Friday, January 13, 2012

SLEEP : Why is it so important for us? (Part 2)

Every year, thousands of people in my country go on  so called 'diet'. Millions of Americans go on some sort of dieting plan in United States alone. The amount of weight they lose isn't even at issue, because up to 95% of them gained all back (plus additional pounds) within five years. Then what? We have been steadily decreasing our consumption of fat and cholesterol, and yet increasing our incidence of obesity, disease and death. 

Since the turn of the century, sugar consumption has skyrocketed, increased by 150%. As sugar became a cheap preservative, it became an additive in almost all processed foods, and as we know, consumption of processed foods all over the industrialized countries have increased exponentially over the last 50 years or so. 

Back in the 1950's, only about very little people were receiving visible radio waves. Now, the average family has two adults employed full time and eats out at least 4 times a week. Well, I could be wrong, it is just my rough estimation and observation. Imagine, a mum works all day in the office, and comes back home needing to prepare and cook dinner for the family, and when done with the dishes, by the time mum finishes her shower, it is probably past 11pm. By the time mum try to finish off the remaining household chores, it easily hit midnight and she has yet to crash the bed. If this happens for years and years, day in day out, regular chronic exhaustion and late night sleep, a recipe of insulin resistance and cancer is boiling, awaiting for the time to come, sooner or later. 

The disastrous slide in the health of many civilized people, my country, and the rest of the developed nations, correspond to the increase in light generating night activities and carbohydrates consumption. Besides a steady increase in heart disease and obesity, statistics already show that diabetes and cancer are on the rise. Food plays a huge role, but sleep wake cycles definitely play a crucial role as well. It's been predicted  for years now that reducing dietary fat would decrease cancer, but cancer statistics show us an increasing incidence of colon cancer. For breast and prostate cancer, both increased incidence and increased death can be seen too. 

Medicine admits that the so called 'improvement' in cancer statistics is derived from early detection, not from treatment or prevention. But early detection only extends the time of awareness, the victim knows sooner that he or she is going to suffer and die. Early detection NEVER saves lives, more often it only prolongs them long enough to skew the numbers. Guess what? All these numbers proved that we were on the wrong course! 

Food is part of the equation, but not the whole picture and total answer. the answer, lies in circadian rhythmicity and evolution. The answer is to eat real food, eat right, move like how humans suppose to move, and sleep and reproduce in sync with the spin of the planet or go the way of the dinosaurs. The long hours of artifical lights that confuse your biological ancient regulation system also destroy the lining of your heart. You subconcious has, over the course of evolution, been conditioned and fine tuned to believe and act on the following when the lights stay on too long. 

The light responsive instinct has been the basis of our feast-or-famine metabolism and ultimate survival for at least 3 million years. All the effects of chronic light exposure and the carbohydrates consumption that follows that exposure would have, in another place and time, prepared us for the worst, for no food and for the shorter, darker, colder days of less sun. 

Bear in mind, we have always feasted to endure famine, that always followed until now. Unfortunately, the truth in our time is that we eat carbohydrates now and die sooner. Your body translates long hours of artificial lights into summertime. Because it instinctively knows that summer comes before winter, and that winter means no available food, you begin to crave carbohydrates so you can store fat for a time when food is scarce and you should be hibernating. 

Remember these few important key facts:

- Long hours of artifical lights = summer in your head
- Winter signifies famine to your internal controls
- Famine on the horizon, signifies instinctive carbodydrates craving to store fat for hibernation and scarcity.

Meanwhile, this storage is accomplished by:

1) Increasing carbohydrate consumption until your body responds to all the insulin by becoming insulin-resistant in muscle tissues.
2) Ensuring that carbohydrates taken in end up as fat pad
3) Prompting the liver to dump the extra sugar into cholesterol production, which will keep cell membranes from freezing at low temperatures. 

Now, if you sleep at night for the number of hours, it would normally be dark outside, you will only crave sugar in the summer, when the hours of light are long. It is the 'perennial adaptation' or the chronic, constant intent to hibernate, that causes overconsumption of carbs and obesity and its attendant high blood pressure and inevitable heart disease.

Step 1, 2 and 3, also correspond to the hormonal potrait of Type II diabetes, a disease that in truth, is the end result of excruciating fatigue from 'light' toxicity, although faulty signaling of leptin is another factor as well. Well, what I can say is although the instrument of destruction may be food, the cause of death is something much more insidious. Stay tuned. 

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