Monday, December 20, 2010

Sugar: (Part 2) What has changed?

As I have just completed my posts on cancer, I will now write and continue my posts about sugar. Major villain, in our modern society, the cause of many nasty diseases you could imagine, and almost everyone's favorite food substance, yes, Sugar. It's found everywhere in our food products, and your waistline tells it all.

The rise of obesity and other rare diseases can be actually traced to a single factor. Unlike disease-carrying microbe, however, this culprit is hiding in plain sight, on the shelves of your local supermarkets, grocery outlets, convenient stores, and very likely your kitchen cabinet. 

Back in early years, only the wealthy can afford to overindulge in rich decadence food. But now, even the lower income people, from young to old, even small kids are suffering from obesity and other health problems. What happen? What went wrong? Why are obesity rates rising rapidly? 

Frustrated dieters often blame their genes. But, is that entirely true? Perhaps you have tried to lose weight in the past, but you just couldn't shed the extra pounds. Or, you managed to trim it down, but the weight eventually returned. You may be tempted to blame your parents from the gene inheritance, but have you ever think that it may be from your diet and sedentary lifestyle? Whether or not you become obese or overweight, it all depends on your diet, the food you eat, and the amount of proper exercise you get. 

Something must have changed in our environment, that is exploiting our tendency to accumulate body fat. A couple of obvious candidates comes to mind. For instance, you do not need to be wealthy to eat a waistline expanding diet. Thanks to advances of farming, manufacturing, shipping, delicious high calories food are cheap and widely available. Meanwhile, majority of people burn fewer calories then our ancestors, due to  rise of labor saving devices such as car, laptop and lawn mower. Easy and convenient right? 

Fructose has always been part of human diet, when you pluck an apple from a tree, or berries from a bush. That is because fructose, as the name suggests, the main form of sugar found in fruits. How about High Fructose Corn Syrup? Anyone heard of it? HFCS, is actually an artificial sweetener, a synthetically man made fructose, a higher sweetness level then fructose itself. It is found in most processed food and beverages. Most brands of soda and many kinds of candy contain HFCS. Other processed food such as peanut butter, pasta sauce, yogurts, soup, ketchups contains this sweetener. 

I've got a colleague of mine gained approximately 17 kg in over a year period. That's astonishingly shocking, for a non-American dude, almost 35 pounds of fat gained. Eating a high fructose diet, causes weight gain. No? I would place a bet with you anytime of the year, and I'm very confident that I will win the bet. Eating too much of any form of sugar, will make you fat. Period! 

Folks, remember this, no matter which doctor, medical officer, health practitioner or even so called fitness instructor or nutritionist tells you that eating fat makes you fat, that is absolutely bullshit! I eat very high good quality fat every single day, and I stay lean. People who says eating fat makes a person fat, he or she definitely  lack of knowledge about nutrition and health.

Eating fructose causes far more accumulation of abdominal fat. High fructose food DO not satisfy your appetite. People who consume food or beverages high in fructose, their have tendency to crave for more food, especially sugary food. Why? It is because fructose blocks the communication between leptin, ghrelin and your brain pathways. When your hunger hormone unable to tell your brain that you are full and there is no need for more food, you will always feels hungry and increase snacking frequency. Because of this phenomenon, your brain never gets the message that your brain has consumed loads of calories. Thus, the appetite center in your brain remains unsatisfied, so you continue eating. As a result, you gain weight.  Make sense now? 

High fructose food, may interfere with the signaling system that controls appetite for all food. It disrupts the communication of insulin with the brain center as well. As I mentioned in earlier post about soft drinks, people who consume regular soft drinks and fruit juices, tend to be overweight. Those are the two major sources of fructose consumption. 

HFCS is cheaper then refined sugar, therefore, fast food outlets and beverage industry have been able to sell large servings of soda with low prices, which has led people to consume more calories. Soft drinks appears to pose a problem for people who is trying to control their weight and stay healthy. When you hit a can of soft drink, your blood sugar soar and you will have more cravings of sugary food after that. Sounds familiar?  


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