Soy-Free Challenge - Clear your fridge and kitchen! : 2014 resolution

We've got more fertility problems in the history of mankind then ever before. Couples unable to conceive, male adults suffering from erectile dsyfunction, 'man-boobs' are noticeable in male adults much more then possibly 5-8 years ago. Majority of women are estrogen dominance, fat loss seemed like a mountain to climb and infants now have estrogen levels as high as their mothers by age of 2-3 years old. Women suffers from hypothyroidism, are often feeling cold easily, maintaining ideal weight is such a headache. What is happening amongst us? What do all of these symptoms have in common? Could it be the 'soy-connection'?

Soy, arguably America's favourite 'health' food, is widely consumed by most countries too. From soymilk to tofu, edamame to soy protein powders, as well as soybean oil used widely in cooking by most of us. In America, close to 95% of soy grown is GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms). But, in other countries such as Australia, Japan and also countries in European Union, GMOs foods/crops is banned. 

As I've written quite a number of posts about soybean previously, I will not go into details about the dark side of the so called 'health' food. For years, we have perceived soy as healthy, an ideal source of protein and can lower cholesterol. The soybean industry and medias also claimed that this food could protects against cancer and reduce menopausal symptoms. Since then, we have been hardwired to think that consuming soybean based products is healthy and beneficial to our body. Men have slowly transform from masculine strong and lean, to a feminized weak estrogen-driven species. What a shame really. 

From an elderly 65 years old fertility symptom, we are now witnessing more male adults as young as 30's, suffering from this dilemma. I'm talking about ED and sexual performance issue. Most guys don't want to talk about it as it may be embarrassing for most men, especially the ones with EGO as huge as the moon. For women, occurrences of hormonal imbalance and fertility disorders have increased since soy is regarded as superstar in health food.  

I remember one of my female friend asked me why does her infant son has reduced penis size? Then I asked her " Did you consume a lot of soybean based foods when you were pregnant?" She said 'YES!" She were consuming tofu and soymilk daily during the whole of 8-9 months. I wouldn't be surprise if her infant son has estrogen levels as high as her now. Large number of parents are unconsciously destroying their babies and kids reproductive organs and hormonal pathways with this food. Sad really.

In this post, I would like you to take this soy-free challenge. Starting today, go back home, browse and search all your kitchen food and beverage products, and that includes your refrigerator too. The challenge, is 90 days soy-free, you can make this as one of your new year's resolution. Try it, take this challenge and observe some of your health symptoms after 90 days. Meanwhile, below are the food products you should be looking for in your kitchen and fridge.  

What to look for in our kitchen and fridge? - Thrash it!

- Tofu (including organic)
- Edamame (beans)
- Soymilk (of any beverage products, including organic)
- Packaged or beverage products which contains soy as ingredient
- Soy Protein Isolate (or protein supplements which contains soy)
- Soy infant milk formula (this is perhaps one of the worst food one can feed to an infant or baby)
- Soybean oil or any commercial vegetables including olive oils.
- Any junk food products which contains soy.
- Soy sauce
- Chilli or tomato sauce products(which contain soy)

No soy while dining out! 

Additionally, within the 90 days challenge, no soybean based foods or beverage while dining out. Clearing out the kitchen doesn't permits you to feast on processed soy foods. Make sense? Please ensure no commercial soy sauce in food outlets too. 

Any soybean based foods allowed?

Fortunately, if you seriously crave and has the need to consume soy within the 90 days challenge period, below are the fermented soy food list which are reasonably acceptable, with small amounts.

- Tempe
- Natto
- Miso 

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