Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Resolutions, New Goals

How did you celebrate New Year eve? Did you get drunk partying all night loaded with booze and nicotine? How was your last meal on the last day of 2012? Yes, many people are telling me, who cares? It's New Year's eve! We should be partying and countdown the night partying like crazy. Well, in some cases, I could agree with those people. It's only one night right? What's the worst that could happen?

As for me, I did not go partying nor drunk on the eve of the new year. I had a decent normal meal, no alcohol, nor nicotine nor fast foods. It was an almost usual evening, relaxing the night but managed to watch an awesome documentary about parasites "Monsters Inside Me". I could have chosen to go crazy with pizza and booze and more booze during the last few hours of the year, but I decided not to. 

Now, for most of you, after partying all night celebrating New Year and breaking into 2013, do you guys think of any new resolution or goal for this year? Or did any of you ever set new year's resolution or goal before? If yes, how many of you ever reached your resolution or goal? Well, statistically, not many people reached their new year's goals. it doesn't matter financial, career, family, relationship, health, fitness, etc. The question is, why did most new year's resolutions or goals failed? Have any of you ever thought of that before?

Imagine, before the new year kicks in, maybe a few days in the current year, and you sat down and mentally prepared for what's coming towards you. You set some new resolutions and goals, what do you want to achieve and improve on certain things in your life. What could it be? Before we discuss further on this topic, I will list down some of the common health and fitness goals which many people came to me all these years for advice.

- I want to have 6 pack abs in 3 months!
- I want to have a ripped muscular body.
- I want to lose 20kg in 3 months.
- I want to cure my diabetes.
- I want to improve my fitness levels in order to perform better at my own favorite sport.
- I want to participate in marathon events this year.
- I want to have a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
- I want to reduce my bloating and digestion problems.

Well, to be honest, how many of the above list is achievable and realistic? An overweight potbelly male wanting a 6 pack abs in few months period? Does it seem realistic? Imagine if that person has above 25% total body fat with a huge potbelly wrapped around his tummy area? Most of us do not know that we have 8 pack abs. And in order to have these abs muscles to be seen visible, what should we do? Yes, you are right. Lower down your total body fat, especially your visceral abdominal fat. Thus, once your visceral fat is burned off around your belly area gradually, thus, your abdominal muscles will be more visible. Does that make more sense to you? There are tons of people (men and women), who do chronic sit ups and thinking it will burn off the belly fat by performing that exercise itself. This is absurd and dumb. You will not have 6 pack abs nor visible abdominal muscles if you still have thick chunk of belly fat covering it! So guys, forget about 6 pack abs if you don't lower down your total body fat, especially your abdominal belly fat to an ideal percentage (7-12%). No matter how much you train your so called 'abs' or core, it's not going to happen.  I've tried it, experienced it, failed and learned from it. 

Another factor is your overall lifestyle and diet. If you keep eating junk, foods laden with sugars, refined carbs and trans fat, you can forget about losing weight or so called 'getting ripped or toned body'. How about reversing or so called 'curing' illness or disease such as diabetes or maybe obesity? First of all, taking prescription drugs WILL NOT help or solve anything, apart from masking the symptoms. Secondly, it will only make the body state of health worsen overtime with tons of serious side effects, preventing your body from healing itself and weakened immune system. There are a long list of most common new year resolutions and goals for many of us. But, why do we tend to fail and not reached our goals? The answer is UNREALISTIC. Yes, we tend to set unrealistic goals most of the time. Instead of setting goals such as "I want to be millionaire this year" or "I want to lose 25kg in 3 months" or "I want a six pack abs in 3 months", why not set a much realistic goals as described below. As we set unrealistic goals, we tend to fail and end up being demotivated and setting up a pessimistic mindset and perspective on our next goals and resolutions. 

Examples of realistic health and fitness resolution/goals:

- Reduce total body fat of 5-7% by mid of this year. (e.g from 20% reduced to 13-15%)
- No alcohol/nicotine for full 30 days!
- Read more books this year then last year
- Reduce eating fast foods to once a month.
- Eliminate or reduce bloating and digestion problems and to be able to have a regular proper bowel movement.
- To increase energy levels naturally without depending on stimulants such as caffeine, sugars, alcohol, nicotine.
- To be able to sleep without the need of sleeping pills, and to achieve deep quality sleep regularly.
- Go gluten free for 30 full days!

A lot of times, most of the resolutions and goals we set, are long term and can't be achieved overnight. I would recommend you to watch Will Smith's interview (video) on his wisdom. I remember in his interview, he mentioned, "If you are making someone else life better, you are wasting your time". I like what he think and what he said. The lesson here, is to to learn how to do it and be realistic. It's not about simply just doing it, it is about how you do it. Those little things you do daily, will end up being enormous by end of the year. Example, let's say you start reading 10 pages of a single book daily, you will have read 3650 pages by the end of the year! Thats easily more then 12 books per year and a ton of knowledge. Or, let's say if you exercise only 10 minutes a day 5 times a week, you would have accumulated more then 43 hours of physical activity @ exercise in a year's time. 

Bottom line is, whatever success that you desire or dream of, it doesn't matter if it's financial, health, fitness, relationship or anything at all, 90% of the time, it's the mindset. Attitude and perspective. Same goes with the saying, "A healthy mind, comes a healthy body". A positive mindset can makes you live longer, and a negative mindset can actually kill you! Before I sign off, I invite all of you to listen to the audio interview by Dr. John F. Demartini from the link (below). 

Will Smith's Mindset wisdom (video)

Dr. John F. Demartini (audio interview) 56 mins

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