Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SLEEP : Why is it so important for us? (Part 3)

Lets continue from where we left off last post about sleep, why is it so important. Your appetite, is but one symptom of this deathly dsyfunction, just as obesity is correlative with heart disease, but in fact, it is not the real cause. The real truth is that the urgent need to sleep, is also the cause of the  Type II Diabetes. All diseases that are not caused by contagion and injury are born of immune dysfunction by way of metabolism. 

Let's see. Your immune system is governed by two hormones, prolactin and melatonin and guess what? Both of these substances are controlled by light and dark cycles. Seasonal variation in daylight. and intensity of daylight, control budding, growth and dormancy in plants and in animals too, with seasonal changes in ambient lighting control hibernation, migration and breeding. To expose ourselves to the unremitting glare of artifical lighting for more hours than it is actually daylight is asking for trouble. 

Back in 1920's, where most people could only afford to keep the lights on for a couple of hours at night after sunset. People at that time spent up to about 14 hours a night, depending on the season, in the dark. But, by late 1920's, expensive machinery in factories were built and running around the clock with sudden boom, and night shift work brought more money in countless ways. 

Now, to understand why carbohydrates are the instrument of death, we need just a little science. Anyone who know or read about chronic hyperinsulinemia would be able to connect the dots, and figure this out. It actually means chronic high insulin made in your body. This can only occur, when you chronically consume carbohydrates. You could NEVER chronically consume carbohydrates in nature. Trees and plants fruit only in one season and flower in other. Living on sugar for more than a month or two in a row, would not be possible unless you were preparing to hibernate for a darn long winter nap.

The media doesn't talk much about insulin unless it's reporting on Type I Diabetes, so most people known insulin as a medicine for Type I Diabetics, which is known also as autoimmune disease. Insulin is at center of both forms of the disease because it controls blood sugar by binding to cell receptor sites like a key opening a lock. Once the 'gateways' are open, the blood sugar can enter and energize all of your cells. Insulin resistance is the body's inability to respond to the insulin that you normally produce because receptors have treated to save your life. Every function of your body, from basic molecule to molecule communication to complex operations like appetite control or temperature regulation, is in a tight zone called homeostasis. I think I did explain abit about this is my other posts. 

We now have more and more younger people suffering from insulin resistance, and entire population is aging in 'fast forward' mode. We are as addicted to low fat diet high sugar diet, as alcoholics are to alcohol, because high insulin levels create the same brain state as alcohol does. Alcoholics sleep it off after rounds of 'bottoms up' night, not only because the alcohol itself has a drug like effect on their opiate receptors but also because the huge carbohydrate load of the grape, grain, potato, cactus, rum, sugar cane in the drink literally put them to sleep. Folks, remember this as you go for that glass of wine at dinner.

Is our extinction imminent? The odds against our extinction aren't good. It happened more then once, and it can happen again. Whatever the cause, the historical record verify the signs, and the signs are everywhere. From declining birth rates to escalating diabetes and cancer, a lot of us are not 'fit' to live. When you change the environment, the environment changes you, and that if, you genes allow it to.

All our current genetic makeupe evolved in a time before we had the ability to bring light to the blackness just because we wanted to, unimaginable as that might be. Shorter nights meant less melatonin. Less melatonin meant more estrogen and testosterone, more cortisol and of course, more insulin. Those of us who genetically adapt to live with less sleep, more carbs, and the increased fertility that brought lived on, but I would say not many of us. Those who couldn't adapt died, unfit to survive in the new modern environment.

The next great 'death nail' was the mass human extinction that we feel must have followed close on the heels of the coming of agriculture. We were born, like very animal, to hunt in the light, whether it be for fruit and fish in the summer or wild boar and bark in the winter, and to rest in the dark. Cultivating grain near our living sites changed all that. The relatively sudden change in the concentration and timing of our carbohydrate food supply polished off more than a few of us by tipping the balance of our nutrition from 90% protein to 80% carbohydrates, which primarily is sugar.

For all previous human lifetime, although carbohydrates were available in the months from spring to late fall, we never craved it until the hours of sunlight changed. Agriculture meant that we suddenly living on an ever increasing amount of carbs or sugar, for even more of the year due to our ability to control the growing seasons. After making it through hundreds of millennia and a couple of Ice Ages without sugar out of season, the suddenness, in terms of evolution, of its arrival caused the same kind of death we are seeing now.

Our most recent unspecified and general collapse began with the discovery of electricity. Our first innocent manneuver was to carry away glowing coals from lighting strikes. Next, we managed to to learn how to reanimate coals that had gone cold. We've also learned to recreate the lighting that gave us the magic of hot coals. Harnessing the primal energy of lighting gave us the keys to the kingdom. Now, we are going to pay!

We can't really fight the future, but we sure can stall it. By truly understanding all of the turning points and synergistic meachanisms of life here on earth, it is possible to work the knobs and dials to stave off extinction. Right now, there's no hope of control because we are suffocating and ultimately dying under layers of incoherent information. Tons of contradicting and misleading health information! You must be wondering, why is that so? The TV drones on all day, program after program, about how to lower your fat intake and increase your exercise. A typical 'weight loss' program, which I'm generally against this idea.

Remember this, nothing happens in contradiction to nature, only in contradiction to what we know of nature. Imagine a bouncing ball of light (photon), is a wave of energy. The light wave left behind can be heat, brightness, or vibrational energy, depending on the rhythm of the bounce. Light, temperature and gravity controls the metabolism and reproduction on the molecular level in every venue here on earth. Therefore, they control your health and your very existence. 

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