Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mercury: (Part 6)

Lately, someone whom I know, his loved one passed away, suffered from a neurological disease. I was thinking to myself, when I heard the news, I felt down, sad and re-analyze why more and more people is suffering from neurological disorders. Industrialized countries with such advanced technology, with such a low success rates in health and medical treatment? It doesn't make sense. But, with megabucks of $$$ and political power come into picture, hell yes, it does make a whole lot of sense.

Today, I will discuss the connection between neurological diseases/disorders with mercury toxicity. I will not list all neurological diseases, but disorders such as Alzheimer, ALS, and Parkinson will be discussed in this post. Please bear with me, as this will be the last post for mercury topic, but a very important discussion.

The connection between exposure to mercury in its various forms and degenerative diseases of the nervous system is fairly strong. Many of the symptoms of chronic low level mercury exposure closely resemble the neurobehavioral symptoms seen in many neurodegenerative diseases. For example, the asthetic-vegetative syndrome caused by low levels of mercury, is characterized by decreased productivity, loss of memory, loss of self-confidence, depression, fatigue, irritability and many of which  symptoms are also present in the dementias. Also, the studies done on dentists exposed to mercury vapor demonstrated impaired memory recall.

Now, let's talk abit about ALS. Anyone heard about this health condition? It is known as Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis. In ALS, the motor neuron cells in the spinal cord and motor neuron cells of the brain stem are primarily affected. The mystery has always been why these cells are singled out in this disease and why the disease suddenly appears later in life after so many years of normal function. The answer is environmental toxin, or even a combination of toxins.

Human studies of mercury's relation to ALS have not made the same strong connection. For example, a study which examined 33 ALS patients using provocative testing with mercury chelator DMSA, researchers found no difference between ALS patients and controls in either lead or mercury excretion. The nervous system holds on to mercury much tighter than other tissues and organs, and there is some question as to the ability of even chelation drugs, such as DMSA, to remove mercury from the nervous system.

As for typical ALS patients, they had mercury levels two times higher in their kidneys and 17% higher in their liver as well. Bear in mind, mercury also damaes cellular DNA and RNA, two factors founds in ALS. Progressive disruption of the cell's homeostatic mechanisms would necessarily lead to eventually cell death. The connection of mercury poisoning and excitotoxicity is largely linked together.

Next, let's talk abit about Alzheimer's Disease. Most of the people heard about this health condition, but how many people are aware of the causes of this neurological disorder? Autopsy studies of Alzheimer's patients have consistently demonstrated elevated mercury levels in the affected areas of the brain. Likewise, there is a direct correlation between brain levels of mercury and the number of amalgam fillings. To better understand the relationship between mercury toxicity and degenerative diseases of the brain, it is necessary to examine the cellular events that occur with these disorders and relate them to the mechanism of toxicity of mercury.

Anyone heard of Hippocrates? He describes dementias over 2400 years ago in an historical text. Alzheimer's Disease, was discovered by a pathologist named Alois Alzheimer back in 1907. Back then, he discovered that brain changes which associated with dementias (before age 65) are referred to as presenile dementia. But since the first studies of Alzheimer's disease, it was come to realized that both are actually the same disease.

When neuropathologists examine the brains of those dying of Alzherimer's disease, they see numerous darkly staining microscopic bodies referred to as plaques, particularly senile plaques, scattered throughout  the affected parts of the brain.Another microscpic particle, called a neurofibrillary tangle, is of more interest, because its presence does correlate with the severity of the disease. Although sort of twisted around one another like DNA, these bodies are actually failed attempts to make neurotubules, unique structures that make up a vital part of neurons and are concerned with cellular communication and neurochemical transfer.

The process whereby neurotubules are constructed involves some rather complicated brain chemistry. These structures depends on the addition of just the right amount of phosphate units, a process called phosphorylation. In Alzheimer's disease, it is found that excessive phosphorylation is produced. Several other factors can also interfere with the healthy construction of neurotubules, including certain free radicals and lipid peroxidation products, immune complexes, cytokines, excitotoxins and certain toxic metals such as mercury and aluminum.

Studies have shown that blood levels of mercury in Alzheimer's disease patients compared to patients with major depression and to normal people who were used as controls. Blood mercury was found to be two times higher in the Alzheimer patients than in both sets of controls. Mercury levels were three times higher in those with early onset Alzheimer's dementia than in controls.

In addition, eveidence also shown that mercury also alters the cell membrane, significantly interfering with its fucntion. Not only must the membrane regulate fuel and oxygen entry, it also controls numerous neurohormones, information molecules, peptides, neurotransmitters,ion traffic regulation and bio electric functions too. The form of mercury appears to make a lot of difference in terms of the effect of the cell. For example, phenylmercury, the form used in vaccines, is more lipid soluble then either methylmercury or inorganic mercury, making its entry to the brain easier.

Also, phenylmercury is more likely to be stored in subcutaneous and abdominal fat stores, which can be suddenly released with drastic weight loss, thereby redistributing the mercury to the nervous system. This may be especially important in the long term health of people with yo yo diet. Thought of losing 20kg in 30 days period? Not a good idea folks.

The bottom line is that all forms of mercury can significantly disrupt the excitability of the neuron membrane and synaptic information tranmission in the hippocampus of the brain, which not only controls the memory process but also integrates other higher cerebral functions such as fear, love, empathy, logic, and sensory comprehension into meaningful forms.

Because mercury interacts with so many enzymes, it can also disrupt the ability of the mitochondria to produce energy. When a neuron loses its ability to generate adequate energy, it becomes significantly more sensitive to excitotoxic injury and death. Another mitochondrial effect is also gaining attention, the ability of mercury to disrupt the normal regulation of calcium in the neuron. Bear in mind, one of the central features of the excitotoxic mechanism is the elevation of the cellular calcium, which in turn triggers a whole series of destructive processes.

Mitochondria are normally quite efficient in removing excess calcium, but this protective system fails when mercury is present. Keep in mind that because of mercury's almost universal toxicity, several destructive processes occur simultaneously. What happen is, glutamate accumulates outside the neuron as its normal carrier is poisoned. This causes more calcium to enter the cell. Then, mercury interferes with the intracellular calcium regulation sytem, thereby magnifying the excitotoxic effect. Cellular energy is reduced, leading to increased free radical formation and increased sensitivity to excitotoxicity. Mercury also alters the cell membrane, effecting neuron excitability. What happen next? Destructive processes are then triggered, resulting in the death of numerous neurons.

Now, it has been known that inflammation of the brain plays a major role in the development of Alzheimer's but what causes the inflammation? Several possibilities exist, such as chronic viral infections, genetically controlled autoimmunity triggerred by  environmental agents, and elevated free radical generation. Mercury can also trigger antobodies to neural proteins, resulting in a state of chronic inflammation, just as in all other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Excitotoxicity is the common element that eventually induces the disease.

Once inflammation occurs. special immune cells, called micorglia, are activated and dispersed throughout the brain. Studies have found that mercury tends to accumulate in high concentrations in microglia for long periods of time, even after a single exposure. Defenders of the safety of dental amalgam will counter that this studies were done with methylmercury, and the consumption of fish is the major source of this form of mercury. Remember, methylmercury is also produced from the mercury vapor released from dental amalgams.

Once microglia are activated, especially chronically, they begin to pour out special chemicals called cytokines, which regulate the immune process. In addition, they invoke a powerful inflammatory process that triggers excitotoxicity and its associated generation of large numbers of free radicals. Because the inflammatory process is prolonged, we begin to see all the changes charateristic of Alzheimer's disease. The process also damages the energy production system and increases free-radical production. All of these events can be triggered by low levels of mercury, as well as other toxic metals, such as aluminum.

I know some of you must be asking, if all this is true, then why doesn't everyone eventually develip a degenerative brain disease? In fact, the incidence of all these diseases is increasing significantly, and they are appearing at an earlier average age. But, there are many factors when examining the effects of a toxin on individuals in a population.

Sensitivity to a toxin depends on the host's resistance to the substamce, some people will be very sensitive and others quite resistant to the same quantities of a toxin. Bear in mind, anything that increases free- radical generation will reduce the antioxidant network's efficiency and greatly magnify the toxic effect of mercury or any other toxin.

Most diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, strokes, head injuries, infections, and even aging itself, do just that. Vigorous exercises such as IRONMAN contests and marathons, also greatly increases free radical damage to all tissues of the body and increases the likelihood of heavy metal toxicity.

People with long period of poor nutrition are at much higher risk than the well nourished for developing a neurodegenrative disease following mercury exposure. Nutrition, plays a huge role in protecting the brain from injury, including mercury toxicity. Selenium, alpha lipoic acid, magnesium, zinc, and also antioxidant flavonoids as well as vitamins all help protects us from mercury toxicity.

Next, let's discuss abit about Parkinson disease. Well, Like Alzheimer's and ALS, Parkinson disease is associated with free radical and lipid peroxidation damage to a very restricted part of the brain called substantia nigra and its connection. Like the others, excitotoxicity appears to play a central role in the disease process itself.

Those destined to get Parkinson's disease seem to possess an inherited weakness in their ability to detoxify toxins, both those formed within the body during metabolism and those ingested or inhaled. In a study, researcher's looked at environmental factors such as pesticide exposure, well water drinking, and heavy metal, and solvent, possibly related to Parkinson's disease. They discovered a very strong correlation with pesticide exposure, a finding that has been confirmed repeatedly in other studies. Interestingly, they also found that patients with Parkinson's disease had a significantly higher number of dental amalgam fillings.

Question. Why one person would develop Parkinson's disease and another ALS may depend on a multitude of factors such as associated toxins, nutritional factors, associated viral injuries, genetic sensitivities, biochemical differences, etc.

Mercury, is extremely toxic to numerous organs, tissues, and cells, but especially to the brain. Like lead, the medically acceptable definition for mercury toxicity is constantly being revised by health authorities. Levels that we considered safe ten years ago, are now known to be quite toxic.

In the past, toxicity determinations were based on evaluations of obvious effects. Mercury levels high enough to cause obvious confusion, dementia, or a loss of sensation in the limbs were used to determine safe levels, any level below that needed to cause these effects was considered safe.

Finally, the million dollar question. How can I protect myself? What can I do? Well, first of all, you should limit your exposure as much as possible, avoid amalgam fillings, say no to vaccinations that contains mercury, avoid seafoods or fishes high in mercury, unless your gut flora is optimum health. But I guess you wouldn't have any idea how to know if your gut flora is healthy and balanced right? Lastly, do not stay near a coal burning facility. If you have mercury fillings, and are not pregnant or nursing, you should have them removed by a trained dentist, and not commercial dentist. In other words, look for a knowlegable hollistic dentist who knows about safe removal of amalgam. Ask first, before agree on the removal procedure. The fillings cannot just be removed by any dentist, rather a psecial protocol must be followed by a dentist with the proper equipment and training, and by a nutritionist or physician, trained in proper mercury removal techniques.

As for vaccinations, parents should insist that their children only receive vaccines without thimerosal. Even though I do not recommed any vaccination for children or infants, they least parents can do, is to ensure it is free of this toxic metal. It is also not recommended to keep mercury thermometers around the house, an accidental breakage may cause havoc.

Increased risk of mercury poisoning is associated with several occupations and hobbies. Dentists and people who work in manufacturing of dental amalgam, barometers and thermometers are at increased risks. Also, certain disinfectants contain mercury. Pesticide workers, those who work with wood preservatives, fireworks and explosives, photographers, jewelers, chlorine workers, fur processors, and farmers, all are at risk.

If you have already been exposed to mercury and have elevated tissue levels, special steps must be taken to reduce the toxicity. Even before removal, you must begin taking supplements known to reduce toxicity and improve tissue removal. Before I sign off, I hereby present to you the supplements which are very important in chelation of mercury, and protecting the host from toxicity.

- Selenium
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Vitamin E
- Vitamins
  Vitamin C, Thiamine, B Vitamins
- Minerals
  Zine, magnesium, manganese
- Flavonoids
  Curcumin, Quercetin

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