Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bone Health: What is your risk of bone fractures? (Part 2)

Bone density mineral assessment, predicts only up to 44% for risk of suffering from bone fractures. Barely half the overall assessment for bone health and risk of breaking a bone in the body. The 44% prediction is for women, and only 21% for men. Is bone density scan the best predictor for bone fractures? What can one do to reduce bone fractures? 

In previous post, I've discussed about the role of hormones in bone remodelling, and a little bit about osteoporosis drugs, how it interfere with natural bone remodelling activities and could end up making our bones becoming from bad to worst. Today, we will discuss about dairy products and diet. We will focus particularly on milk and the whole story behind this idea of 'drinking milk keeps our bones strong and healthy'. 

Want some milk? Does any of you drink milk on regular basis? Do you still think drinking milk or consuming dairy products will prevent you from developing osteoporosis or bone fractures? When one think of calcium, milk and dairy products come into mind, a far-fetch perception, and a misleading recommendation from the media and so called health professionals. From the list I provided below, you will realize that there are many foods which are loaded with calcium, apart from dairy products. Besides, calcium is only one of the many components which build strong healthy bones. We have been mislead to believe that calcium will make our bones strong and we have to drink more milk and consume more dairy products such as cheese and yoghurt. 

Does anyone even know what's in your milk? Most people think that they need to consume milk in order to be healthy. Commercial milk and dairy products, are loaded with nasty growth hormones and antibiotics. The milk from fedlot sick diseased cows are fed with grains, soy, corn, waste materials, and contaminated water supply. Do take note that most of these cows are fed GMOs crops too. These cows are not the ones you imagine grazing on the lush of mountain or happily spending hours daily under the sun enjoying fresh air and pesticide-free grass. Those poor sick cows are locked away from its natural environment and fed toxic foods which is not its' natural diet. Dairy food products, have been known to cause food-allergies and sensitivities since many years back. It is arguably the one of the main causes for allergic and immune reaction from food, and most people are still not aware of it. 

How about raw organic milk? Or perhaps yoghurt, butter or cheese made from organic raw milk? Is it safe and beneficial? The answer is YES. But again, one man's medicine can be another man's poison. Always learn to listen to your body. I personally consumed yoghurt, butter and cheese from raw organic unpasteurized milk, and these foods taste delicious and fantastic. But again, in terms of calcium based foods, you do not need to rely on milk or dairy products, and you need to fully understand all other factors which enable and build strong healthy bones, preventing fractures. Calcium is not the only answer.

Calcium-rich foods (non dairy products)
- Kale
- Sardines
- Dark leafy greens
- Broccoli
- Almonds
- Salmon
- Sesame seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Figs
- Tuna

The calcium lie, which goes back to more then possibly 20-30 years ago, was commercialized in the mainstream when I was a small kid. Of course I don't expect my parents to know about this whole dietary scam, many more people are tricked into believing this whole 'calcium prevents osteoporosis' idea. Availability of milk and dairy products have been more then ever, people have been consuming these products, boasting dairy industry sales and making themselves sick in the process. I love organic raw milk and raw dairy products, but I have to say that pasteurized commercial dairy products are to avoid at all cost. If you love cheese, yoghurt or butter, at least buy from organic (ideally unpasteurized and unhomogenized) sources. I have to admit, there are very limited organic free range unpasteurized dairy products in my country. 

What about infant milk formulas? Is it a good source of calcium nor is it even an ideal food for babies? The answer is NO. Commercial infant milk formulas are loaded with synthetic hormones, pesticides and harmful toxic chemicals and preservatives. Imagine infants or babies with immature immune system ingesting these so called 'foods' and causing severe immune reaction. Babies and children are falling sick more often then ever, compared to couple generations ago. A more common sense question parents should be asking themselves, "What did babies consume before these milk formulas were invented and introduced to us?" If you know the answer (if you still have common sense), and if every parent stop feeding their babies or children these toxic formulas, infant milk formula industry will be very unhappy and suffer huge loss. 

Most of us have lost touch with how our ancestors eat, live and move. We have derailed from a holistic approach to a  non common sense ideas and recommendations. Some of the conventional wisdoms are just complete hogwash and absurdity. Do we even know what our ancestors eat for countless generations? The foods and diet which kept them so healthy and reproductive, so that we are born and live till today. 

What about diet? The foods we eat daily to keep us alive and functional. I will not discuss about calories in calories out hypothesis, but let's review which foods is essential and beneficial to bone health. Apart from that, we would also want to focus on factors which causes the body to loose minerals faster then expected. Phytic acid, binds to minerals and could cause depletion of minerals in the bones and body. Foods which contain high amount of phytates or phytic acid may cause malabsorption of minerals in the body including the bones. Apart from that, high amount of caffeine ingestion may also have diuretic affect causing some of the minerals lost from excessive urination. An occasional one cup of organic coffee few times a week should not impair minerals absorption but for women or people who are suspected to be suffering from adrenal fatigue or adrenal disorder, you may want to be careful on coffee dependency. Heavy metals, also bind to these minerals causing even further deficiency. Most importantly, diet which is minerals and collagen deficient, is one of the main factors in bone health. In this case, Vitamin K is extremely important. 

Not yet a superstar amongst other vitamins, Vitamin K is arguably one of the most powerful nutrient which benefit the body in so many ways. I will explain more about this nutrient's role in bone health in next post. Stay tuned. 

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