Friday, March 28, 2014

E-Motion Documentary - A powerful movie

A must-watch documentary, a powerful reminder of how mental trauma or trapped emotions affect our mind, body and soul. You will learn and be reminded of the gap which is missing and overlooked, in conventional western medicine, in terms of how the sub-concious mind and our emotions affect our nervous system and health, a holistic approach which makes so much sense. 

I remember the phrase said by Neale Donald Walsch "What I discovered was 98% of the world's people are spending 98% of their time, on things that don't matter. The average person has no idea what they are doing here, who they are, the real fundamental and sacred purpose of their whole life." Does our lives primarily based on slaving our own self working on jobs even by sacrificing our own core values? " Does the obsession of making money defeat the quality and purpose of life?" "How many people ever asked themselves why are they are born in this world?"

Watch this documentary, rent it, or buy it. If you love the documentary The Cure, you will equally appreciate this movie. 

"The subconcious mind defines everything about us"

"The subconcious mind is 1000 times more powerful then your concious mind - Tor Norretranders"

Official Website:

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