Thursday, April 5, 2012

Organic it that expensive?

Today, I decided to write a short post about organic fruits, as many friends and colleagues telling me, "I can't eat organic fruits, it's super expensive". Well, it is partially true, depending on how smart you plan your groceries and shopping list, deciding what to eat on a controlled budget. I've also blogged previously about which fruits is higher and lower in pesticides and chemicals contamination, and which fruits are 'slightly safer' to consume non-organic, thus not breaking the bank.

When each and every people I know, who told me that eating organic foods is expensive and they can't afford it, I told them back "When your medical bill comes as you get old and developed chronic diseases, that's expensive!". Bear in mind, there are tons of filthy rich people, died prematurely due to chronic degenerative diseases, and money can't save them. What does that tells you? We spent our health making wealth, and when we get old, we spent our wealth trying to get back into health. For most people, it is far too late, and tons of people in the last couple years or so, died even younger, compared to a 20-30 years ago. 

There are alot of people I met, told me the same thing over and over again. "I got health insurance, I'm covered and I don't have to worry about my health when I get old". Is that right? If it's true, why do we have wealthy people such as Steve Jobs, Patrick Swayze, Farah Fawcett, and many other millionaires whose money and insurance can't save them? It's like thinking that marriage can ensure both husband and wife eternity relationship. Well, divorce rates are higher then ever compared for to decades ago. In a nutshell, we tend to take things for granted, failing to identify the real root cause of the problem which takes it's toll when the time comes. In my honest opinion, eating as much organic whole foods as one can, and leading a healthy lifestyle with proper stress management, sleep wake cycles, detoxification and proper exercise routines, is a package of solid concrete 'health insurance'. You may call it 'bulletproof' health insurance, whatever it is, you outlive most people you know, and you live a quality life, feeling great most of the time. 

It sound absurd and silly if you could spent $USD500(RM1500) on a phone, or own a Honda Accord or BMW, and you can't spend on organic whole foods? Majority of people spent part of their money on fast foods, junk foods, processed foods and expensive supplements. Why not spend the money on organic whole foods? Well, that's just my point of view, and the point is, avoiding as much toxins and chemicals as you possibly could in your daily life. 

Meanwhile, I've taken a sample photo of the organic fruits I bought, which I think personally, is not expensive. Below are also some of the fruits I listed which is fairly resonable price sold in most organic food outlets and supermarkets. Also, the best way to spend on organic whole foods is vegetables, way much cheaper then fruits. Besides, the demand for organic foods in Malaysia is increasing and becoming a trend now, and more and more people are aware of the benefits of eating organic. 

Cost of organic fruits:   (shop for locally grown organic fruits)
- Apple (less them RM3 each)
- Grapes
- Coconut (around RM5-6 each)
- Blueberries (around RM15-17 each pax)
- Banana (RM3-6 per bundle)
- Kiwi (RM3-4 each)
- Papaya (medium) (RM5-7 each)

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