Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eating : Slower or faster?

Today, I would like to write a bit about eating. Yes, eating food. I'm sure some of you out there wonder if eating slower good or bad? Some of the people I know, eat fast and barely chew their food properly. There are people who eat slower, taking their time to properly chew their food before it goes into the digestive system. Which is better? My point of view, eating slower and chew our food into almost liquid form has many benefits and triumph eating faster. Eating slower has several benefits that, overall, may pave the way to a more fulfilling existence.

What can you gain from slowing down at mealtime?

  • Lose weight. Eating slowly gives your body the time it needs to register that it‘s full, which curbs overeating.
  • Gastronomic pleasure. You have to eat, why not make it an enjoyable experience?
  • Improved digestion. Digestion starts in the mouth, so the more you chew, the less work your stomach needs to do.
  • Reduced stress! No time to defrag and meditate? Let mealtime be your moment of mindful being.
  • Connect with the people around you. (I know what you must be thinking)

The modern lifestyle is built around speed, but as a previous article pointed out, living the fast life may rob you of the good life. Once in a while, it’s good to stop and ask yourself, “Am I living my life fully, or am I just rushing through it?”. 

Incorporating the habit of eating slower can be that first step to a more relaxed, more fulfilling life, that moment each day when you “stop and calm down your soul,” if you will. Slowing down your eating will also help you better digest your food, as you will be chewing it more and mixing it with salivary digestive enzymes. Additionally, chewing helps stimulate intestinal digestive enzyme release.

People are slowly but surely beginning to recognize that certain 'slow' times are a vital part of life, without them, you are missing some of the most important reasons for being alive. Once those moments are passed, you can’t get them back at a later 'more convenient time'.

Eating slower also goes right along with the lifestyle of eating healthier food, rather than zipping through the nearest fast food joint. This combination of healthier selections, together with slowing down the whole eating process (and sharing time with others), can put you squarely on the right track toward a healthier body, mind and emotional state.

In addition to selecting as much fresh, locally grown organic foods as you can, following a diet that is custom made for your nutritional type will bring you optimal results.

When you eat just the right fuel that your body needs, your overall health will improve in many profound ways. You can expect to:

  • Optimize your weight
  • Improve your emotional well-being
  • Have increased energy throughout the day
  • Prevent chronic and degenerative diseases of all kinds
  • Look and feel younger
  • Avoid common illnesses, like colds and the flu
  • Increase your mental focus
  • Live years longer with a higher quality of life
  • Feel satisfied and reduce or eliminate cravings

So folks, take your time to eat slower, chew your food properly until almost liquid form. Happy eating guys. 

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