Thursday, December 8, 2011

Neotame: Sweeeeet poison!

It is darn sweet. Yes, it is 13000 times sweeter then table sugar! And yes, you didn't read it wrong. What is it? Today, it will be another post about artifical sweetener, a new introduction to the already condemned 'sweeteners' family. The name is Neotame. This is the latest man made creation of chemical based artifical sweetener, which is 'approved' for the use in foods and beverages all around the world. 

In Malaysia, I have yet to notice any processed food products using Neotame as artifical sweetener. Maybe it is already been introduced and used in my country, but I have yet to see one so far. I have wrote in previous posts about Sucralose and Aspartame, but by all means, check this one out. 

Neotame is a chemical derivative of aspartame, and judging by the chemicals used in its manufacturing, it appears even more toxic than aspartame, although the proponents of Neotame claimed that increased toxicity is not a concern, because less of it is needed to achieve the desired effect. 

Neotame is bad science originally brought to you by the Monsanto Company. Yes, Monsanto again! Why is Neotame dangerous? If any of you aware of the harmful affects of Aspartame, please be aware that Nutrasweet company 'improved' the Aspartame formula, making Neotame 7000-13000 times sweeter than table sugar and 30-60 times sweeter than Aspartame!! 

Monsanto applied for FDA approval for neotame, 'based on the aspartame formula' with one critical addition, 3-dimethylbutyl, which just happens to be listed on the EPA's most hazardous chemical list. So, not only is Neotame potentially more devastating to your health than Aspartame, it is also approved for use in a wider array of food products, including baked goods, because it is more stable at higher temperatures.

Neotame is manufactured by combining Aspartame with 3,3-dimethylbutyraldehyde, which was added to block enzymes that break the peptide bond between aspartic acid and phenylalanine, thereby reducing the availability of phenylalanine. This eliminates the need for a warning on labels directed at people who cannot properly metabolize phenylalanine.

However, 3,3-Dimethylbutyraldehyde is categorized as both highly flammable and an irritant, and carries risk statements for handling including irritating to skin, eyes and respiratory system. In other words, the NutraSweet company assures you that Neotame is perfectly safe, while at the same time they manufacture Neotame through a chemical reaction between aspartame and a substance that is highly flammable and a skin, eye and respiratory irritant. 

Now, why are these chemicals approved for human consumption? I'm sure some of you must be asking yourself why are all these artifical sweeteners approved and 'declared' safe for human consumption? The FDA is packed by pro-business, pro-corporation advocates who often have massive conflicts of interest when it comes to protecting the health of the public. In fact, the revolving door between private industry and government oversight agencies is so well established these days, it has become business as usual to read about scandal, conflicts of interest and blatant pro-industry bias, even when it flies in the face of science or the law. What can I say?  

One of the biggest marketing and PR tactics for man made chemical sweeteners has been the claim that they help in the battle against obesity. Folks, they don't! They never have and they never will. The research and the epidemiologic data suggest the opposite is true, and that artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame and Neotame tend to lead to weight gain. As I've often said, there's more to weight gain or weight loss than mere calorie intake. One reason for aspartame and Neotame's potential to cause weight gain is because phenylalanine and aspartic acid, the two amino acids that make up 90 percent of Aspartame and are also present in Neotame, are known to rapidly stimulate the release of insulin and leptin, two hormones that are intricately involved with satiety and fat storage. Bear in mind, insulin and leptin are also the primary hormones that regulate your metabolism.

So, although you're not ingesting calories in the form of sugar, Aspartame and Neotame can still raise your insulin and leptin levels. Elevated insulin and leptin levels, in turn, are two of the driving forces behind obesity, diabetes, and a number of our current chronic disease epidemics. Over time, if your body is exposed to too much leptin, it will become resistant to it, just as your body can become resistant to insulin, and once that happens, your body can no longer 'hear' the hormonal messages instructing your body to stop eating, burn fat, and maintain good sensitivity to sweet tastes in your taste buds.

What happens then? You remain hungry, you crave sweets, and your body stores more fat. Leptin resistance also causes an increase in visceral fat, sending you on a vicious cycle of hunger, fat storage and an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and more.

Artificial sweeteners cost a great deal less than real sugar, corn syrup or molasses, so the processed food and beverage industry saves money by using LESS of these man made chemicals to create MORE sweetness in their products. Unfortunately, one byproduct your body creates by breaking down aspartame is formaldehyde, which is extremely toxic to your health even in very small doses. The NutraSweet Company claims the addition of 3,3-Dimethylbutyraldehyde to Aspartame makes it more stable at higher temperatures, and reduces the availability of phenylalanine. But, nowhere do they discuss the formation of formaldehyde when your body breaks down Aspartame, which is the main ingredient of Neotame. 

Before any of you ever think of consuming another dose of Aspartame or Neotame sweetener and thinking that it will help you lose weight, think twice! Stay away from these artifical sweeteners. Till then, stay tuned.

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