Sunday, December 19, 2010

Do you have fatty deposits in specific body area?

Today, I would like to enlighten to whoever is reading this post. Some of you might notice certain body areas which have more fatty deposits,  but I assume that majority of you don't have a clue why those fatty deposits are stored in those areas of the body. Now, you are about to find out typically the reason why those fats are stored in specific areas of your body.

  1. For those who have fatty deposits around the mid section(belly) area, basically it concerns the amount of stress in the body, especially when it regards to cortisol stressor hormone secreting this chemical messenger in the body when chronic stress are experienced over a long period of time. 
  2. For those who have acne or grow hairs around the chin area/jaw line or oily skin, typically that tells a woman(usually) who has hormonal imbalance which androgens are overloaded. Also, fatty deposits typically occur on the triceps and pectoral areas of the body. 
  3. Next, fatty deposits on the mid back section and sides of the waist, usually refers to people who has high insulin in the body. Some women also have fat deposits besides the side armpits and it's noticeable when they wear a bra. Rings a bell ladies? Usually, this type of people has blood sugar handling problem or insulin resistance issue. If any of you heard of insulin-resistance, you will know what's coming to hit you next. This is an epidemic which is going on around the society right now.
  4. For those who have fatty deposits around the glute (buttock) or quad areas,  typically it refers to people who has high estrogen levels in the body. Some women might struggle to lose weight in this case as well. 

Folks, remember to keep your hormones balanced. Till then. Stay tuned. 

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