Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cacao : Raw Chocolate

How are you feeling today folks? I'm doing just great, just finished my workout this morning, had an all organic meal, woke up feeling fresh and mediocrely rejuvenated. Today, I would like to talk about another superfood. Chocolate. Yes, favorite amongst a lot of people, but, I emphasize on raw organic chocolate, also known as cacao.

It is sometimes known as 'happy food' to certain people, but I will tell you my own personal knowledge about this food. If you walk into any mini mart, grocery store, supermarket and even chocolate outlet, you will notice chocolate products, are sold as a common 'treat' or 'snack'. A lot of people loves chocolate, including myself. But, most people tend to enjoy non-organic commercial chocolate products, especially the ones with high sugar content. Most people enjoy it as 'sugary delicious treat', and not primarily because of its rich benefits and antioxidant properties.

All chocolate is made from cacao beans, and they are also known as cocoa beans. Cacao is chocolate. All the antioxidant value, the mineral benefits, neurotransmitter rejuvenating properties, and overall health giving qualities of chocolate are found in original cacao. Chocolate consist of only one ingredient, it is cacao, and no sugar, chemicals, dairy or any other substances. Now, of course I'm referring to organic chocolate here.

Cacao is the seed of a fruit tree from an indigenous American jungle tree. The cacao bean, has always been and will always be the number one weight loss and high energy food. Cacao flowers are rarely visited by bees. It grows all year long, and doesn't has season. In the wild, the ripe cacao fruits are gnawed by the monkeys, birds, bats and jungle animals.

It was the Europeans who combines cacao with refined cane sugar. The native Americans always prefer bitter chocolate. We now know that refine sugar draws minerals out of the body, causes blood sugar disorders, dehydration and is highly addictive.  Sugar, with all it's recognized dangers, lowered the medicinal value of the chocolate sold in Europe.

More then anything else, cacao supports the heart in a literal, spiritual sense. Like all superfoods, chocolate straddles the line between a food and a potent and beneficial medicine. Since many of the special properties of cacao are destroyed by cooking, refining and processing, this favorite food is still unknown to most of us. Now, let me introduce to you the benefits of raw chocolate, cacao.

- Cacao contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. These antioxidants include polyphenols and catechins. By weight, cacao has more antioxidants then blueberries, acai, pomegranate and goji berries combined.

- Cacao seems to be the number one source of magnesium, the great alkaline minerals. Magnesium supports the heart, increases brain power, causes strong peristalsis, relaxes menstrual cramping and muscles, as well as helps build strong bones. When our body has enough magnesium, arteries and veins can breathe a sigh of relief and relax, which improves the flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.

- As is now well known, iron is an important mineral in nutrition. Iron is the part of the oxygen-carrying protein called hemoglobin, that keeps our body healthy. Cacao is high in iron, and per serving of raw chocolate, easily contains more then 300% of the RDA of iron.

- Cacao, is also rich in chromium, zinc and manganese and copper. All these are important minerals are needed by our body, for healthy functionality.

- Raw cacao, contains vitamin C as well. A serving can easily contains 20% of the RDA of Vitamin C. This is an extraordinary value for a dried nut. All cooked and processed chocolate has lost all of its valuable Vitamin C.

- Cacao also contains Omega 6 fatty acids. All cooked and processed chocolate contains rancid fatty acids, which is known as trans fat. Once cacao bean is cooked and processed, their product is automatically contaminated with trans fat.

- Cacao is rich in seratonin. The 'feel good' neurotransmitter in the body and in nearly all living things. If seratonin levels are high, the world could be collapsing, but we could still feel good. If seratonin levels are low, all maybe well, but we will feel like hell. That is why some people call this food as 'happy food'. I have uploaded a fairly detailed explanation on brain chemicals in my earlier posts. Go read it and educate yourself.

- Cacao also contains extraordinary type of soluble fiber. Fiber is perfect for human digestive system, that cacao can be blended, crushed and can still help to cleanse the intestines and bulk up the bowel movements.

There are also other beneficial properties for cacao, but I could only think of above list for now. Meanwhile, if you would want to look for any healthy chocolate products, look for these:

Organic raw chocolate
Organic cacao butter
Organic cacao powder
Organic cacao beans
Organic cacao paste

Enjoy your raw organic dark chocolate folks. Have a good day.


P/S: This organic cacao chocolate, has only 1g of sugar per serving. 

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