Saturday, December 4, 2010

Vaccination: The truth behind it

When I think of children who suffer from autism, when I look at them, I feel sad, yet angry. Why angry? Keep reading, and you will know the reason behind it, the real truth about vaccines and host of other health conditions associated to it. Neurological disorders such as epilepsy, mental retardation, lupus, lowered IQ, hyperactivity, depression, paralysis, blindness, and of course, autism, are some of the long list of health related problems associated with vaccination. To everyone of you reading this post, especially parents, pay close attention to what you are about to discover. 

Do you really know what’s in a vaccine? Does your doctor? And are they truly safe? For some of you, this may be the first you’re hearing about vaccinations’ potential for harm, and their questionable effectiveness. But, please, don't take my word for it. If you do intensive research using the Internet, if you do your homework to protect your kids (that's for you guardians and parents), you will FIND out the facts about vaccines. How about try spending less time playing facebook and  video games, and more time on how you could improve your health and wellness? 

You will learn revealing truths, such as the fact that most pro-vaccine studies are supported by money from the pharmaceutical companies, and hear a medical doctor discuss how a vaccine he gave his own child resulted in autism. Once he uncovered the truth, he vowed never to vaccinate himself or his family ever again. Now, you too, can hear the truth behind the lies you have been told about vaccine safety, right in this post, right here, right now.

Vaccinations are one of the most controversial issues in modern medicine. Vaccines are a very controversial element of medicine. There is nearly universal acceptance by the conventional medical community that they are one of the greatest examples of preventive medicine. However, most fail to appreciate the clear and present danger from many of the toxic vaccine additives like mercury. Mercury is one of the reasons autism skyrocketed in the last 10 years and started to decrease once some of the vaccines eliminated mercury.

Methylmercury has long been associated with serious neurological disorders, demyelinating diseases, gut disease, and visual damage. The mercury in vaccines, however, is in the form of thimerosal, which is 50 times more toxic than plain old mercury. Thimerosal is a much more toxic form of mercury than one would get from eating open-sea fish; it has to do with the difficulty of clearing thimerosal from the blood. Without a complete blood-brain barrier, an infant's brain and spinal cord are sitting ducks. Mercury can then remain for years, like a time-release capsule, causing permanent degeneration and death of brain cells.

Reasons for this include:
  • Injected mercury is far more toxic than ingested mercury.
  • There's no blood-brain barrier in infants.
  • Mercury accumulates in brain cells and nerves.
  • Infants don't produce bile, which is necessary to excrete mercury. 

However, when mercury is removed it is typically replaced with another toxic additive that is frequently just as health harming. Topping the list is aluminum hydroxide. What makes this news even more alarming is that drugmakers are now testing aluminum hydroxide in flu shots for years now. 

Aluminum hydroxide is only one harmful additive among many, think MSG and phenoxyethanol (used to make antifreeze), that are found in vaccines. The aluminum hydroxide used in many vaccines has been linked to symptoms associated with Parkinson and Alzheimer disease. Aluminum hydroxide, which stimulates immune response, has been used for 80 years in vaccines such as those for hepatitis A and B, and the so called 'cocktail' for tetanus, polio, and meningitis.

Read this brief scientific research: 

Scientists discovered the link after injecting mice with an anthrax vaccine developed for the first Gulf War. After 20 weeks, a fifth of the mice developed a skin allergy, and memory problems increased by 41 times. Also, inside the brains of mice, 35 percent of the cells that control movement were destroyed.

I can present to you tons of scientific studies  I've discovered during my last few years of personal research on vaccines. Whoever has not study toxicology or gained in-depth knowledge about toxins and its adverse affects, you hardly know what is putting your life in jeopardy. 

Most of Europe gives very few vaccinations to children under two years old, primarily because of the unformed gut, immune system, and blood-brain barrier. US were hit badly by vaccinations to children as most of the states are compulsory. No exception for my own country, and i'm not surprise by the level and quality of so called' medical and health authorities' professionals here. What happen to FDA protection to people like us? Just look at Jenny McCartney's son's case, I felt for her, and most parents children, who suffered from autism. 

Folks, you have to know this fact. All vaccines are immune suppressing, which means they depress your natural immune functions, leaving you vulnerable to any number of diseases. And this is not even taking into account the vaccine additives, such as the mercury preservative thimerosal(which I've mentioned earlier in this post). Government agencies have set safe levels for methylmercury, but no safe levels have ever been set for thimerosal, because thimerosal isn't included in toxicity studies. Still think you can trust the government or your physician(especially paediatricians) with your children's blood? Besides, most of the vaccines offer less then 50% protection rate. 

Before I sign off, I would like to send a message to all the paediatricians and vaccines makers out there. "People's lives are not test experiments, especially children, stop screwing up our lives and make clean money!".  

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