Friday, November 5, 2010

Cough, flu and cold : How to prevent it?

Does any of you wish you don't have to miss a single day of work by contracting cough, flu or cold? Wouldn't your boss be very content? How about not getting any of these symptoms for as long as two, three or even four years consecutively? A healthy human body, should rarely miss work during their lifetime because of cold, flu or similar illness! One would feel full of energy most of the time during the day without caffeine or any other stimulant. The ones with optimal health, will look towards a long healthy life without the roadblocks of degenerative diseases getting in the way.

How often does a headache, cold or even fatigue reminds you that you could really be healthier? How many times do you remind yourself, that you will start to eat better and exercise? Have you wondered why most doctors give you drugs to suppress symptoms rather then looking for and eliminating the cause of these symptoms? Maybe it is time to look into health, instead of disease.

Has any of you heard of 'viral upper respiratory syndrome'? It is regarded by most physicians which relates to cough, flu and cold. Why do some people tend to catch a cough, or cold or flu easily? In various countries during winter time, lots of people are down with these symptoms. Is it because of the cold temperature? The main reason why most people easily catch a cold or flu and even cough, is because of deficiency in Vitamin D. How many of you are expose to bright sunlight daily?  I'm talking about direct sunlight during sunny day(without sunscreen lotion) for 15-30 mins daily. If any of you would to wear a long-sleeve shirt and pants, getting sunlight on your face is not enough to produce the Vitamin D in the body. Most people I met in the office, they wake up early in the morning and hardly get any sun exposure by the time they reach office by 8 or 9am. When they are about to leave for work, it is almost dark in the evening, thus, low levels of Vitamin D production in the body.

The best time to get sun exposure if around 10am-4pm during sunny day. During raining or cold season, it would be very difficult to get sun exposure and less sunny day for all of us. For the ladies out there, sun exposure will not cause skin cancer. The idea is to get a 'light pink' pigmentation on the skin during sun exposure and avoid sun burn. This is the indication of adequate sunlight for the day once our skin turns pinkish. I noticed lots of women apply sunscreen lotions of the skin as soon as they hit the beach or go outdoor. Do you know many of the sunscreen lotions has cancer causing chemicals? Most of these sunscreen lotions actually prevents the conversion of Vitamin D in the body. 

Another way of getting similar benefit is sun tanning beds. You have to ensure the tanning beds are safe for usage and surely it is much more convenient for some people who need to drive all the way to the beach. Also, oral supplementation of Vitamin D is available in nearly all pharmacies in virtually every country in the world. If you are not sure how much Vitamin D dosage which need to be consumed daily, a blood test should be able to tell each individual. Vitamin D can produce up to 200-300 anti-microbial peptides, used to kill off bacterias, virus and fungi in the body.

In addition to consumption of Vitamin D, sugar can also suppresses your immune system. Once you starts to experience these symptoms, stop all food with sugar content. When you are sick, stop eating any food with sugar. Soft drinks, fruit juice beverages, cookies, fast foods, basically any types of food which has sugar that could make these symptoms worse. 

Besides that, sleeping cycle is very important. If you have interrupted sleep or irregular sleeping cycle, it will increase the risks of having these symptoms. Stress also contributes to these symptoms as it can suppress the body's immune system as well. In our modern society, we are expose to viruses, bacterias all the time. Once our immune system is weakened or suppressed, infection will easily occurs, thus, these symptoms appear. It's all about building and maintaining the integrity of the immune response. 

Lastly, exercise. No time? Lazy? Yeah, two most popular excuses I've heard all the time. You don't need two or three hours daily to exercise. The idea is not to over-exercising yourself and have enough rest and sleep. So folks, let's build a strong immune system and say goodbye to these symptoms. 

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