Sunday, November 1, 2015

Microwave oven - One of the most dangerous kitchenware ever invented!

As I observe many people in my workplace going in and out of the pantry, one of the most frequently used kitchen appliances is the microwave oven. Apart from the coffee machine, this would arguably rated as 2nd most used appliance in my workplace or most offices. It is also prized for convenience and common in most homes, as most people are not aware of the harmful affect of using microwave oven.

In reality, most people tend to spend most of their time at work (job), or doing something else which is lower priority or less important on their daily routine. Let's face it, social networking, watching late night TV, playing online games, etc. The same group of people usualy complain about having no time to prepare their foods or too expensive to spend on organic whole foods. What happen next? Regular take-away meals on daily basis, more exposure to microwave radiation on the foods, developing more digestive problems, setting up food intolerance, malnutrition, etc. 

Today, I will briefly share with you the 4 known issues with using microwave oven. It is hazardous and alarming to our body and health, and many more people should be aware of heating up foods with microwave oven, instead of being ignorant about it. One important note for breastfeeding mothers. If you are feeding your baby with your own milk/infant milk formula, DO NOT heat it with microwave oven before giving it to your infant! The baby's immune system is yet to fully developed and will incur more damage to the body then adult.

Why microwave oven is so dangerous? 

- It's a radiation based electrical appliance. It alter the particles and destroy most of the nutrients and live enzymes of the foods you are about to consume. In a nutshell, you are eating a nutrient depleted almost-dead meal. This will impair your digestion and assimiliation capacity and creating food intolerance in the process, if prolonged use of microwaved foods. 

- Assuming you are buying your meal from outside, packed in a so called 'microwavable plastic' container, or even bringing your own home-cooked non-organic meal in a low quality plastic tupperware. The heating process using microwave oven will leech the chemicals (easily more then 30-50) into your foods. These chemicals are known as obesogens (phthalates, atrazine, BPA, PFOA, etc), also known as estrogen mimickers or endocrine disrupters. It will make you fat, confuse your body mimicking higher amount of estrogen level and increased risk of cancer. 

- What is even worst, is it create a new breed of pesticides during radiation heating process from the existing amount of pesticides in the foods, creating a pesticides factory in your gut! A new host of pesticides never found by scientists and your liver has no idea how to metabolize these toxins. 

- Study has shown exposure to devices such as microwave oven, can affect the heart.

according to Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University. Dr. Havas says:

"This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability caused by an approved device that generates microwaves at 

levels well below (0.3 percent) federal guidelines in both Canada and the United States."

How to reduce the amount of obesogens exposure?

- Avoid drinking/shower unfiltered water
- Avoid drinking from cans and bottled water/beverages
- Be aware of air-fresheners and fragrance products
- Avoid cooking with no-stick pan and consuming microwave popcorn


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