Friday, October 1, 2010

Brain Chemicals (Part 1)

Are you moody most of the time? Are you stressed out frequently? Do you feel easily irritated? How about low in confidence and negative mentality? Do you suffer PMS? Unable to focus or feel energized during at work? Feeling fatigue easily? Having difficulties trying to sleep or while sleeping? How about in tears while reading romance novels or watching romantic movies? 

All these emotions are mainly due to deficient of 'neurotransmitters' in our brain. People with low protein diet usually encounters these negative emotions or what I call it "Dark weather". Most people thought these emotions are normal and it happen amongst us. They could not figure it out what causes the mood swings and dependant on caffeine or stimulant (coffee or Red Bull) early mornings and throughout the day in office to keep them focus and awake while at work. 

This will be the overview(part 1) of the neurotransmitters deficiency in human body which causes 'False Mood' to people most of the time. Most people are unable to differentiate between 'True Emotions' and 'False Mood'. I will give a couple of scenarios for both these categories, so you could identify which belongs to the right one. 

True Emotions:

  • You grief when a relative or friend passed away.
  • You feel embarrass when someone humiliate you. 
  • You feel angry when someone smashed your car intentionally.

False Mood:

  • You lost your cool/temper when your son/daughter forgotten to throw the rubbish from the kitchen.
  • You feel moody and irritable before even you 'menstruation cycle' starts. 

Being able to identify true emotions and false mood, we then can learn how to handle or overcome true emotions and eliminate the false moods. We have epidemic of depression and highly stressed society suffering from lack of amino acids which cause neurotransmitters deficiency. Yes, protein is the macro-nutrient needed to build these brain chemicals. I'm not talking about meals which involve average protein consumption, but we need high quality wide range of protein which derived from essential amino acids. People who is on Vegan Diet (vegetarian), suffer lack of protein intake, thus, easily deficient in these vital neurotransmitters in the brain. I have friends who are on Vegan Diet thought that it is a healthy diet but I always tell them it is not! I will hopefully post an article about Vegan Diet in coming future. 

As I always say to my friends, you get junk mood out of junk food. The pathetic effort of the body that being poisoned and starved by lack of proper nutrition, not to mention the levels of stress being added to the body which causes further decrease in production of 'feel good chemicals' . You can't build a brick house out of wood! I will discuss the types of neurotransmitters produced in our brain and the types of food which is rich in  those selective amino acids in my coming post. 

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