Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fertility libido mood boosting whole foods - what high cholesterol?

It's loaded with cholesterol and saturated fats. The villain of foods and cause of heart disease, remember? That's what we have been brainwashed and having this phobia since this whole scam started decades ago.

Eskimos and most primitive tribes and population thrive and lived on these foods for hundreds if not thousands of years. Our caveman ancestors have been eating primarily animal based foods for as long humans step foot on the planet earth.

Its sumptuous, nutritious, and packed with saturated fats and cholesterol! And guess what, it's not going to kill you, but it's going to protect your heart and prevent you from cancer and other degenerative diseases. It's what your body needs for survival, growth, repair and nourishment.

Remember when you eat a meal of grass fed steak and felt good and satiety after that? Compared to eating sandwich or pizza and felt bloated and lousy, and for some people, it's like being hit by a bus!

Your body will never lie to you, always remember that. Your body is always constantly signaling to you what is going on and symptoms are manifestation of an underlying dysfunctions or disorders in the body. No one will know better then you, not even doctors nor nutritionists.

When you eat a food or meal, you should not feel bloated, gassy nor any other GI tract discomfort or even getting a headache. If you eat a meal and dip to hypoglycemic, its a sign your insulin secretion is way too high and blood sugar dsyregulation. Remember, your body is not a dumpster nor junk box. Eat for energy, vitality and immunity.

Fresh raw oysters

Peri winkles

Sea urchin roe

Moreton bay bugs 

Baby octopus

Pastured free range eggs

Dark orange yolk - pastured chickens high in beta carotene diet 

Biodynamic pastured eggs

Biodynamic organic butter

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