Friday, December 3, 2010

Magnesium Stearate : Beneficial magnesium in supplements?

Today, I'm going to write an article about magnesium stearate. Although I'm quite sleepy right now, I thought I would write a short post on this substance. For those who are into taking supplements including multivitamins pills, DO read the following. 

Magnesium stearate is not a supplemental source of magnesium but it is a form of stearic acid and is used as a flow agent. The only purpose of it in the supplement is to help the raw materials become more slippery and flow through the machines that create the supplements.

Does anyone even know the source of magnesium stearate? Chalk! Yes, chalk which is used in schools and learning centres. This toxic flowing agent stimulates your gut to form a biofilm, which blocks the absorption of nutrients. It creates a barrier and prevents nutrients from being absorbed in the body itself. Magnesium stearate have been shown to suppress your natural killer cells in the body. It may also in fact be suppressing your immune system if you take large amounts of supplements, due to the filling agents. Thus, you are basically doing the opposite of trying to boost your immune system and provide 'nutrients' to the body. 

For bodybuilders or gym freaks out there, look out for your so called bodybuilding supplements such as creatine monohydrate, L-glutamine, L-Arginine, etc. Avoid this particular flowing agent if it is found in whatever supplement that you are consuming. Read the ingredient list of the product! 

Bottom line, you might think that you are providing yourself with sufficient nutrient everyday, but, what you might not realize, you are in fact doing more harm then good to your body. Folks, if you want actual nutrients, eat organic food! All the high quality nutrients are derived from organic vegetables, fruits and meats, seeds. nuts, eggs, etc. Synthetic nutrients DO not have the actual quality and molecular structure found in whole organic foods. If you really have to get supplements on the market,  ensure no artificial flavors, sweeteners, additives or harmful ingredients. Anyway, if you have been eating healthy and properly, you won't even need all these supplements. Agree? 

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