Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Artifical sweetener: Aspartame

Who loves chewing gum? How about diet coke or pepsi? I've seen so often, my colleagues, friends, people all around me, seem to be gulping down diet sodas or coke as if it is water. What happen to water consumption? Does anyone not drink water anymore? 

What I'm about to tell you, may shock or upset some of you out there. But, hopefully, after reading this post, all of you will be able to aware of this 'poison' and decide if you would still want to consume products which has this additive. 

First of all, this additive should never even been approved for human use. Early experiments using low and medium doses of aspartame, all found to dramatic tumor increases in animals. Monkeys who were given low dose of aspartame in their milk, 5 out of 7 ( i think), died of seizure. This excitotoxin is used in more then 6000 products in the market! It is about 150 times sweeter then sugar. 

What is Aspartame? It is an artificial sweetener. An addictive added in lots of processed food including soft drinks such as diet coke. It is also an excitotoxin and a hidden poison for the society. It consist of 50% of amino acid called Phenylalanine and 40% of Aspartic Acid. The remaining 10% of this molecular structure is methanol. Methanol, is metal wood alcohol. It is a poisonous toxin. It is a 'dumbing-down' chemical which is widely used by the society. It excites the neurons in brain until they became 'fried' and died! It breaks down in the body to into formaldehyde and formic acid. 

Aspartame can cause cancer, diabetes, obesity, headaches, seizures, blindness, insomnia, Alzheimer's disease, MS, Parkinson's disease as well as aggravate neurological diseases. It may also damage a 'fetus' developing brain. Even small concentrations in chewing gum have been shown to precipitate headaches. You can find aspartame in some of the processed food such as cereals, ice-creams, hot cholocate, chewing gum, soft drinks, cookies, candy bars, sweets, etc. Most processed food especially 'non-fat', 'zero calories' or 'no sugar' are the ones which likely to contain Aspartame. 

Question. Is normal coke better then Diet coke? I would have to say normal coke is generally not as dangerous then Diet Coke. Why? Well, even though normal Coke has lots of sugar, I would have to say that avoiding Diet sodas is a wise decision. But from my point of view, I would advise all of you to avoid all sorts of soft drinks because of HFCS effects on the liver's metabolism. I will post a section about High-Fructose Corn Syrup in a different post. 

So folks, READ the ingredients label on the processed food in the supermarkets or the grocery stores. Why pay for something which contain poison?  



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