Thursday, January 5, 2012

What did you have for dinner?

Happy New Year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday and set your new year's resolution in place for 2012. Lose 20 pounds in 6 months? Or perhaps get a body transformation before end of 2012? Or reverse Diabetes Type II without the help of prescription drugs from doctors? Well, there are tons of new resolution for 2012, but, if you do set a goal, what is your plan, and how are you going to achieve it? Is it a realistic goal? Or will you still be the same old out of shape, overweight, weak, sick and depressed human being?

Today, I will share with you guys again, about how we could eat, primarily REAL FOOD for your daily meals. I still have tons of people asking me what am I going to eat? Who needs McDonalds, KFC, Pizza, Nasi Kandar and any other fast food meals? This is another sample of dinner meal which any of you could prepare and eat. The key here is eat 'real food', mainly whole organic foods.  Avoiding as much processed foods and pesticide and chemical laden foods is a priority here. We are suppose to eat according to how we have evolved, according to our metabolic requirement, eating for energy. Most of us have been treating our body as an amusement park. Always feel bloating, flatulence, indigestion and low energy levels? Maybe it's time to change the way you eat, putting less digestive stress and respect your body. 

By the way, below are the food list on the attached photo. Try it out, small changes make a big difference! By the way, I've also consumed a serving of whey protein and a handful of organic raw goji berries just before my meal, after an intense workout session. No artificial flavor, sweeteners (contains stevia), and free of antibiotics and hormones. 

- Organic free range grass fed beef (stew) (200gram, approximately 60-65g or protein)
- Organic raw baby tomatoes
- Organic four angled beans
- Organic kiwi 
- Papaya (1 bowl)
- Organic apple
- Quaill eggs (4 eggs)
- Organic free range chicken eggs (2 eggs)
- Organic cucumber (half)

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