Monday, November 8, 2010

Eggs : How do you choose?

Anyone care for scrambled eggs? How about fry eggs? Half boiled eggs? Raw eggs? Steam eggs? Well, my favorite is half boiled and partially raw eggs. Is eggs any good for our health? The answer is YES, if it is organic or free range without growth hormones and antibiotics. 

How do we know if the eggs we buy from supermarkets or so called 'health food outlets' are healthy nutritional eggs? You can see an example of eggs I bought from an organic food outlet from the picture below. The best way to ensure you get all the nutrients of an egg is by eating it raw or partially half boiled. You will not get much nutrients by heating up the egg as it will kill most of the nutrients in that food. Worst still if you fry it with bad cooking oils such as canola, soy bean, sunflower or corn oil. A healthy egg yolk contains Biotin, which is beneficial to various health issues such as intestinal imbalances (IBS), hair loss, skin problems, pregnancy, etc. Biotin also helps nervous system to balance out the use of sugar and fat in he body. 

Biotin is also known as B-Complex vitamins or Vitamin H. If anyone would to say eating egg yolk causes high cholesterol, he is definitely lack of nutrition and health knowledge. So, enjoy your egg yolk for bowel movement daily, and it has lutein and zeaxanthin which are beneficial for eyes as well. An egg contains approximately 6 grams of protein and 9 essential amino acids. Besides, it also has choline, a great source of nutrient for regulating the brain, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Egg consumption can also decrease the risk of breast cancer due to content of Vitamin D. It has also high content of Vitamin K, which is key nutrient for blood clotting. Well, long live the chickens! 

P/S: An organic domestic egg cost around RM1, but an imported organic free range egg may cost up to RM3.50! 

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