Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cardio vs weight training: Which is healthier? Which burns fat more efficient? (Part 8)

Had a great training session earlier today, gave HIBT to some of my fellow colleagues, was enjoying training them, helping them with their diet plans, monitoring and tweaking their diets, sleeping cycles, etc. I enjoyed helping people with their diet, lifestyle and exercise programmes, and I didn't charge a penny, but I get lots of pleasure and fun knowing what I can do to improve people's (that I know) health and fitness. Not all pleasure and happiness can be bought by money alone, and this is one of them, which gives me pure pleasure without involving sex, weed and doping drugs. Just kidding.

One can decide, either charge someone a fee for giving personal training or consultation of diet/nutrition plan, and make it as a career even though it doesn't matter if it really work or turn out to be a failure (long term). Similarly, one can be a doctor, opens a clinic or work in medical sector, firmly believes in drugs treatment on symptoms and diseases and refuse to have an open mind about other means of treatment, and receives fairly handsome amount of salary every month, even though pharmaceutical drugs usually causes more health problems then fixing underlying causes. Choices is ours to make, it depends on how do we decide, to be able to help people regardless of health, fitness, diet or any other issues, and usually money plays a huge role when it comes to pharmaceutical drugs and personal training. 

Does anyone know an average Fitness First personal trainer earns up to RM10-15k per month? Oh yeah, I'm not kidding at all. I have several friends who work as a personal trainer in this gym outlet, revealing their salary to me in a boosting manner, but oh boy, do they know anything about health, fitness and the science of body transformation, which includes overdose of protein powder drinks and supplements. 

Now, let's dive back into some discussion about building muscles. I know I know, you must be thinking that in order to build big massive muscles, all we gotta do, is to consume high protein, and protein powder drinks is one effective way to achieve that goal. Low fat and high protein diet? Not to mention how many IFBB bodybuilders have died of heart attack for consumption/abuse of steroids. 

The adoration of the muscular body may well relate to the primal appreciation of human attraction to physical power as a means of survival. For ancient warriors muscularity, strength and endurance, often meant the difference life and death. In contrast, the modern concept of muscularity has nothing to do with functionality or survival.

The main goal of modern fitness and bodybuilding is to increase muscularity for sheer vanity, in this case, for men, we talk about having bigger biceps, bulky chest, six packs abs, etc. We lost count of knowing what fitness and 'workout' is all about, as performance and health become secondary goals. As a result, the vast majority of people today have been busting their butts to develop a new kind of body, one that hasn't been tested through the evolution of humans.

This body image that manifests on the glossy cover of fitness and muscle magazines has nothing to do with biological functions. Not surprisingly, a typical bodybuilder and weekend warrior will fail to perform in a real life situation that demands high endurance, speed and agility. In ancient times, the purpose of exercise was to build a powerful body.

Nowadays, the only way to develop a functional powerful body, is to drop the modern gimmicks, tricks and pseudo routines to build muscle mass, and instead step back and start adapting old fashioned concepts of training. If you realize, this is not the type of advise you typically read in muscle magazines.

Growth, including muscle gain, is the outcome of opposing forces and results from an array of biological events that lead to cellular activities, such as gene transcription and protein synthesis. Like many other biological functions, growth can either heal or kill. On the positive side, the anabolic process of creating new cells is critical for tissue repair, the replacement for old and dead cells, and the build up of muscle fibers for improved performance. Growth, is a tightly controlled process that facilitates the development of a human being from an early embryonic stage, to a fully mature adult. On the negative side, an uncontrolled growth can lead to formation of cancerous tumors and death.

Many processes can stimulate growth. However, for every process that induces growth, there is an opposing  force that inhibits it. That's how the body protects itself and sustains its homeostasis. Now, does anyone know that anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen and also blood pressure drugs such as beta blockers are directly and indirectly suppressors of hormones and enzymes that stimulate growth?

In the next post, I will discuss about growth regulating factors, which include steroid hormones, fatty acids and their anabolic actions, as well as peptide stimulating hormones (if I have the time to write that much). Before I sign off, it is important to understand that exercise can profoundly encourage muscle gain or can retard muscular development and performance. Most importantly, specific exercises are needed to effectively transform muscle into super muscle tissue with superior strength, speed and endurance capabilities.


  1. Cool training session...goof result in place :)) weight lose, health improve, skin completion improve day by day, stress level dropped.

    My weight start dropping since the training session that package by you...thanks.

  2. What about the idea of weight traing affecting blood pressure and cholesterol levels? I lift weights for the health effects rather than how it would make look.

  3. Hi Gym Rat,

    First of all, cholesterol levels or high cholesterol is not the culprit of heart disease. Weight training is ideal, if you train the right way, for your own physiology and metabolic requirement as well as your specific goal.

    Next, weight training does affect blood pressure level in a way, but there are other factors which contributes to high blood pressure or hypertension. Always remember, exercise is only part of the whole hollistic lifestyle factors. There are other more important pillars of health which you need to address and look into.

    Imagine this, if you put a kid in a factory machinery place, he or she, may get injured due to no knowledge whatsoever on how to operate the machines. Same goes to a random person who step into a gym without proper knowledge and background about how exercise impact our physiology, metabolism and hormonal pathway, it may end up doing more damage then good for our own body and health.
