Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cancer : Part 3

I've known friends, family members who died from cancer years back. Most of them lost the battle with this degenerative disease, as patients usually ignored or do not have enough knowledge about nutrition as well as alternative treatments, rather then opting for conventional medical solution. Why am I not surprised? I've got handful of colleagues and friends who is 'against' the concept of health and nutrition. The feel irritated, or unable to accept the discussion or advise of any medical, nutrition or health related subjects. Why is that so? Perhaps a fixed mindset? Most people do not like changes, and they do like to be taught what to do, or how to improve, it doesn't matter if it's health related, work related or simple daily lifestyle. It takes a lot of effort trying to help them, or even giving them genuine health advise or guidance. I have colleagues telling me they have NO time to go to gym and they want to lose weight by eating tons of crappy food? Come on guys, you want to be rich but do not want to save money? It doesn't make sense at all.

Let's get back to discussion on cancer. Most generative diseases, including cancer, do not have the a readily identified enemy. In a bacterial infection, you can attack the 'cause' of the disease with an antibiotic. Cancer seem to be caused by a collection of lifestyle and environmental factors that accumulate over the years. Since success against any degenerative disease requires getting to the root cause of the problem, let's examine the accepted causes of cancer. 

Toxic overload - Mankind comes in contact with approximately 70000 chemicals, of which 20000 are known as carcinogens, or cancer causing agents. Millions of pounds of pesticides were sprayed on our food crops,  billions of pounds of toxic waste are dumped into our waste sites, millions of pounds of antibiotics to farm animals to to help them gain weight faster.

Does anyone knows estimated 60 trillion cells in our body undergoes from 1000 to 10000 DNA potentially cancer-causing breaks everyday? Recent studies, show that an adult body has one cancer cell appear each day. Yet, somehow, our DNA repair mechanism and immune system surveillance are able to keep  this storm of genetic damage under control. That is, if , you can maintain and ensure your overall health is near or in tip top condition. Toxins not only cause DNA breakage, which can trigger cancer, but also subdue the immune system, which then allows cancer to be 'dominant', with no controlling force. Cancer growth can be both slowed and even reversed, under the right conditions. Cancer is reversible.  

Distress - Close to a century ago, scientific evidence has been advancing the theory that emotional stress can depress the immune system, and make that individual more vulnerable to infections and cancer. For example,  in a study published in British Medical journal, scientists found that women who had experienced a severe stressful life event, had a 1500% increase in the risk of developing breast cancer. Even certain personalities, are more prone to certain diseases. That is why you may notice certain alternative therapists use a wide variety of psychological approaches to help get rid of the body of cancer. Clearly, there is some mental link in the development of cancer in many patients. Stress can also induces  fats in the blood and erodes stomach linings as well. That is why some people get ulcers. If spiritual wound started the cancer, the spiritual healing is an essential element for a cure.

Nutrition - The human body is built from, repaired by, and fueled by substances found in the diet. In a more literal sense, "we are what we eat". I'm sure some of you might have heard this before, and every single type of food you consume, have significant impact to the body and overall health. Especially for cancer patients, diet is extremely important, and half of the total cancer victims who died, suffered because of malnutrition. You eat junk food, you get junk mood or health. Make sense?

Exercise - Whenever I step into a gym, almost every single time, I notice majority of people, prefer cardio exercises. Why? Because it seem to be an easier way to 'workout', or it could be that most people don't have a clue what to do or feel shy or embarrassed in the free weights area. Like I always tell my colleagues and friends, gym is a dangerous place to be. Why? For instance, you feel stressed throughout the day while at office, catabolic state, but when you hit the gym and do long period of cardio exercise, what happen is that you are causing more stress to your body, producing more stress hormones and less of anabolic hormones. By the end of the workout session, you will feel even fatigue and burned out, and it made your body even more stressful and damaging.

Most people thought they can release stress or burn fat and lose weight using steady state cardio routines, guess what, if you are having poor diet on that day itself, and feeling fatigue and stressed out, doing this routine will only make you feel even worse. Please bear in mind that proper exercise helps to stabilize blood glucose levels, which can restrict the amount of fuel available for cancer cells to grow. Exercise improves immune function, lymph flow, and detoxification systems. Exercise also helps us to better tolerate stressful situations. Humans evolved as active creatures. Inactive and sedentary lifestyle are abnormal, under-oxygenated metabolic state, so is cancer. So folks, 'lazy' or 'no time' for exercise or workout, you know well those are plain excuses.

As i did mentioned, our body has estimated of 60 trillion cells. They work in harmony to keep you well. Imagine a band trying to play a beautiful well tuned song, synchronization is very important. If you cells, organs functions and other systems in the body are out of tune, your health goes out of balance, thus, you fall sick and develop medical conditions or diseases. It is crucial to understand how your body works, and how cancer cells produce in the body, the impact of stress, nutrition, exercise, toxins, and other factors that could impact to overall state of health for our body.

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