Sunday, December 5, 2010

Lists of organic food which are worth the money

Some of my colleagues and friends asked me, what to eat and what to buy. Which type of organic food to purchase? They seemed clueless and out of sorts. Well, here are some of the lists of organic food which are value for money for most people. Enjoy your shopping folks.

Apples - One of the highest pesticide contaminated fruits, more then 30 types of pesticides? There are also multiple chemicals found in commercial apples. 

Butter and milk - Dairy cows eat grains that are heavily treated with chemicals, which show up in the milk. Non-organic milk can also contain growth hormones and antibiotics. However, raw milk is nearly always better than organic milk if it is purchased from a conscious farmer.

Cucumber - Ranked top 15th most contaminated food, as it filled with pesticides. 

Grapes - One of the fruit which is loaded with pesticides. But I wouldn't recommend this fruit due to higher glycemic and fructose content. 

Spinach - The chemicals and pesticides used, can cause cancer and hormone imbalance. 

Strawberries - One of the most contaminated fruits of all produce. 

Eggs - Commercial eggs are cheaper, but it comes from unhealthy sick chickens. Growth hormones and antibiotics can cause tons of health related problems. Buy free range organic eggs. 

Chickens/Beef - Great source of protein, always avoid commercial chickens and beef. Animal products tend to bio-accumulate toxins, I strongly recommend organically-raised meats.  

Virgin Coconut Oil - I couldn't find any better cooking oil. 

Miscellanous veggies - It it's possible, ensure all vegetables are organic. Simple as that. 

By the way, not all organic food products are 'beneficial' to our body. Be aware of soy based food products, MSG ingredients, and the labeling content. Most authentic organic labeling must have be   certified by either USDA or other similar organic certification panels. It usually starts with no.9 on the food product. Commercial products has labeling starts with either 3 or 4. Don't get cheated and ensure your money is well spent!

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