Monday, November 7, 2011

Time Bomb - In your mouth!

I have it, some of you have it, it's a dangerous neurotoxin, it's given to you by your dentist, and yes, it's in your mouth! What is it? It's mercury, a time bomb. Why is that so? 

First of all, none of us, should allow mercury almagram to be placed in our teeth. Not to mention children, it is even more dangerous. When I was young, I did not know the danger of mercury almagram, but I'm trying to find a good dentist who knows how to perform the surgery for the almagram removal. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

Dental "silver" amalgam fillings, or its also known as mercury fillings, are actually made from about 50 percent mercury and the rest of an amalgam is silver, tin, copper, zinc and other metals. Mercury is a potent toxin that can damage your brain, central nervous system and kidneys. Children and fetuses, whose brains are still developing, are most at risk, but really anyone can be impacted. 

Remember, virtually any kind of stimulation can cause these fillings to release mercury. Eating, drinking, brushing your teeth, grinding your teeth, chewing gum, anything. Mercury vapor from the amalgams passes readily through cell membranes, across the blood-brain barrier, and into your central nervous system, where it causes psychological, neurological, and immunological problems.

If your mouth is currently free of mercury fillings, good for you. Make sure you keep it that way by seeing a biological dentist who can recommend a truly inert material that will not harm your health in the event you do need a filling. For those of you who have mercury fillings, I recommend that you have them removed. Avoid making the mistake I did years ago by having it done by a non biological dentist. When you have these fillings removed you can be exposed to significant amounts of mercury vapors if the dentist doesn't know what he or she is doing.

How about the FDA? Yeah, as expected, they want us to keep buying mercury, especially Americans.  Why is that so? You do the math and figure it out yourself. The FDA even claimed that mercury is harmless!! What on earth are they thinking? Do you know that your dentist does not have to warn you about the dangers of mercury fillings? 

The question is, do you have mercury poisoning? How would you know? Some chronic illnesses might be related to mercury toxicity as it overload the mercury toxic levels especially people who consumed tons of seafood as well as plenty of accumulated vaccine shots throughout your lives. Go test your body for mercury toxic levels! Try urine test or hair analysis.

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