Sunday, October 10, 2010

MSG : The taste that kills! (Part 3)

I had a friend who recently asked me "How could MSG cause obesity or even Diabetes?". I had a discussion with him regarding the life-threatening dangers of consuming food with additives such as MSG. Usually, most of the people I know, would answer me "If we consume in moderate amount, that shouldn't be a problem to our health". Yeah right! The problem is, we have been consuming these additives since when we were kids. Years and decades of accumulated additives in food would sum up as "massive amount" in our period of life since childhood. 

So, would moderate amount of MSG still be safe for all of us? I'll let you decide for yourself and you will find out the answer in probably 10-15 years down the road. The question is, DO YOU VALUE YOUR HEALTH? Most people think that they are still fine and healthy because they have yet to contract any disease for time being. Have any of you heard of something called 'silent killer'? Yes, MSG is one of them. 

When we take about food, pizza is one of the worst offenders, especially commercial pizza.Tomato sauce alone is high in naturally derived free glutamate. When you add this to MSG, it produces a very neurotoxic mix. Add that to a diet coke or soft drinks, you will see that why we are having problems with obesity. 

One of the most devastating things that can happen to a child is to develop diabetes early in life. Numerous complications are associated with juvenile diabetes including frequent infections, hypertension, brain atrophy, etc. While children and teenagers are eating a lot of junk food and less exercise, it is no surprise that diabetes has increased tremendously. Besides that, I will reiterate once again(from my previous part 2) that parents feed their babies table food from early age, which contain large amount of MSG. 

FYI, glutamate in diet can induce as much as threefold increase in insulin release in the body. Thus, insulin-resistance is inevitable and that increase the risk of diabetes tremendously. Diets high in trans fat and Omega 6 type of fats, contribute to this diabetes-related membrane malfunction. 

It has been discovered that nerves and neurons in the heart contain an abundant supply of glutamate receptors. This may explain why some people suddenly die after eating meal containing large amount of MSG.  Some people may feel chest pain and shortness in breath after eating out in restaurants an hour later. By overstimulating the nerves of the heart, MSG could well induce symptoms similiar to heart attack. Most of these people might also have low magnesium levels, thus, making the heart more irritable and could throw the coronary arteries into spasm, producing full blown heart attack. Like the brain, magnesium in the heart prevents the glutamate receptors from over reacting. 

In addition to the discovery that the heart has glutamate receptors, it is also known the multiple tissues containing these receptors including lungs, kidney, ovary, testes and endocrine cells. Thus, the effect of excitotoxins on the endocrine system seem to be valid. Normally, pituitary gland secretes growth hormones especially when we are asleep or taking a nap. That is why it is important for children to get plenty of sleep. Studies shown that animals fed with MSG, produces less growth hormones. 

With the widespread of MSG to multiple tissues, is it possible that high consumption of MSG could trigger cancer? Studies shown that MSG and other excitotoxins produce enormous amount of free radicals in tissues, which are major cause of cancer. MSG consumption, would pose a special danger to cancer patient, as increased inflammation and free radical production can promote tumor growth. It also acts as fertilizer for cancer cells. Immunity is one of the most important weapons against cancer. I will discuss tons of information about cancer in different post when I have some free time. 

To be continued...

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