Monday, May 28, 2012

Chlorella : King of chlorophyll & First Class Detox Agent

I'm not sure how many of you would have known about Chlorella. None of my clients or friends and colleagues heard about chorella, not to mention its' benefits. Today, I will reveal one of the most powerful detoxification agent available to us, to the most toxic living species on the planet earth, Homo Sapiens. Yes, I'm referring to you, me, and all of us breathing every single breath, every single second, while we are still alive.

Just recently, I've recommended most of my clients to add this whole food into their nutrition and diet, but I'm hoping most of them will notice good result after couple of months consuming it. What is chorella anyway? Some of you might have came across this name in 'supplements' in pharmacies or organic outlets, but allow me to share with you some of its' benefits which I believe is very powerful and important. 

Chlorella, is actually a single-celled, water grown algae that consists primarily of a nucleus and a large amount of directly available chlorophyll, a nutrient vital to the health of our bodies. Chlorella, is a whole food, as it is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, polysaccharides, and a host of other beneficial compounds. Chlorella supports the function of the brain and liver, improves digestion and elimination, helps regenerates the body, detoxifies the body, protects against radiation, relieves inflammation, supports healthy weight loss, enhances the immune system and also accelerates the healing process.

Chlorella get its name from the rich quantity of chlorophyll it possesses. It contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. Chlorophyll is one of the greatest food substances for rejuvenating the blood and cleansing the bowels and other elimination systems such as the liver. Green microalgae are the highest sources of chlorophyll in the plant world. Chlorella has the highest often ranging from 3-5% pure natural chlorophyll.

Detoxification! How many of you done detox in your lifetime? Once a year? One in every 5 years? Once in 30 years? Never??? I've met tons of people who never ever did any form of detox in his or her life before! Shocking! And the person expects to be healthy and disease free? Seriously guys, we are living in a contaminated filthy toxic world. A toxic environment, which we humans, polluted and poisoned ourselves till this very day. 

Chlorella, is considered to be first class detoxifying agent, capable of removing alcohol from the liver or clearing heavy metals, certain pesticides, herbicides and PCBs from the body's tissues. In Japan, interest in chlorella has focused largely on this superfood's ability to remove or neutralize poisonous substances from the body that have accumulated due to environmental pollution and the ingestion of contaminated foods. Go research on Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear catastrophes in 1945, studies shown that 8g daily of chorella increased the elimination of cadmium, threefold in feces and sevenfold in urine. That is one really powerful chelator and detoxifying ability from this superfood. It is also shown in other studies which helped detoxify lead and uranium as well.

There are other research projects in USA and Europe, which also indicate that chlorella can aid the body in breaking down persistent hydrocarbon and metallic toxins, specifically mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead DDT and PCBs. Bear in mind, chlorophyll supports the optimum functioning and cleasing of the liver, which is the organ chiefly responsible for the general daily detoxification of the body. Eating too much junk and toxic foods? Your liver is screaming at you, "Stop eating all these shitty foods!". 

For alcohol lovers, check this out. Well, I'm not too sure if I should even reveal this to you, as some of you might use this shitty excuse to continue intoxicating yourself with more booze and liquor. Taking 4-6g of chlorella before consuming alcohol can prevent hangovers 96% of the time, even after a night out of heavy drinking. Sounds awesome? Well, I know what you guys are thinking right now! 

Chlorella can also absorb toxins from the intestines, and combined with its ability to favorably alter the bacterial flora content of the bowels, is able to help relieve chronic constipation and eliminate intestinal gas. This detoxification of heavy metals and other chemical toxins in the blood will take around 3-6 months, depending how much chorella a person is taking, and also how toxic the host body is.

What else this superfood can do and supports our body? Research and studies have shown that chlorella accelerates the recovery of developing immune system cells and restores the population of mature white blood cells. As we understand, white blood cells originate in the bone marrow as stem cells. Studies have also shown that chorella can increase the resistance to viral infections and enhance the ability to kill bacteria. For example, superoxide is a powerful weapon that white blood cell use to 'blast away' bacteria. Given the same number of immune cells, the level of superoxide generated was one and half times higher in mice receiving chlorella extract, thus enchancing the 'killing ability' of those cells.

Another amazinfg property of chlorella called 'Chlorella Growth Factor", which has baffled scientists throughout the world. Chlorella quadruples itself every twenty hours, growing faster then any food crop known to man. Bear in mind, when chlorella is ingested by the human body, it dramatically increases the rate of rebuilding and healing in tissues, multiply the growth rate of the lactobacillus (beneficial bacteria) in the bowel, boosts the immune system, and fights free radical damage. Also, chlorella helps rebuild nerve tissue damage throughout the body and is excellent for treating degenerative brain and nerve disorders. This superfood is used to treat patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

What else? Any of you knows what's RNA? Who loves eating sardines? Well, there is one benefit of consuming sardines where it is rich in longevity-enhancing RNA. But guess what, research from Japan has shown that chlorella pryenoidosa is the highest known food source of RNA.It has 20 times more RNA than sardines do, as chlorella is 10% RNA. There are also other foods rich in RNA such as bee pollen and royal jelly.

Finally, chlorella also contains digestive enzymes chlorophyllase and pepsin, which perform a number of important functions in the body, especially relating to digestion. Containing about 60% pure digestible protein, chlorella is one of the highest protein sources on the planet, far exceeding that of animal products like beef, chicken and fish, which is around 18-35% protein. As chlorella is a whole food, it contains vitamins C and E, all of the B vitamins, amino acids, folic acid, beta carotene, lysine and iodine. It is also very rich in iron and calcium.

Now, you must be asking, how do I consume chlorella and which products to search and buy? Well, as I'm not being paid to give any reviews, my answer would be simple. Don't focus on the brand of the product, instead, look out for 100% raw chlorella powder without any chemicals, preservatives added. For detox program or incorporating this superfood to your daily diet, drop me a comment, I will explain to you on how to use it based on your individual requirement and detox plan.


  1. great article.I know this is a few months old, but I'm curious how many grams you recommend for daily use (not for a one-time detox but everyday health supplement)?

  2. It all depends on the state of each person's individual 'gut health' and toxicity levels in the body. Decades of poor diet and lifestyle accompanied by zero or minimal cleanse or detoxification routines. You should know better your own body then anyone else, as your body won't lie and always trying to tell you if you are ill or suffering from certain symptoms which point to specific root cause.

    Listen to your body, this is very important. As for daily general cleansing or supplement, 2grams or a teaspoon of raw chlorella powder in the morning, would be ideal, either daily or on alternate days.

  3. May i know how do i eat chlorella?

    1. It depends on your goal, but most important is the added 'ingredients' in the product, ensure it is 100% organic, preferably raw powder form.

  4. Hi! Thanks for sharing this! Can you share some brands of chlorella that you are taking? I've only seen chlorella in pills form and not powder. Can you also share some insights on AFC King Chlorella Is this product is without any chemicals, preservatives added?


  5. Fantastic Post! Lot of information is helpful in some or the other way. Keep updating chlorella powder

  6. Thanks to share this post.chlorella powder is a very good product.
