Saturday, January 5, 2013

Top foods and toxins to avoid this year - 2013

Did you know that average adult consume more then 10 pounds of toxins each year? Yes, more then 10 damn pounds of toxins each year! I've just read the recent study done by Physicians for Social Responsibility which revealed that average American ingested 14 pounds of toxins each year! That's just shocking! Imagine, every single day, you and your family are unknowingly exposed to a variety of pesticides and chemicals in your food, your drinking water, your home, your place of work, and where your kids go to school and the list goes on and on. We are constantly bombarded with tons of different toxins from environment to foods and drinks to skin care products and utensils we used daily. No wonder why we are getting sicker and fatter! 

Today, I will share with you some of the harmful and damaging foods and hidden toxins with a lot of us are not aware of. This will not be a long post, but I hope whoever read this, will take note seriously and apply it to your daily lifestyle and diet. And although their effects do not appear overnight, they WILL appear in time.

Firstly, let's start with top toxins to avoid this year. Make it your one of your new year's resolution and goal! 

Mercury is a potent neurotoxin that can lead to permanent brain damage if young children or fetuses are exposed. Its main source continues to be contaminated larger fish, vaccines and dental amalgams. Whoever still has amalgams in your mouth, you might want to remove it SAFELY for health reasons.

Bispenol A

BPA, which is found in many plastics, in the lining of cans, and even coating many sales receipts, was found in more than 90% of these products. The health concerns about BPA are many and kept growing. Buy and use glass bottles instead of plastic bottles, which also includes your cookwares in the kitchen at home.


PFOA and other perfluorinated chemicals are used to create heat-resistant and non-stick coatings on cookware, as well as grease-resistant food packaging and stain-resistant clothing. Studies have linked these chemicals to a range of health problems, including infertility in women, and to developmental and reproductive problems in lab animals.

Fluoride is found in many sources such as water supply, bottled mineral water, most bottled beverages which includes soft drinks and so called' fruit juices' and other sweetened drinks. Even drinking at restaurants and food stalls usually use tap water or non RO or distilled water. Most household uses non filtered water heater or shower system. That would be the main source of fluoride absorption into your body while you shower with warm/hot water. Fluoride is a potent neurotoxin, and it can cause tons of damages to your body overtime. Read my fluoride earlier posts.

Pesticides act like neurotoxins inside your body, which means that they have an affinity for residing in and disrupting your brain and nerve tissue. They won’t necessarily do damage overnight but they become real 
dangerous with years of exposure. Just think about how many non-organic foods (and therefore pesticides) you’ve consumed since you were born. Pesticides are endocrine disruptors, and it will disregulate or disrupt your hormonal pathways, making you fat, out of shape, sick, and time bomb for various diseases. The real problem is that these pesticides accumulate inside your body since they resist breaking down in water and tend to accumulate and store in fat tissue (which includes your nervous system), where they can remain for long periods of time. Eat cheap and expects good health? Sorry, that's not going to happen. You are what you eat, remember?

Next, top foods to avoid for this year.

Whole grains/Wheat based foods
I know I know. You must be cursing and freak out by reading this. What? No grains and breads? How about my cereals and pizza? We've been told to eat whole grains because they are good for us. They are great source of fiber and other vitamins. If you want to crack your fixed mindset  which has been brainwashed by the grains industry, I highly encourage you to read the books below. I can't provide you the list of medical and nutrition journals here (way too long!).



Low fat / low sugar foods
Steer clear of processed or packaged foods which say "Low fat or low sugar". Aren't low fat will help on weight loss? Wouldn't low sugar is good and help on blood sugar regulation or even diabetes? The answer is NO. Remember this, when a packaged food has had all or some of its original contents removed, these will need be replaced by another additives, usually much more damaging or nastier. For instance, if a packaged food product has lower fat or zero fat, it will usually replace it with sugars or higher refined carbs. Reason? Taste. Yes, food industry know that to sell their products, they need to win our taste buds. If you love their foods, you will come back again with stronger addiction! As for low sugar products, usually they are replaced with dangerous artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, acesulfame-K, sucralose, etc. Like I always say, read the INGREDIENTS! 

Unfermented Soybean foods
Almost everyone I spoke, had a shock of their life when I told them to stay away from processed soybean foods. You should see their faces when I revealed the facts to them about unfermented processed soybean foods. We have been mislead and brainwashed by soybean industry that consuming processed soy is healthy for us (which include me when I was young). Soymilk, tofu, soybean cooking oil, etc. I will not write more about this, feel free to read my earlier posts on soybean or go research yourself diligently. I have posted on a long list of all medical and nutrition journals last year about unfermented soybean. If you want to know in depth about adverse effects on soybean, read "The Whole Soy Story" by Dr. Kaayla T. Daniels. 


  1. Why I cannot stop eating breads and cakes and muffins and cookies? Please explain.

  2. What if I tell you the cereals and breads that you have been eating are laden with morphins? Would you accept it? Wheat based foods, contains gluteomorphins, which increases the addiction of these food products which made you keep coming back again and again.

    These foods also contains high refined flour, and break down into sugars very fast. As you might already realize that sugar has a stronger addiction level then cocaine and heroin.
