Friday, June 24, 2011

Maca : Nature's Aphrodisiac

Today, I would like to introduce an important food to everyone. This food, is a superfood, with it's amazing list of benefits, let me present to you, Maca. A lot of people, might not heard of this food. Some might call it Peruvian Ginseng, but it is commonly known as Maca. I just bought organic raw Maca powder recently. Awesome food! 

As I've wrote earlier about other superfoods such as coconut and cacao, I believe this would be the 3rd superfood I'm now introducing to all of you reading this post. If you have yet to know about this food, you will be amazed by how powerful and beneficial it is to our body and health, after finish reading this post. 

First of all, let me introduce to you some background about Maca. According to archeological evidence, maca has been cultivated and grown high in the Peruvian Andes of South America more then 2000 years ago. Today, the Quechua people, descendants of the Incans, continue to grow this superfood at its natural altitude above sea level, making maca the highest -altitude crop on Earth.

Maca, is a member of the cruciferous family of plants that includes brocolli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, etc. Maca has been used medicinally for centuries in South America to enhance fertility in humans and animals. Even today, for many indigenious inhabitants of the Andes, maca is still one of the most vital and valuable commodities. Once harvested, the maca root was traditionally dried, powdered or cooked. Often times, raw cacao are traded for maca. Both very valuable foods and highly benefical to health. 

Maca has not only been a favourite superfood to the Peruvian Quechua people, it has also been enjoyed by raw foodists, vegetarians, adventurers, extreme athletes and food alchemists. Now, maca is finally available to individuals across the world. Guess what, Malaysia is selling this precious food product too, in very few outlets only. 

Now, let's talk about the benefits of maca. How can it be beneficial to our body and health? Maca, like the goji berry, reishi mushroom, asparagus root, ginseng and others, is a powerful adaptogen, which means the ability to balance and stabilize the body's glandular hormonal system, nervous system and cardiovascular system. 

Essentially, adaptogens are nontoxic, produce an adaptive response to stress, and improve homeostasis in the body. According to research, maca as an adaptogenic superfood, increases energy, endurance, oxygen in the blood, physical strength, neurotransmitters production, and libido. It also supports the endocrine system, the adrenals and the thyroid, typically improves one's mood. 

Below, are some of the known improvement from consumption of maca:

- Anemia
- Chronic fatigue
- Depression
- Infertility and sterility in humans and livestock
- Lack of libido
- Malnutrition
- Menopausal symptoms
- Menstrual discomfort and disorders
- Poor memory
- Stress tension
- Tuberculosis

Dried maca powder, contains approximately 58-60% carbohydrates, close to 10% fiber and about 10% protein. Although maca is not a complete protein, it is such a great source of hormone precursors and amino acids. Maca, has a higher fat content than other root crops, of which linoleic acid and palmitic acid are the primary fatty acids. Maca is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and iron and also contains trace minerals such as zinc, iodine, selenium and manganese. In addition, it is also rich in Vitamin B1, B2, C and E. 

As I advised some of my female friends, this food, can help to reduce or eliminate mood swings, hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms. It works for most women, majority of them. Maca is known to have help us effectively deal with stresses of all types. As an adaptogen, maca can provide more energy if it is needed, but if it is not, it will not overstimulate. 

Meanwhile, other researchers indicate that the effect of maca may be more basic and that when the body is well nourished, libido rises, and depression lowers. Unlike soy products and wild yams, maca is free of plant hormones such as phytoestrogens and isoflavones.

To guys other there who may be suffering from ED symptoms, this superfood may help to improve erectile tissue response. Although it does not fix the entire ED underlying cause, I would call it nature's Viagra. It has aphrodisiac qualities and supports endocrine functions too. It helps to increases sperm counts as well and provides more active libido.

Maca, is one of the greatest superfoods not only because of its caliber of nutrients, amino acids and fatty acids, but also because it helps to increase fertility. So, if you are having problem conceiving a child, maca is a great superfood to add to your diet. After pregnancy, maca also helps women to produce more breast milk.

Now, people asked me, what to look for and how to buy or find this products? Below are some pointers on how to look for quality maca products.

- Select only reputable organic brands of maca root
- Dried or powdered maca root
- Encapsulated, dried or powdered maca root
- Red, black or yellow maca
- Dried or powdered maca extracts
- Roasted maca
- Maca chocolate bars

Finally, how on earth are we going to use maca? Well, eat it! I'm just kidding, not exactly. Since maca is a superfood, it can be used in greater quantities than other medicinal herbs. It can be used over a long period of time without any harmful side effects. Maca is generally purchased as a dried, raw, organic root powder. You may use a tablespoon or more of this powder in smoothies, teas, milk, coffee or just any beverage or your choice. My recommendation, mix it with raw cacao, it will be a double superfoods! You can also add it in salads, broth, desserts, soups, etc.

Can you eat too much of maca? Yes of course, same with anything in extreme quantities. Before I sign off, for men readers out there, for whoever guys who wish to regain their prostate health and sexual vigor, maca may be take or mixed with DIM. It is a substance found in cruciferous plants such as brocolli, kale and brussels sprouts. Go Maca!

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