Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Congress label PIZZA as vegetable???

Well well. Another pathetic, absurd, yet unbelievable labeling/classification of food from the news few days ago. What is happening to our food? Why are these bunch of idiots keep messing up with our foods? The answer is simple. Power, politics, well-planned lobbying, and of course, MONEY. It's ashamed for the nation (America), and one doesn't need a nutrition Degree to realize that pizza is NOT a vegetable. I would say that possibly a retarded kid might figure that out if he was forced to brainstorm and give an answer to that query! When I read the news about this claim, I was cursing and ranting the whole bloody time! Imagine with all this insanity of foods been adulterated by the governments and food industries, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO OUR GROWING KIDS and generations after that? Imagine 10 years from now, its like living in OBESELAND! 

How can Congress claim that pizza is a vegetable, because it has 2 table spoon of tomato?? How on earth would that even be possible? Tomato paste/sauce considered as vegetable? You got to be freakin kidding me!! Besides, french fries is to be part of kids meals at school because potatoes is 'healthy'? Seriously, come on folks! French fries, sweetened drinks and pizza at school? That's a JOKE!  There goes the obesity and chronic degenerative diseases rates. Why would anyone be surprise if we are seeing more and more fat kids, fat people around us?  Read the news and video links below. 

News/Video link:


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