Saturday, November 20, 2010

Health conditions that don't need pills or drugs

Almost every doctor we consult, there is only one treatment, drugs! Disagree? Then, tell me when was the last time you consulted a doctor for a symptom or condition, you are NOT given a pill or drug. Yeah, that's what I thought. I was quite stressed few days back due to someone close to me decided not to listen to my advise. Someone I cared a lot, and someone whom I love. And it is the damn cholesterol lowering drug!

There are actually certain conditions or diseases which DO NOT need any pills or prescription drugs from any of the doctors. Why do people consult doctors whenever they are sick or not feeling well? It is because they have a degree in medicine study. People do not know who else to look for whenever they need to seek medical advise or help, and the most 'qualified' person people could rely on, is doctor. And do people know how many patients died annually from prescription drugs given by their doctors? Do your own research and find out!

Anyway, below are some of the conditions which could be treated without drugs or pills.

Osteoarthritis, the deterioration of cartilage that cushions the joints, is the most common form of arthritis among the elderly. Vital components to improving this condition include, optimizing your diet to make sure you’re getting proper nutrients for your nutritional type and making sure your vitamin D levels are healthy (sun exposure is your BEST source!), and that you’re getting adequate omega-3 fatty acids, which are profoundly helpful for normalizing your immune function,  and regular low-impact exercise.

Cholesterol, the issue of “good” and “bad” cholesterol is perhaps one of the most pervasive medical myths out there, created and perpetuated by pharmaceutical advertising. Very few people are educated correctly on cholesterol, how it’s really all about your LDL particle sizes, not your overall LDL level. Public have been fooled by 'High Cholesterol causes Heart Disease' hypothesis for more then 50 years!

The only way to truly correct your underlying problem is through diet. By eliminating sugar and most grains, you will effectively reduce your insulin and leptin levels, which are the underlying causes that create LDL particles that are too small to circulate without sticking to the interior walls of your arteries. There’s not a single pharmaceutical drug that can modulate LDL particle sizes. I just freakin hate it when doctors tells me that high cholesterol or LDL causes clogged arteries or heart diseases. Having a doctor status doesn't mean you are right about everything in health. In fact, very very few doctors have knowledge about nutrition and it's impact on health. Especially arrogant or obese doctors thinking that their patients should listen to their advise just because they have completed their medicine degree? I always tells my friends and colleagues, " You can't get healthy by getting health advise from people or doctors who are unhealthy or their gut looks like shit". Besides, most doctors died earlier then their patients. What a joke!

Cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer's disease is an epidemic. Appropriate diet and removal of heavy metals and chemicals such as MSG, aluminum and mercury can have major impact. Avoid flu vaccinations, as they usually contains high doses of mercury and aluminum. Keeping your insulin levels normal, getting the right amount of omega-3 fats, avoiding sugar, eating more vegetables (high in folate) and foods with high antioxidant content are dietary changes that can help prevent cognitive decline. Read my earlier post about MSG for more information.

Depression, antidepressant drugs do not in any way, shape or form treat the cause of your depression. To address the underlying problem, few things work better than a combination of a high quality omega-3 combined with exercise, which is clearly one of the best-kept secrets for depression. Besides, diet which is high in protein, to produce certain brain chemicals to help stress or depression, are vital as well. Read my posts on Brain Chemicals.

Diabetes, the thing everyone should know about type 2 diabetes is that, it is completely preventable and is almost always curable, using nothing but dietary and lifestyle modifications. This includes as below:

Limit or eliminate sugar and grains in your diet
Exercise regularly
Avoid trans fats
Get plenty of omega-3 fats from fish oil or krill oil
Get enough high-quality sleep every night
Maintain a healthy body weight

High Blood Pressure, this condition can be a serious risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, monitoring and regulating your blood pressure is very easy to do. The single most important factor in normalizing your blood pressure is to get your insulin and leptin levels normalized.  This is done through limiting grains and sugars and making certain that exercise levels are appropriate.

Osteoporosis, just as exercise and diet work in tandem to beat obesity, the same can be said for osteoporosis. Vitamin D and K are also crucial factors. Diet is, of course, also tremendously important for strong bones. One thing you can do is to increase your consumption of vegetables based on your body's unique nutritional type.

One of the many positive qualities of vegetable juice is that it is high in vitamin K, which is a crucial part of bone health. Yet most people do not get enough of it from diet alone unless you juice your veggies or eat large amounts of dark green leafy vegetables. The type of vitamin K from plants is vitamin K1. An even stronger vitamin K is vitamin K2, which is obtained from animals. Wait. I almost forgotten. remember to lose the soft drinks! That will certainly help by ripping off calcium from your bones. Another basic tool to maintain your bone health is sun exposure, to allow your body to metabolize sufficient amounts of vitamin D.


  1. Once time , I was sickness , so doctor advise to me taking protein in high percentage. and its effective for my health.

    whey powder

  2. John,

    First of all, it is important to realise the source of the protein which you consume. But, consuming higher protein intake WILL not improve your 'sickness' symptoms as advised by yr doctor. Without accurate diagnosis from yr doctor and advising you to eat high protein diet, is naive yet clear misdiagnosis. You have to know, conventional doctors study how to diagnose and treat symptoms with drugs, and have no or very little knowledge about nutrition.
